
最初に詳細な見て Google の TPU アーキテクチャ|First In-Depth Look at Google’s TPU Architecture




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Four years ago, Google started to see the real potential for deploying neural networks to support a large number of new services. During that time it was also clear that, given the existing hardware, if people did voice searches for three minutes per day or dictated to their phone for short periods, Google would have to double the number of datacenters just to run machine learning models. The need for a new architectural approach was clear, Google distinguished hardware engineer, Norman Jouppi, tells The Next Platform, but it required some radical thinking. As it turns out, that’s exactly what he is known for. One of the chief architects of the MIPS processor, Jouppi has pioneered new technologies in memory systems and is one of the most recognized names in microprocessor design.
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アフリカ系アメリカ人の教育の評価の役割|The Role of Assessment in Education for African-Americans




評価はどのようにアフリカ系アメリカ人の教育の成果を改善できますか。それは科学、工学および薬の国立アカデミーに出席する今週の会議の焦点だった。 はっきりスピーカーとしてただし、する可能性がありますされていない右の質問。または、少なくとも、誰もが質問に合意されました。 参加者募集アドレスに問題についての疑いはありませんでした。学力格差で硬直した場合おなじみのデータ レイアウト Peggy Carr、国立教育統計センター長官の演技から、国民の評価の教育進捗状況 (NAEP)。


How can assessment improve educational outcomes for African-Americans? That was the focus of a conference I attended this week at the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. As the speakers made clear, however, that might not have been the right question. Or at least, not everyone agreed on the question. There was no doubt about the problem the participants wanted to address. Peggy Carr, the acting commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, laid out the stark, if familiar, data on achievement gaps from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
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IBM のクラウドはまだ Nvidia の最速 Gpu のサポートを追加します。|IBM’s cloud adds support for Nvidia’s fastest GPUs yet




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IBM today announced that users on its Bluemix cloud will soon be able to add two Nvidia Tesla P100 accelerator cards to their bare metal servers. The company says this feature will launch later this month and, when it’s live, IBM will likely be the first major cloud provider to offer support for these chips, which can provide up to 4.7 teraflops of double-precision performance and 16 gigabytes of memory. There is still a chance that Google could beat IBM to the market, though. Late last year, Google also announced that it would support Nvidia’s newest GPUs early this year, but we haven’t heard when exactly the company plans to launch this feature. We asked Google for an updated timeline but haven’t heard back yet.
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深い学習スター クラフトの戦略|Deep Learning StarCraft Strategies




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グローバルな 深い学習 業界 2017年市場動向、レビュー、機会、発展.|Global Deep Learning Industry 2017 Market Trends, Reviews, Opportunities, Developments …




研究レポートは、近い将来に深い学習の新たな要求に影響を与えると予想される重要な要因の影響を評価した後潜在的な市場の成長と深い学習のための開発の未来を予測します。すべてのトップ プレーヤーは、地域別またはグローバルに、メモを取るべき、浮上している傾向を学習キーを報告する. このプレス リリースには SBWire、ブルックリンに分散 orginally – (SBWIRE) – 2017/04/05 – 世界の深い学習市場の広範な分析は、開発されたが後に業界の専門家から質的な洞察力と 2017 に 2021 の予測期間中に過去のデータとして市場規模について検証可能な予測が含まれていますこのレポートで提示されています。


The research report estimates the future of the potential market growth and developments for Deep Learning, after evaluating the impact of key factors that are expected to influence the emerging demands for Deep Learning in the near future. The report also presents the key learning trends that are emerging, which every top player should take a note of, be it regional or global. This press release was orginally distributed by SBWire Brooklyn, NY — (SBWIRE) — 04/05/2017 — An extensive analysis of the global Deep Learning market has been presented in this report, which has been developed after qualitative insights from industry experts and includes historical data as well as verifiable projections about market size during the forecast period of 2017 to 2021.
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4 月愚か者”DeepDoggo”愛することができます教えてあなたの犬が良い犬であるかどうか|April Fools "DeepDoggo" AI Can Tell If Your Dog Is A Good Dog




