
優先するネットワークを教える 深い学習 を通して共同作業ロボット|Preferred Networks teaches robots to collaborate through deep learning




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When Junichi Hasegawa of Sony first met the two young creators of Preferred Networks, there was something familiar about them. They each possessed, in his view, the spark and talent of Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka, the founders of Sony itself. Shortly afterwards, in 2011, Hasegawa, who was in the team developing the PlayStation games console, opted to join the tiny start-up that later became Preferred Networks. Sony was languishing under heavy losses from its once-mighty consumer electronics products and Hasegawa had the opportunity to move on. “Instead of rebuilding Sony, I felt it was faster to build a second Sony,” he says. In a business culture where many people regard their employer as one for life, it was a bold career move.
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Nvidia は、2018 年度にタップ AI 機会|Nvidia Looks to Tap AI Opportunities in Fiscal 2018




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Can Nvidia Maintain Its High Growth Momentum in Fiscal 2018? Nvidia (NVDA) has expanded its offerings in its Gaming platform, providing a boost to its revenues. However, what drove Nvidia’s stock to new highs was its breakthrough in the Data Center segment. Nvidia converted its Pascal GPUs into general purpose cards that can boost a server’s processing speed and support the deep learning efforts of cloud companies. This helped the company expand its data center offerings to cloud, enterprise, HPC (high-performance computing), and GRID graphics virtualization. The company also launched DGX-1, the world’s first AI supercomputer, which was well-received in the HPC market. Nvidia’s (NVDA) Data Center segment’s revenues rose 145% YoY (year-over-year) to $830 million in fiscal 2017.
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IronYun: AI 動画検索を簡素化し、ストレージ コストの削減方法|IronYun: How AI simplifies video search and lowers storage costs




人工知能と学習がどのようにビデオ画像を変換する態勢を整えて深い使用および管理します。今日の監視システムより多くのカメラからのビデオは興味のある人や資産を追跡する手作業の時間を必要とするデータの溺死のリスクで演算子を残します。彼らよりインテリジェントなシステム必要があります。 新しいツールの中では訓練を受けて、プログラムいないビデオ分析システムを作成するニューラル ネットワークの使用です。つまり、システムは、「学ぶ」時間をかけての使用方法に基づいて能力を持っています。 IronYun は、人工知能に基づいたビデオ検索、ビデオ マイニング機能をエンタープライズ アプリケーションに適用される ISC ウエスト人工知能 (AI) アプライアンスをご紹介します。


Artificial intelligence and deep learning are poised to transform how video images are used and managed. In today’s surveillance systems, video from more and more cameras leave operators at risk of drowning in data, requiring hours of manual effort to track assets or persons of interest. They need more intelligent systems. Among the new tools is use of neural networks to create video analytics systems that are trained, not programmed. In effect, the systems have the ability to “learn” based on how they are used over time. IronYun is introducing an artificial intelligence (AI) appliance at ISC West that applies AI-based video search and video mining capabilities to enterprise applications.
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NVIDIA は、エッジのジェットソン TX2 を紹介機械高品質を顧客に学習|NVIDIA Introduces Jetson TX2 For Edge Machine Learning With High-Quality Customers




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Expanding on their Jetson TX1 and TK1 products for embedded computing, NVIDIA announced last week their Jetson TX2 platform—a hardware and software platform the size of a credit card designed to deliver AI computing at the edge.  NVIDIA touts Jetson TX2 as delivering “unprecedented deep learning capabilities,” and based on the form factor, it may be right as it paves the way for a number of cutting-edge uses—from highly intelligent factory robots and commercial drones, to cameras with AI for smart cities.  NVIDIA has been running on all cylinders lately with datacenter machine learning, and I think this release, if it performs as promised, will solidify their place at the top of the machine learning class in certain classes of devices.
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医療分野 AI の準備ができて|Medical sector ready for AI




医療診断と治療における人工知能のアプリケーションは、はるかに超えて途方もない期待。医用画像は、このようなアプリケーションの商業化のリードを取ることも出来る。 インテリジェント医療画像診断、音声制御の電子医療記録、および癌のインテリジェント診断熱い研究の方向性となっています。これら AI ベースの技術は、診断の精度レベルを改善するために医師を助けることができます。 2009 年に設立した西安ベースの翼技術は医療分野と関連の研究開発と人工知能技術の応用で取り組んでいます。その事業は、第三者医療画像診断と治療をカバーします。


The application of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis and treatment has gone far beyond wildest expectations. Medical imaging may now take the lead in commercialization of such applications. Intelligent medical imaging diagnosis, voice-controlled electronic medical records, and intelligent diagnosis of cancer have become a hot research direction. These AI-based technologies could assist doctors to improve accuracy levels of diagnosis. Xi’an-based Wingspan Technology, founded in 2009, has been engaged in the medical imaging field and related R&D and applications of AI technology. Its businesses cover third-party medical imaging diagnosis and treatment.
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DeepMind の新しいアルゴリズムは、AI に ‘メモリ’ を追加します|DeepMind’s new algorithm adds ‘memory’ to AI




