
森林サービス オープン データ マップは、6 月の発売以来ほぼ 200000 ビューを集めてください。|Forest Service Open Data Map Garners Nearly 200000 Views Since June Launch




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The U.S. Forest Service’s Visitor Map 2.0, an open data platform informing people what services national forests have to offer, received 22,000 unique page views during the month of February. The platform, which encompasses every forest in the national forest system, contains information on roads, trails, and recreation sites. People can use it to research what trails can accommodate their horses or dirt bikes and what areas are handicapped accessible. The recreation sites portion of the platform contains information on fishing, picnicking sites, and nature viewing points. The map also contains boundary information for wilderness areas. Monument information will be added to Visitor Map 2.0 soon, according to Donavan Albert, national Web manager at the Forest Service.
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グローバルな開かれた政府のリーダーシップの役割に選ばれたカナダ|Canada elected to global open government leadership role




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Canada is celebrating the global drive towards open and transparent government today with the announcement that it has been elected to a seat on the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Canada will be represented by the Honourable Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board, when its three-year term begins on October 1, 2017. Canada was elected to one of four state-level seats, along with Italy, South Africa and South Korea Minister Brison acknowledged the important work that remains to be done and congratulated the other governments elected to the Steering Committee. He also paid tribute to the invaluable contributions of the departing members of the Steering Committee, all of whom played a critical role in founding the Open Government Partnership in 2011.
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ゲームは物語を今、NVIDIA 社の未来ですがデータ センター|Gaming Is the Story Now, But Data Centers Are the Future for NVIDIA Corporation




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NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) made 58% of its total revenue from its gaming segment in 2016. The company’s graphics processing units (GPUs) not only bring in the vast majority of NVIDIA’s revenues, but they also are the leading GPU in desktops, taking up just over 70% of all discrete desktop GPU market share and leaving rival Advanced Micro Devices with the rest. Gaming is clearly NVIDIA’s bread and butter right now, but investors might want to look at the company’s data-center business if they want to peek into the company’s future. NVIDIA’s fiscal fourth-quarter 2017 data center revenue was just $296 million, representing about 22% of total sales. That’s not a lot compared with NVIDIA’s gaming revenue, but don’t count it out just yet.
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どのように Nvidia が AI と AWS のクラウド巨人からスタートアップを学習を魅惑するために期待していると.|How Nvidia hopes to lure AI and machine learning startups away from cloud giants AWS and …




Nvidia のグラフィックス処理ユニットのスペシャ リストはマイクロソフトのようなクラウド プロバイダーに自社のハードウェアを選択する機械学習技術を扱うベンチャーを誘致してと AI のスタートアップの有利なニッチの土地での AWS をつかみます。 最先端の人工知能 (AI) 技術の上に建材のスタートアップは、大量の高価なデータを処理するためにコンピューティング電力の膨大な量を必要とします。 クラウドの巨人マイクロソフト、Google、アマゾン Web サービス (AWS) 伝統的を離れて与えている数千ドル、プラットフォームの上にそれらを裁判所にスタートアップのためクレジットでのような。今後 5 年間で AWS へのスナップの $ 10 億のコミットメントによって示すように、早い段階で、あなたのサービスに Snapchat または Airbnb を取得する管理している場合、これは膨大な配当金を支払うことができます。


Nvidia, the graphics processing unit specialist, is looking to attract startups working with machine learning technology to opt for their hardware over cloud providers like Microsoft and AWS, in a land grab for the lucrative niche of AI startups. Startups building products on top of cutting edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology require a huge amount of computing power in order to process large amounts of data, which is expensive. Cloud giants like Microsoft, Google and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have traditionally given away thousands of dollars in credits for startups to court them onto their platforms. This can pay huge dividends if you manage to get a Snapchat or Airbnb onto your services early on, as shown by Snap’s $1 billion commitment to AWS over the next five years.
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これに適用する方法 AI と 深い学習 ポイントの販売、今後チェック アウト無料レーシング.|How Everseen applies AI and deep learning to Point of Sale, with a checkout-free future racing …




神話と現実のオムニ チャネル-今それは AI のための時間と予測ヒット小売レビュー。まず最初に?これは、アイルランドの成り上がりと AI 販売ポイント技術のパイオニア。CEO アラン ・ オハーリヒー ショーで私の話は、これに設定されている次の小売大手はアマゾン、アマゾンに行くように。小売のチェック アウト無料未来はしっかりとこれの観光スポットです。 私の最後の小売レビューで私は NRF 2017 で独逸がいわゆるオムニ チャネルの私のビューを変更する方法を探検 (オムニ チャネルは、サイエンス フィクション、かもしれないが、真実の 1 つのソースの問題)。予測、影響を開いたまま、「愛」とは、小売り業のパーソナル化技術。 この時期に、これ、法案自体を”販売の時点で統合販売プロセスを管理するための AI アイルランド ベースの会社です。


My retail reviews hit on the myths and realities of the omni-channel – now it’s time for AI and predictive. First up? Everseen, an Irish upstart and pioneer in AI Point of Sale technology. But as my talk with CEO Alan O’Herlihy shows, the next retail giant Everseen is set to take on is Amazon, as in Amazon Go. The checkout-free future of retail is firmly in Everseen’s sights. In my last retail review, I explored how my learnings at NRF 2017 changed my view ofthe so-called omni-channel (Omni-channel may be science fiction, but a single source of truth matters). That leaves open the impact of predictive, “AI”, and personalization tech on retail. This time around, it’s Everseen, an Ireland-based company that bills itself as “AI for managing sale process integrating at the point of sale.
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キャスリーン ・ A. Zar シンポジウム「オープン データ: 科学健康、社会」|Kathleen A. Zar Symposium, “Open Data: Science, Health, Community”




