
Google チーム リファイン GPU 搭載ニューラル機械翻訳|Google Team Refines GPU Powered Neural Machine Translation




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Despite the fact that Google has developed its own custom machine learning chips, the company is well-known as a user of GPUs internally, particularly for its deep learning efforts, in addition to offering GPUs in its cloud. At last year’s Nvidia GPU Technology Conference, Jeff Dean, Senior Google Fellow offered a vivid description of how the search giant has deployed GPUs for a large number of workloads, many centered around speech recognition and language-oriented research projects as well as various computer vision efforts. What was clear from Dean’s talk—and from watching other deep learning shops with large GPU cluster counts—is that the real innovation is around tightening deep learning algorithms and frameworks to hum on GPU clusters.
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DNN 人気ドライブ ジェットソンの NVidia の TX2|DNN Popularity Drives NVidia’s Jetson TX2




深いニューラル ネット (DNNs) と深い学習に関心の高まりを NVidia のジェットソン TX2 のようなプラットフォームの人気運転している (図 1)。87 mm ジェットソン TX2 モジュールによって 50 ミリメートルは、256 コア NVIDIA パスカル GPU、64 ビット NVIDIA デンバー 2 ARM 互換コアと 4 つの 64 ビット腕 A57 コアのペアを持っています。単精度パフォーマンスの 2 TFLOPs を実現します。 ジェットソン TX2 はカフェや Tensorflow のような深い学習フレームワークをサポートすることができます NVidia の CUDA プログラマ環境として cuDNN (CUDA 深いニューラル ネットワーク) プラットフォームをサポートします。 1. NVidia のジェットソン TX2 は 256 コア NVIDIA パスカル GPU パフォーマンスの 2 TFLOPs を実現します。 ジェットソン TX2 では、キャリア ボードを操作する必要があります。NVidia の開発キットも少ないので、展開のためのモジュールをチェック アウトお勧めします。


The increased interest in deep neural nets (DNNs) and deep learning are driving the popularity of platforms like NVidia’s Jetson TX2 (Fig. 1). The 50-mm by 87-mm Jetson TX2 module has a 256-core NVIDIA Pascal GPU, a pair of 64-bit NVIDIA Denver 2 ARM-compatible cores, and four 64-bit ARM A57 cores. It delivers 2 TFLOPs of single precision performance. The Jetson TX2 supports NVidia’s CUDA programmer environment as well as the cuDNN (CUDA deep neural network) platform, allowing it to support deep-learning frameworks like Caffe and Tensorflow. 1. NVidia’s Jetson TX2 has a 256-core NVIDIA Pascal GPU that delivers 2 TFLOPs of performance. The Jetson TX2 requires a carrier board to operate. NVidia’s development kit is good for checking out the module, but less so for deployment.
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インド アメリカ コンピューター科学者バッグ NSF のキャリア賞|Indian-American computer scientist bags NSF’s CAREER award




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An Indian-American computer scientist has won National Science Foundation’s prestigious CAREER award for his research on redesigning current machine-learning processes. Anshumali Shrivastava was one of the recipients of the CAREER awards given to about 400 scholars each year across all disciplines to support the research and educational development of young scholars likely to become leaders in their fields. “My research leverages the existing algorithmic advances for pushing machine learning to the extreme scale,” said Shrivastava, an assistant professor of computer science at Rice university. Shrivastava hopes to come up with clever algorithmic strategies to enable faster, more scalable computations required by big data and machine-learning technologies.
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都市より「建設環境」のデータをが必要|Cities need more ‘built environment’ data




建物のプロパティ産業界からデータがスマートシティの取り組みに大きな貢献を作ることが政府が新しい報告書の著者の一人によると、いくつかの金融インセンティブを提供する必要があります。 レディング大学で造られた環境の学校から (写真) 教授のティム ・ ディクソンは、先週ロンドンで大きなデータ世界のイベントで思考を説明しました。 スマートな都市、大きなデータ、ビルド環境の出版物の前に日を話した: 何が必要か、ロイヤル機関のチャーター測量研究トラストが主催する。スマートでブリストル、ミルトン ・ ケインズ、アムステルダム、台北、事例研究、世界各地のオンライン スコーピング調査を通して研究し、ワーク ショップ英国ベースの専門家。


Data from the building and property industries could make a big contribution to smart cities initiatives, but government might have to provide some financial incentives, according to one of the authors of a new report. Professor Tim Dixon (pictured) from the School of the Built Environment at the University of Reading outlined the thinking at the Big Data World event in London last week. He spoke the day before the publication of Smart Cities, Big Data and the Build Environment: What’s Required?, sponsored by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Research Trust. It was researched through an online scoping survey of smart cities around the world, case studies in Bristol, Milton Keynes, Amsterdam and Taipei, and a workshop of UK based experts.
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ナレッジ ・ マネジメントの新たな展望にまたがるロボット、人工知能ツール|New vistas of knowledge management span Bots, Artificial Intelligence tools




