
Neurala により、開発者、無人偵察機に強力な AI ソフトウェアをすばやく追加する自走式自動車.|Neurala enables developers to quickly add powerful AI software into drones, self-driving cars …




製品開発者は大幅博士研究者のチームに AI アプリケーションの配置では、さまざまなツールの広範な評価や Neurala が今日発表した、Neurala 開発者プログラムで高価な研究開発の年に加速します。 Neurala Neurala 脳、スマートな製品を作っている深い学習ニューラル ネットワーク プラットフォームのようなおもちゃ、カメラ、自動運転車より自律的、対話的で使いやすくします。 Neurala 開発者プログラムは、ソフトウェア開発者がターゲット アプリケーションに Neurala 脳を統合する必要があるすべてを持っています。テスト ツール、コード例および作業プログラム ソース コードで C++ Api のセットが含まれています。モバイルのラッパーは、これらのプラットフォームの統合を容易にするためには、Android と iOS のため提供しています。


Product developers can significantly accelerate the deployment of AI applications without a team of Ph.D. researchers, an extensive evaluation of different tools or years of costly R&D with the Neurala Developers Program, announced today by Neurala.  Neurala makes The Neurala Brain, a deep learning neural networks platform that is making smart products like toys, cameras and self-driving cars more autonomous, interactive and useful. The Neurala Developers Program has everything a software developer needs to integrate The Neurala Brain into a target application. It includes a set of C++ APIs, testing tools, code examples and a working program with source code. Mobile wrappers are provided for Android and iOS to make integration easier on those platforms.
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この AI 技術はハリウッドの緑色の画面をオフに殺すことができます。|This AI Technology Could Kill Off Hollywood’s Green Screens




劇場でスパイダーマンの爆発をクルクル回る不可能な隙間の向こうに滑空、ニューヨークの街をスイングします。スタジオでは、しかし、トム オランダ転がる巨大なグリーン シートの前に。しかし、幸いなことに多くの俳優の新しい人工知能技術に終わりをもたらすグリーン スクリーンの前で演技の退屈な経験。新しい紙は共同 Adobe、イリノイ大学で公開され、ベックマン先端科学技術研究所について俳優少しより自然の状況で彼らの仕事をさせる新しい人工知能プログラムでしたあらゆる状況の人やオブジェクトの背景を削除する方法を説明します。


In theaters, Spider-Man swings over the streets of New York, gliding across impossible gaps, somersaulting through explosions. In the studio, however, Tom Holland rolls around in front of a giant green sheet. But fortunately for many actors, a new A.I. technology could bring an end to the tedious experience of acting in front of a green screen. A new paper co-published by Adobe, the University of Illinois, and the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology explains how a new A.I. program could remove the background behind a person or object in virtually any situation, letting actors do their jobs in slightly-more-natural circumstances.
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深い学習 を、データの豊富な金持ちになります。|With deep learning, the data-rich get richer




以前の記事で企業の深い学習の有望なアプリケーションが話し合った深い学習の最大の可能性は、画像、音声などの少ない構造、意味のようなデータおよび他のセンサー データにビジネスに関連する構造を追加します。 どのように迅速がトーンとサポートの影響はイライラした顧客の変更は、サポート担当者によって分解からコールですか。その時間-する-なんか生音データではなく、あなたのビジネスに重要です。 一般に機械学習アルゴリズムを訓練するとき (と深い網はこれの極端な例) より多くのデータより。「フィット」あなたのデータ – トレーニング セットにしかし不十分な新しいデータに非常によく実行するの永続的な危険性があります。


In a previous post I discussed the promising applications for deep learning in the enterprise. The greatest potential for deep learning is in adding business-relevant structure to less-structured, sense-like data — such as images, audio and other sensor data. How quickly does the tone and affect of a support call from a frustrated customer change, broken down by support rep? It’s that time-to-mollification that matters to your business, not the raw sound data. Generally when training machine learning algorithms (and deep nets are an extreme example of this), the more data the better. There’s a persistent danger of “overfitting” your data — performing very well on the training set, but poorly on new data.
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Fpga は、次世代の 深い学習 を加速する上で Gpu を打つことができるか。|Can FPGAs Beat GPUs in Accelerating Next-Generation Deep Learning?




