
IBM は、AI の作業負荷を高めるためクラウドで NVIDIA GPU アクセラレータを採用します。|IBM will adopt NVIDIA GPU accelerator on the cloud to boost AI workloads




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IBM announced this week that it is the initial global cloud provider to make the NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU accelerator available on the cloud. By combining NVIDIA’s acceleration technology with IBM’s Cloud platform, businesses can expect to run compute-heavy workloads, such as artificial intelligence, deep learning and high performance data analytics. As a cloud provider that enables the use of the Tesla P100 GPU accelerator on the cloud, IBM will make it more accessible for businesses in industries including healthcare, financial services, energy and manufacturing to extract valuable insight from big data.
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インテルは、AI、オープン ソースは、深い学習 パートナー優先ネットワークにベットします。|Intel bets on AI, partners Preferred Networks for open source deep learning




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Intel and Japan-based Preferred Networks have announced a collaboration that will focus on the development of Chainer, an open source Python-based deep learning framework developed by the Preferred Networks. The partnership, announced at Intel’s Tokyo AI Day, aims to boost the performance of deep learning applications on Intel’s products and forms part of Intel’s strategy for gaining ground in the artificial intelligence (AI) space. The collaboration will also focus on easing AI development and affordability, with results of the collaboration published on Intel’s GitHub repository. Chainer was made open-source in June 2015 and the framework has since been adopted for the development of deep learning in both research and real-world applications.
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コグネックスは、深い学習 ソフトウェア dev ビディ システムを取得します。|Cognex acquires deep learning software dev ViDi Systems




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How to specify, size and connect wire You cannot just use any size and type of wire to connect automation hardware on machines. It’s not okay to grab the nearest roll of wire off the shelf and begin to wire a control panel or machine. There are many requirements to follow, including ampacity, color and many other characteristics.
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Adobe は、AI とあなたの selfies を美化するために学習を使用したいです。|Adobe wants to use AI and machine learning to beautify your selfies




フォト ショップについて忘れなさい。人々 は今コンピュータ ビジョン、機械学習、人工知能を使用して彼らの selfies を編集します。 すべて Meitu に Snapchat からいくつかのアプリは、リアルタイムでも – あなたのデバイスのカメラを見て何を調整できるように、これらの技術を使用します。例えば、Snapchat は、Meitu することができます即座にあなたの肖像画を美しくしながら、クラウンを着ているように見えるそれを行うことができますレンズを持っています。だから、selfies があふれているときに、Adobe Photoshop のメーカーは同様このようなテクノロジーを活用してたい理にかなって。 先生、手を出さず人工知能、機械学習、アドビシス テムズ社の拡張機能は、取り組んでいる – と selfies の向上にフォーカスするよういくつかの新しい機能のためにトレーラーをリリースしました。


Forget about Photoshopping. People now edit their selfies using computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Several apps from Snapchat to Meitu all use these technologies so that they can adjust what your device’s camera sees – even in real-time. For instance, Snapchat has lenses that can make it look like you’re wearing a crown, while Meitu can instantly beautify your portraits. So, at a time when selfies are everywhere, it makes sense that Adobe, the maker of Photoshop, would want to leverage such technologies as well. Sensei, an extension of Adobe that dabbles in artificial intelligence and machine learning, has released a trailer for some new features that it is working on – and they all seem to be focused on improving selfies.
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人工知能、機械学習ヘルスケアのオーバー ホール サービス セットとして|AI, Machine Learning as a Service Set to Overhaul Healthcare




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– Relatively few healthcare organizations have the resources or analytics maturity to develop their own intricate big data analytics infrastructure from scratch, but a growing number of vendors are starting to make the daunting and costly process easier by offering artificial intelligence and machine learning as a service (MLaaS). The “as a service” industry, which has quickly branched out to cover a number of critical data-heavy use cases, allows organizations to contract with third-party vendors that do the heavy lifting in terms of data collection, storage, movement, and analytics. Many healthcare stakeholders are already familiar with MLaaS technologies, even if the acronym itself is new to them.
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人事部の AI: 人々 のベストを引き出すために 人工知能|AI in HR: Artificial intelligence to bring out the best in people




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Whenever there’s a need to draft a job description, Expedia Inc.’s 3,000-plus recruiters and hiring managers have the option to call on a writing coach. The online travel-booking company’s writing companion is Textio Inc., an artificial intelligence application that runs in the cloud and analyzes each typewritten word in milliseconds to spot gender bias or other language that might turn off good candidates. The software generates an effectiveness score and suggests alternative phrasing, in effect teaching the recruiter how to write a job description more effectively. Textio is just one of many recent applications of AI in HR.
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開発者から要求の AI 実質知能のアプリケーションの構築|Building applications for AI demands real intelligence from developers