知識経営の規律は長年にわたって主として情報技術の進化によって形作られ、成熟した認知的道具の出現のため多大な恩恵を受けています。年の初め、フォーカスに達成することと同様に彼らのノウハウを共有するステーク ホルダーの整理しカタログのコンテンツと情報を慎重にソートに利用可能な限られたデータを変換させが苦労して築いたリポジトリの使用します。


The discipline of knowledge management has been shaped largely by the evolution of information technology over the years and has benefitted a great deal on account of the emergence of matured cognitive tools. In the early years, the focus was to organise and catalogue content and convert limited data available into carefully sorted information and encourage the stakeholders to share their knowhow as well as to motivate them to make use of the repository painstakingly built.
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カニエ ・ ウェストの歌詞ラップ AI ボットをプログラムするために使用: 耳を傾ける|Kanye West Lyrics Used to Program Rapping AI Bot: Listen




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A West Virginia teenager has created a rapping A.I. bot that self-generates bars using Kanye West lyrics, Quartz reports. Robbie Barrat, 17, was debating whether artificial intelligence could be taught to perform tasks better than humans in his high school’s programming club. Using open-source code, Barrat programmed the A.I. with 6,000 Kanye lines and finished the project in a week to show his peers at the next club meeting. “Originally it just rearranged existing rap lyrics, but now it can actually write word-by-word,” Barrat said. The bot can also incorporate pauses for rhythm and effect. Listen to the results below.
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Google クラウドが企業にはその魅力を磨く|Google Cloud Polishes Its Appeal To Enterprise




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At its Cloud Next conference in San Francisco on March 9, Google announced the launch of a new machine learning API for automatically detecting and recognizing objects in videos and making them searchable. The company states that this API is the “first of its kind, enabling developers to easily search and discover video content by providing information about entities”. Google last fall created a machine learning group within its Cloud Platform business and brought on Fei-Fei Li, director of Stanford University’s Artificial Intelligence Lab and the Stanford Vision Lab and a longtime AI and machine learning researcher, to head the unit.
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Google は深いと 機械学習 のデジタル マーケティングの風景を変更する方法|How Google Is Changing the Landscape of Digital Marketing with Deep & Machine Learning




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Machine learning and deep learning are changing the face of digital marketing, and they are forcing websites to make changes to accommodate them.  Google is leading the pack, by using both machine learning and deep learning as part of its algorithms for website rankings in search engine results.  Google has publicly stated that RankBrain, its machine learning, artificial intelligence system that is used to help process search queries, is now the third ranking factor in search engine results rankings. Artificial intelligence is an all-encompassing term that describes machines that can demonstrate intelligence.
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Google は深い・機械学習とデジタル マーケティングの風景を変更する方法|How Google Is Changing the Landscape of Digital Marketing with Deep & Machine Learning




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Machine learning and deep learning are changing the face of digital marketing, and they are forcing websites to make changes to accommodate them.  Google is leading the pack, by using both machine learning and deep learning as part of its algorithms for website rankings in search engine results.  Google has publicly stated that RankBrain, its machine learning, artificial intelligence system that is used to help process search queries, is now the third ranking factor in search engine results rankings. Artificial intelligence is an all-encompassing term that describes machines that can demonstrate intelligence.
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1 理由 NVIDIA は、その驚異的な成長が続くと考えています。|1 Reason NVIDIA Thinks Its Staggering Growth Will Continue




聞かなかったら、NVIDIA 社 (NASDAQ: NVDA)、グラフィックス処理ユニット (GPU) チップ業界のリーダーには、驚異的な成長をさまざまな指標での印象的な増加が発生しています。会社、株価が 3 倍に、投資家はそのパフォーマンスを続けることができるかどうか疑問にする必要があります 2016 年の株式市場のダーリンになった。NVIDIA では、それができると考えています。その理由は?人工知能 (AI) 市場。 長年会社のパンとバターは、離散デスクトップ GPU の市場は、それは 70% の市場シェアをコマンドをされている投資家のいくつかの背景を与える。その市場はまだ会社のゲーム売り上げ高は直近の四半期に $ 13 億に 1 年間で 66% 増の驚異的な成長を出展いたします。


In case you haven’t heard, NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA), the leader in the graphics processing unit (GPU) chip industry, has been experiencing staggering growth, with impressive increases across a variety of metrics. The company became the stock market darling of 2016 as its stock price tripled, and investors must be wondering whether its performance can continue. NVIDIA thinks it can. The reason? The artificial intelligence (AI) market. To give investors some background, for years the company’s bread and butter has been the discrete desktop GPU market, where it commands a 70% market share. That market is still exhibiting phenomenal growth, with the company’s gaming revenue up 66% year over year to $1.3 billion in its most recent quarter.
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