
このリサイクル ロボットは 人工知能 を使用して資源こみを並べ替えます|This Recycling Robot Uses Artificial Intelligence To Sort Your Recyclables




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In 2011, the Finnish company ZenRobotics was first on the waste management scene with their robotic waste sorter. Their system used a combination of  computer vision, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) to run synchronized robotic arms to sort and pick recycled materials from moving conveyor belts. The company broke ground with recycling stations that were tied together in a neural network and the AI learned, from real-time feeds providing data from metal sensors, 3D laser cameras and spectroscopic cameras, to select and sort the right items from the belt. Then came Spain. Sadako Technologies has been working on an AI-infused garbage sorting systems on a smaller scale than Zen Robotics.
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