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Continued exponential growth of digital data of images, videos, and speech from sources such as social media and the internet-of-things is driving the need for analytics to make that data understandable and actionable. Data analytics often rely on machine learning (ML) algorithms. Among ML algorithms, deep convolutional neural networks (DNNs) offer state-of-the-art accuracies for important image classification tasks and are becoming widely adopted. At the recent International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (ISFPGA), Dr. Eriko Nurvitadhi from Intel Accelerator Architecture Lab (AAL), presented research on Can FPGAs beat GPUs in Accelerating Next-Generation Deep Neural Networks.
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中国政府は人工知能の開発に緑色の光を与える|China Government Gives the Green Light to Development of Artificial Intelligence




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The Chinese government has recently announced its intentions to prioritize the development of artificial intelligence (AI) as part of its goal t become the world leaders in this field. Analysts have estimated that the technology industry is set to grow by more than 50 percent over the next 12 months, making it worth around $5.5 billion. In his speech at the annual parliamentary session in Beijing last week, Premier Li Keqiang advised, “We will implement a comprehensive plan to boost strategic emerging industries.  We will accelerate research and development (R & D) on, and the commercialization of new materials, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, bio-pharmacy, 5G mobile communications, and other technologies.
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deepsense.io CEO: Cloudera のベンダー ロックの代わりを使用してネプチューンをなぜ許可するか?|deepsense.io CEO: Why Allow Cloudera’s Vendor Locking Instead of Using Neptune?




パロ ・ アルト、カリフォルニア、2017 年 3 月 21 日日/prnewswire/- San Jose の層 + Hadoop 世界で Cloudera 発表彼らの新しいツールは現在ベータ版で利用可能です。Cloudera データ科学ワークベンチの機能のほとんどと同じネプチューンのデータ科学者たち、彼らの作業効率を向上させるための deepsense.io の DevOps プラットフォームであると機械学習になり実験管理と展開の迅速かつ容易に、コア活動のための時間を節約することができます – 思考。 トマシュ Kulakowski、CEO の deepsense.io は本日述べた:”データ科学分野の成長サポート データ科学者の日常的な活動のツールありますより多く参照してくださいに満足しております。


PALO ALTO, California, March 21, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — At Strata+Hadoop World in San Jose, Cloudera announced their new tool currently available in beta. Most of the Cloudera Data Science Workbench’s features are the same as Neptune’s, which is deepsense.io’s DevOps platform for data scientists, helping them increase their work efficiency, and thereby making machine learning experiments management and deployment faster and easier, allowing to save time for their core activity – thinking. Tomasz Kulakowski, CEO of deepsense.io said today: “We are happy to see that the data science sector grows and that there are more and more tools supporting data scientists’ day-to-day activities.
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IBM と PlayFab 使用 機械学習 してプレイヤーの振る舞いを理解します。|IBM and PlayFab will use machine learning to understand player behaviour




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Computing giant IBM and backend service provider PlayFab have formed a joint initiative to give game developers deeper insights into player behavior. The program will let developers feed data into IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence platform for analysis, with the system capable of building models from structured and unstructured data, as well as open machine learning libraries. Watson will use that information to deliver lessons and feedback directly to devs through PlayFab, allowing them to make meaningful changes to their games in a bid to boost engagement by better understanding players.
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インテリジェントなクラウドのインとアウト|​The ins and outs of the intelligent cloud




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Cloud-based artificial intelligence and machine learning is on the cusp of providing partners with new opportunities, but barriers remain. In January, IBM announced that it was merging the artificial intelligence [AI] tools of fellow tech powerhouse, Google, with its own cognitive computing technologies. The aim of the move is to allow its deep-learning systems to more accurately come up with answers for thorny questions. Meanwhile, also at the turn of the year, Apple became the latest tech company to sign up to the Partnership on AI alliance, joining rivals such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Facebook to help advance research and development of AI technologies.
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人生と生活を作り直す技術|The Technologies Reshaping Life and Livelihood




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On a recent visit to Energy Institute High School in Houston, students were contemplating the impact of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) on their community. Every high school student should have a similar opportunity to study artificial intelligence and its influence on their life and work. It promises to be the single most important change driver over the next two decades but is seldom discussed on high school campuses. AI–the notion that machines could exhibit human intelligence–was conceived in the 1950s but it became a really big deal with the recent explosion of big data powered by cheap computing and storage (Moore’s Law) and lots of devices, sensors, cameras and RFID tags (the Internet of Things).
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NVIDIA 株式非任天堂スイッチ成功によって危険にさらした: アナリスト|NVIDIA Corporation Stock De-Risked By Nintendo Switch Success: Analyst




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NVIDIA stock surged more than 3% during regular trading hours on Monday as analysts assessed the company’s Deep Learning Connect event, which was held last week. One analyst said on Friday that the better-than-expected sales of the Nintendo Switch will boost NVIDIA’s results, while another said on Monday that last week’s event gave them a fuller understanding of the chip maker’s machine learning and customer engagement efforts. NVIDIA stock has had a volatile 2017 so far despite being up 222% for the last 12 months, but since Intel’s acquisition of autonomous driving firm Mobileye was announced last week, NVIDIA shares have been climbing. NVIDIA stock has rallied by about 9%, snapping a pair of downward trends.
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