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Developing applications for the cloud is yesterday’s news. The new vista is artificial intelligence, the ability of applications or devices with embedded software — think self-driving cars — to learn from their experiences and continually improve. The challenge for developers is that AI goes far beyond cranking out lines of code to encompass other disciplines, including advanced mathematics, analytics and deep learning. In other words, if you’re building applications for AI, there are many things to know before approaching the starting line. Understand what AI is — and isn’t. AI is not a digital counterpart to broad-based human intelligence. Applications for AI, like all applications, are task-oriented — designed to do one thing and do it well.
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SlashNext は、サイバー セキュリティを変換するためのシリーズ A の資金の $9 M を発表します。|SlashNext Announces $9M in Series A Funding to Transform Cyber Security




プレザントン、カリフォルニア州-(Marketwired – 2017 年 4 月 4 日) – SlashNext、に対して高度な保護のリーダー ソーシャル エンジニア リング型の攻撃、マルウェア、悪用、データの盗難、今日 $ 900 万ノーウェスト ベンチャー パートナーおよび翼ベンチャー キャピタルが資金調達の led シリーズでの終了を発表しました。ノースウェスト ・ ベンチャー ・ パートナーズのレクリエーション ・ ハク、Gaurav Garg 翼ベンチャー キャピタルの新しいラウンドの一部として取締役会に参加します。この投資は、以上 $ 1000 万にまで資金調達会社の合計をもたらします。 「SlashNext は検出し、サイバー セキュリティ製品の最も重要な特徴である、広範囲にわたる脅威ブロック焦点を当てた「レクリエーション ・ ハク、ノースウェスト ・ ベンチャー ・ パートナーズでシニア ・ マネージング ・ パートナーは言った。


PLEASANTON, CA–(Marketwired – Apr 4, 2017) – SlashNext, the leader in advanced protection against socially engineered attacks, malware, exploits and data theft, today announced the closing of $9 million in Series A funding led by Norwest Venture Partners and Wing Venture Capital. Both Promod Haque of Norwest Venture Partners and Gaurav Garg of Wing Venture Capital will join the board of directors as a part of the new round. This investment brings the company’s total funding to date to over $10 million. “SlashNext is focused on detecting and blocking threats across a broad spectrum, which is the most important characteristic of a cyber security product,” said Promod Haque, senior managing partner at Norwest Venture Partners.
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マイクロソフトは、振りかける、機械学習 によって供給愚かなカメラアプリを起動します。|Microsoft launches Sprinkles, a silly camera app powered by machine learning




マイクロソフトは今 App の店のセクション「新しいアプリ私たちの愛」の注目スポットを得てを振りかけると呼ばれる新しい iOS のアプリケーションを「楽しいカメラアプリ」ゲームが入っています。振りかける、明らかに 10 代の観客を目指したと gist ステッカー、絵文字およびキャプションのようなツールを飾る伝統的な写真のさまざまなを提供することですが、マイクロソフト社の機械学習と顔検出などを行う、写真被写体の年齢、感情を決定する、あなたの有名人見て、ようを把握、キャプション、および多くを提案する人工知能の機能を活用します。 これらのツールは、マイクロソフトでは、CelebsLike.me は、あなたの有名人 doppelgängers を示していますたとえば、またはどのように古いようなの他の消費者向けの web プロジェクトの前に使用する配置されています。


Microsoft is getting into the “fun camera app” game with a new iOS application called Sprinkles, which has now earned a featured spot in the “New apps we love” section of the App Store. The gist with Sprinkles, clearly aimed at a teen audience, is to offer a variety of traditional photo decorating tools like stickers, emoji and captions, but leverages Microsoft’s machine learning and A.I. capabilities to do things like detect faces, determine the photo subject’s age and emotion, figure out your celebrity look-a-like, suggest captions, and more. These tools have been put to use before in other consumer-facing web projects from Microsoft, like CelebsLike.me, which shows your celebrity doppelgängers, for example, or How-Old.
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医療用 medable 発売クラウド ベース 機械学習 ソリューション|Medable Launches Cloud-Based Machine Learning Solution for Healthcare




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Cerebrum is the first machine learning solution created specifically for healthcare apps “Leveraging smartphones will bring on an era of pervasive health diagnostics” PALO ALTO, Calif., April 04, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MEDABLE Inc., the leading application and analytics platform for healthcare, today announced Cerebrum, the first cloud-based machine learning solution created specifically for healthcare apps.   Cerebrum leverages data gathering smartphones with a first-of-its-kind machine learning engine, resulting in health events becoming more easily predicted, such as warning an elderly relative when he is at greatest risk of a fall, or preventing an asthmatic child from triggering a life threatening episode. Smartphones are the planet’s dominant accessory.
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