良い犬は誰ですか。これは、現代のコンピューター科学の基本的な質問の 1 つ、カーネギー メロン大学の研究者ベン Lengerich に取り組む頭に深い学習ニューラル ネットワークの信じられないほどの力を使用することを決めた-彼はそれにいた間、a. i. の誇大広告の状態にコメントをして。 DeepDoggo は、ユーザーがすべての犬の写真をアップロードし、科学が良い犬画像に基づいて、悪いものかこの犬を認めるかどうかを学ぶことができるサービスです。それは伴われるハリー Q. Bovik の今年の特別な関心グループの出版されたペーパー (SIGBOVIK 会議、カーネギー メロン大学で毎年恒例のエイプリルフール イベント (SIGBOVIK サイトをリロードする場合それ新しい Q ベースのミドルネームの会議の創設者のたびに生成されます)。


Who’s a good dog? This is one of the fundamental questions for modern computing science, and Carnegie Mellon researcher Ben Lengerich decided to use the incredible power of deep learning neural networks to tackle it head on — and make a comment on the state of A.I. hype, while he was at it. DeepDoggo is a service that allows users to upload a photo of any dog and learn whether science deems this dog to be a good dog, or a bad one, based on the picture. It is accompanied by a paper published for this year’s Special Interest Group on Harry Q. Bovik (SIGBOVIK conference, an annual April Fools event at Carnegie Mellon (if you reload the SIGBOVIK site, it generates a new Q-based middle name for their conference founder each time).
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ルノーは、人工知能 を介してジャック ・ ケルアックのファン小説を書くことが電気自動車を取得します|Renault Gets an Electric Car to Write Jack Kerouac Fan Fiction via Artificial Intelligence




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A new campaign for Renault in Sweden sees its Zoe electric car “write” Jack Kerouac fan fiction for test drivers via artificial intelligence. According to agency Edelman Deportivo, one of the major obstacles to widespread electric-car adoption is commonly labelled “range anxiety,” or the fear that a vehicle has insufficient range to reach its destination. So the effort aims to show how far a Renault can go in a single charge, by showing a car going where no other has gone before — by turning automobile into “author.” The “Written by Zoe” promotes the Zoe, which has a 400km range.
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このリサイクル ロボットは 人工知能 を使用して資源こみを並べ替えます|This Recycling Robot Uses Artificial Intelligence To Sort Your Recyclables




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In 2011, the Finnish company ZenRobotics was first on the waste management scene with their robotic waste sorter. Their system used a combination of  computer vision, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) to run synchronized robotic arms to sort and pick recycled materials from moving conveyor belts. The company broke ground with recycling stations that were tied together in a neural network and the AI learned, from real-time feeds providing data from metal sensors, 3D laser cameras and spectroscopic cameras, to select and sort the right items from the belt. Then came Spain. Sadako Technologies has been working on an AI-infused garbage sorting systems on a smaller scale than Zen Robotics.
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マスターズ ハイライト IBM のワトソンのコンピューターを介して取得の 人工知能 処理|Masters highlights getting artificial intelligence treatment via IBM’s Watson computer




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A near-miss during the Par-3 contest had Shane Lowry, Padraig Harrington and the crowd on the edge of some Augusta National magic. Recall Sunday, April 10, 2016. Jordan Spieth had just teed off in the final group of a sure-to-be exciting day at Augusta National. Minutes later, across the course, Shane Lowry kickstarted the party. The Irishman drew his ball to the center of the 16th green, where it curled left and toward the hole. It fell in the cup for an ace and created the first roar in what seemed like days.
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ボックスがデータ ・ コンプライアンスを簡素化する AI を使いたいです。|Box wants to use AI to simplify data compliance




人工知能 (AI) は、ボックスの CEO、アーロン Levie によると GDPR に類似した法律を将来に向けて企業支援で重要な役割をプレイできます。 彼の共同事務所の一般的なデータ保護規制 (GDPR)、EU の着信データ保護ガイドラインへの準拠を支援する計画通り Levie に語った雲プロ AI を作ることをプロセスより簡単に将来的に。 「長期的にこれは、機械学習とインテリジェンス広くするつもりは非常に貴重なプライバシー ポリシーとデータの周りの移動風景を理解し始める方法である」Levie は言った。


Artificial intelligence (AI) could play a vital role in helping businesses prepare for future legislation similar to GDPR, according to Box’s CEO, Aaron Levie. As his collaboration firm outlined how it plans to help customers comply with the EU’s incoming data protection guidelines, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Levie told Cloud Pro that AI could make the process much easier in the future. “Long term this is where machine learning and intelligence is broadly going to be incredibly valuable, which is how you begin to understand the moving landscape around policy and data privacy,” Levie said.
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