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When DeepMind burst into prominent view in 2014 it taught its machine learning systems how to play Atari games. The system could learn to defeat the games, and score higher than humans, but not remember how it had done so. For each of the Atari games, a separate neural network had to be created. The same system could not be used to play Space Invaders and Breakout without the information for both being given to the artificial intelligence at the same time. Now, a team of DeepMind and Imperial College London researchers have created an algorithm that allows its neural networks to learn, retain the information, and use it again.
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人間のような学ぶことができます Google の DeepMind は AI プログラム|Google’s DeepMind makes AI program that can learn like a human




研究者は別の後に 1 つのタスクを学ぶことができるプログラムと人工知能の主要な障害の 1 つを克服している途中でスキルを取得を使用して。 DeepMind、Google の AI 社が開発したプログラムはさまざまなタスクの範囲で撮影あり、人間だけでなく、ほとんど実行します。決定的と一意に、AI は過去の問題、どのように解決を忘れていないし、新しいものに取り組むために知識を使用します。 彼らは新しい課題に直面しているときに人間を描く一般的な知性の AI ができません。過去の教訓の使用はより限られています。しかし、仕事は、研究者が今までいわゆる人工知能に人間の知性に一致する (AGI) マシンを構築する場合に解決されなければならなかった問題を回避する方法を示しています。


Researchers have overcome one of the major stumbling blocks in artificial intelligence with a program that can learn one task after another using skills it acquires on the way. Developed by Google’s AI company, DeepMind, the program has taken on a range of different tasks and performed almost as well as a human. Crucially, and uniquely, the AI does not forget how it solved past problems, and uses the knowledge to tackle new ones. The AI is not capable of the general intelligence that humans draw on when they are faced with new challenges; its use of past lessons is more limited. But the work shows a way around a problem that had to be solved if researchers are ever to build so-called artificial general intelligence (AGI) machines that match human intelligence.
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オーディオ転写は自動化されている最後に|Audio transcription is finally being automated




記録までを転写したいよりもはるかに多くのインタビューがあります。生活のため人と話すし、ほぼすべての私の電話との会話を記録します。この問題に対処する方法をいくつかと、それらのほとんどを試してみた: すべてを書き写して (場合にのみ、最善の方法をブロックできます数日うち) を使って、自分高価な転写サービス、Google、IBM、約とき各重要なトピックについて話をされて記録 (私の現在のメソッド) に対応するを書き留めてから格安の音声からテキストへ AI 開発者ツールを活用、だけでもインタビューより簡潔な (猫の群れのようだ) を維持しようとします。 Trint は、私の痛みを終了したい- とあなた。


I have far more interviews recorded than I ever want to transcribe. I speak with people for a living, and record almost all my calls and conversations. There are few ways to tackle this problem, and I’ve tried most of them: transcribing everything myself (the best method, but only if you can block out a few days), using expensive transcription services, utilizing cheap speech-to-text AI developer tools from Google and IBM, jotting down roughly when each important topic is being talked about corresponding to the recording (my current method), and even just trying to keep interviews more concise (it’s like herding cats). Trint wants to end my pain—and yours.
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科学者警告は 人工知能 が、意識せずに「世界」を作成するが、.|Scientist Warns That Artificial Intelligence Will Create A “World Without Consciousness,” But…




どの技術の進歩は、人工知能 (AI) の急速な発展の速さを考えると、必至だ我々 の現実は次の 10 年にわたって非常に違って見えること。AI 革命をもたらす産業界、特にサービスとファーストフード業界、多くの低所得者の仕事を脅かします。一部の科学者は、AI AI が意識を欠いていること共通の誤解があるスティーブン ・ ホーキングを含む社会にもたらすことができる潜在的な脅威について声を上げています。 存在するすべては意識の構成されている場合を意味も、AI のですか。しかし、私たちは自分自身の AI を作成している場合、ことを意味我々 は作成し、意識をマニフェストすることはまたはすべてに沿ってあった?AI と意識のパラドックスはここにあります。


Given the speed at which technology advances and the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), it’s inevitable that our reality will look very different over the next ten years. AI will revolutionize numerous industries, particularly service and fast food industries, threatening the jobs of many low-income earners. Some scientists have spoken out about the potential threat AI could pose to society, including Stephen Hawking, as there is a common misunderstanding that AI lacks consciousness. If everything in existence is made up of consciousness, does that mean AI is, too? But, if we’re creating the AI ourselves, does that mean we have the ability to create and manifest consciousness, or was it there all along? Herein lies the paradox of AI and consciousness.
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人工知能 自殺リスクの予測に役立つ|Artificial intelligence helps predict suicide risks




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New research suggests that machine learning can predict, with 80-90 percent accuracy, if a person is likely to attempt suicide. The prediction can extend up to two years into the future. The predictions about suicide have come via a special algorithm. This was developed by surveying a mass of data relating to patients: the electronic health records of about 2 million patients in the U.S. state of Tennessee. From these, 3,200 people had attempted suicide. The system began to work out what was different about the 3,200 people from the 2 million population. The computer program was able to assess how different variables interact with one another as a whole. From this, the combination of factors likely to lead to a person contemplating suicide could be tracked.
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