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The 5th Biennial Kathleen A. Zar Symposium, Open Data: Science, Health, Community, will be held on Friday, April 28, 2017, at the University of Chicago’s John Crerar Library. Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed.   Some examples of open data resources include the Human Genome Project, the United Nations UNdata, and the City of Chicago data portal.  Open data can spur business innovation, help patients and families make better decisions about their health, or accelerate the pace of scientific discovery. This symposium will provide participants–researchers and librarians–with an understanding of what open data is, how it gets created and shared, and examples of how open data might contribute to progress in our communities.
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オレイは AI を語る:「パーソナライゼーションは、私たち非常に興味深い何か」|Olay talks AI: “Personalisation is something that’s very interesting to us”




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The rise of AI and machine learning is impacting every sector, not just in terms of the marketing tools that exist to reach consumers with the right messages at the right time, but in the very products that brands can offer to their audience. From automated chatbots to intelligent recommendation engines, AI is enabling brands to personalise the products in new and exciting ways. One of the latest firms to take advantage of this technology is P&G skincare brand Olay, which has recently expanded its Olay Skin Advisor service to customers worldwide. The AI-powered platform is designed to help women better understand their skin, and find the products best-suited to their personal skincare needs. Mobile Marketing Magazine spoke to Dr.
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キューバ: ロボットが来ています。|CUBAN: The robots are coming




労働力の未来の億万長者の起業家印のキューバ人の予測より多くのロボットと人間の労働者に含まれます。 「われわれはどこ私たちは文字通り、雇用の性質の変化を見に行く、人工知能、機械学習、深い学習、それらのものを持つ期間に入ろう」CNN のジェイク ・ タッパーとキューバのインタビューで語った。 “技術的に文盲「トランプを呼び出す前にトランプ代表取締役社長のリーダーシップを批判彼同じがインタビューで 彼は彼のポイントを強調するのに米国の工場とトランプの仕事を使用して、自動化のための仕事の迅速の進化を議論するのに開始ポイントとしてその主張を使用しました。 「それら企業 2 と 3 年後にジョブの数に注意を払う、「キューバは言った。「私は 30 と 40% 低いんだが保証します。


Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban’s prediction for the future of the workforce includes more robots and less human workers. “We’re about to go into a period with artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, those things where we literally are going to see a change in the nature of employment,” Cuban said in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper. In that same interview, he criticized President Trump’s leadership skills before calling Trump “technologically illiterate.” He used that claim as a launch point to discuss the swiftly evolving nature of jobs due to automation, using Trump’s work with US factories to underscore his point. “Pay attention to the number of jobs in those companies two and three years out,” Cuban said. “I guarantee they are going to be 30 and 40% lower.
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NVIDIA とボッシュ発表 AI を自走式車のコンピューター|NVIDIA and Bosch Announce AI Self-Driving Car Computer




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The world’s largest automotive supplier, Bosch, provided a massive stage today for NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang to showcase our new AI platform for self-driving cars. Speaking in the heart of Berlin to several thousand attendees at Bosch Connected World — an annual conference dedicated to the Internet of Things — Huang detailed how deep learning is fueling an AI revolution in the auto industry. The small AI car supercomputer was unveiled yesterday in the opening keynote address by Bosch CEO Dr. Volkmar Denner, who focused on how his company, which had €73 billion ($77.6 billion) in revenue last year, is pushing deeper into the areas of sensors, software and services.
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どのように DeepMind のメモリ トリック支援 AI を速く学ぶ|How DeepMind’s Memory Trick Helps AI Learn Faster




そんな速くないです。インテリジェント マシンはまだ人間のパフォーマンスの 1 つの重要な領域の遅れ: 彼らが学ぶ速度。クラシック ビデオ ゲームを習得するになるときなど最高の深い学習マシンはわずか 2 時間で人間を達成する同じスキル レベルに到達するためのプレイのいくつかの 200 時間を取る。 だからコンピューター科学者は、マシンを学ぶ速度を高速化するいくつかの方法を持っている心から大好き。 今日、アレキサンダー Pritzel とロンドンでの Google の DeepMind の子会社で仲間はちょうどそれを行っていると主張します。これらの人は、急速に新しい経験を同化し、それらに作用することができる深い学習機械を構築しています。結果は、他よりも大幅に高速学習し、人間がそう遠くない将来に一致する可能性があるマシンです。


But not so fast. Intelligent machines still lag behind humans in one crucial area of performance: the speed at which they learn. When it comes to mastering classic video games, for example, the best deep-learning machines take some 200 hours of play to reach the same skill levels that humans achieve in just two hours. So computer scientists would dearly love to have some way to speed up the rate at which machines learn. Today, Alexander Pritzel and pals at Google’s DeepMind subsidiary in London claim to have done just that. These guys have built a deep-learning machine that is capable of rapidly assimilating new experiences and then acting on them. The result is a machine that learns significantly faster than others and has the potential to match humans in the not too distant future.
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