
大きな疑問: は、なぜまだダムのような人工知能をか。|One Big Question: Why is artificial intelligence still kind of dumb?




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Once the domain of science-fiction authors and script writers, artificial intelligence is steadily marching into the real world. Recently we’ve seen the technology do everything from reading lips better than the experts to playing in a poker tournament and trouncing its human competition. But while it seems everyone is jumping on the AI bandwagon (or should that be futuristic car?), we were wondering just how advanced the technology really is. So we put a question to Igal Raichelgauz, the founder of Cortica, an image-recognition company that relies on AI technology to thrive: Why is artificial intelligence still kind of dumb? Here’s what he had to say. AI will always lack full intelligence, since there is no practical limit to the information it can take in.
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中国語の Web 大手 Tencent で急速な GPU の進化|Rapid GPU Evolution at Chinese Web Giant Tencent




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Like other major hyperscale web companies, China’s Tencent, which operates a massive network of ad, social, business, and media platforms, is increasingly reliant on two trends to keep pace. The first is not surprising—efficient, scalable cloud computing to serve internal and user demand. The second is more recent and includes a wide breadth of deep learning applications, including the company’s own internally developed Mariana platform, which powers many user-facing services.
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組織が「考えすぎ」予測分析|Organizations are ‘overthinking’ predictive analytics




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The predictive analytics and machine learning markets are projected to grow at a rate of 15 percent annually through 2021, yet many organizations fail to reap full benefits from their investments. That’s because many organizations make the process too complicated. The irony is that most large organizations are more prepared to implement and use predictive analytics and machine learning than they think, says Mike Gualtieri, a research analyst with Forrester Research.
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Google の次の 2017 をおさらい: 深い学習 サービスとして|Recapping Google NEXT 2017: Deep Learning As A Service




後半の du jour の技術となっている深い学習といくつかの企業が地域に限りフィールドを高度なまたは Google とそのアルファベットの関連会社として、業務に完全に技術を統合します。革新的機能を外部化する Google のプッシュに合わせて会社の次回 17年クラウド特集 AI 関連の通知の数、世界の最も強力な深い学習システムへのアクセスを民主化の一般的なテーマ。 近年 Google とその姉妹会社が同社のサービス間で熱狂的なペースと煎じて深い学習 AI 革命を進めると同義になった。


Deep learning has become the technology du jour of late and few companies have advanced the field as much across as many areas or integrated the technology as completely into their operations as Google and its Alphabet affiliates. In keeping with Google’s push to externalize its innovations, the company’s Next ’17 cloud conference featured a number of AI-related announcements and a general theme of democratizing access to the world’s most powerful deep learning systems. In recent years Google and its sister companies have become synonymous with advancing the AI revolution at a frenzied pace and infusing deep learning across the company’s services.
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Neurala では、無人偵察機、玩具、他に強力な AI ソフトウェアをすばやく追加できます.|Neurala Enables Developers to Quickly Add Powerful AI Software Into Drones, Toys and Other …




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Neurala’s new Developers Program makes sophisticated deep learning neural network AI software, originally developed for NASA, easy to use and deploy Product developers can significantly accelerate the deployment of AI applications without a team of Ph.D. researchers, an extensive evaluation of different tools or years of costly R&D with the Neurala Developers Program, announced today by Neurala.  Neurala makes The Neurala Brain, a deep learning neural networks platform that is making smart products like toys, cameras and self-driving cars more autonomous, interactive and useful. The Neurala Developers Program has everything a software developer needs to integrate The Neurala Brain into a target application.
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‘Neurala 脳’ は、あなたがあなたをすることを約束としてスマート NASA の火星探査車|’Neurala Brain’ Promises To Make Your Drone As Smart As NASA’s Mars Rover




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NASA Mars roverNeurala, a company that helped NASA’s Mars rover become “smarter,” announced the “Neurala Brain,” which is a deep learning neural network software that uses a “bio-inspired” approach to mimic how the human brain works. The Neurala software aims to make it easier for developers to build AI-enhanced applications or devices without needing a team of Ph.D researchers and large budgets. Developing AI requires extensive resources, which means it’s not easy for just any company to build and integrate AI capabilities into their products without hiring a team of AI experts and then going through a costly process of deploying, testing, and optimizing that software. Neurala said this process can take years and cost millions of dollars.
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どのようにソーシャル メディアに吸うていませんヘルプにインテリジェンスを使用して愛と 深い学習 を投稿|How Post Intelligence Uses AI And Deep Learning To Help You Not Suck On Social Media




あなたはで吸います。多くのユーザーのような関連するまたは気の利いたつぶやきを思い付くことを試みたが、失敗しましたしました。いずれかの概念を把握し、サービスのケースを使用することができなかった、または会話に何かを追加可能性がありますおそらく言うことができる何も知らずの圧倒的な感情に屈すること後退屈得ています。誰もがさえずる機械をすることができます。役に立たないと Twitter を記述する前におそらくポスト インテリジェンスをやってをみる。今日起動して、ポスト インテリジェンスはあなたの Twitter の信頼高めるのために関連するコンテンツを提供することによってあなたのつぶやきを強化しようとします。 ポスト インテリジェンスについてのつぶやきをあなたのラップでトレンドのトピックの束をダンプするだけでいくつかの変なアプリではありません。


You suck at . Like many users, you’ve tried to come up with relevant or witty tweets but failed. You’ve either been unable to grasp the concept and use cases of the service, or you’ve gotten bored after succumbing to an overwhelming feeling of knowing nothing you could possibly say could add anything to the conversation. Not everyone can be tweet machines. Before you write off Twitter as useless, perhaps give Post Intelligence a try. Launching today, Post Intelligence seeks to bolster your tweets by providing relevant content to help boost your Twitter confidence. Post Intelligence isn’t just some janky app that dumps a bunch of trending topics in your lap for you to tweet about.
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機械学習移動スーパー スター アンドリュー Ng|Machine Learning Superstar Andrew Ng Moving On




アンドリュー Ng ほぼ 3 年間 Baidu の主任研究員であって、今のままにする予定です。彼は明示的な AI で作業を続行し、「しようと頑張っている誰も助けに愛を得る」以外の彼の将来の計画を行っていません。 我々 はよりもキャリアが移動しますが、これはアンドリュー Ng が新たな方向に彼のコースをステアリングは報告した 2 番目の時間、言語の更新のニュースを実行する傾向があります。それは、2014 年 5 月 Baidu は、Baidu の研究の傘の下で 3 つの研究所の仕事を監督した彼に Google からの彼の動きを取り上げて: 北京の深い学習室は、(以前には深い学習研究所として知られている);北京でかいデータ研究室および新しく設立されたシリコン バレーの AI 研。 当時私のコメント: この役割を担う明白なトラック レコードを持ちます。


Having been Chief Scientist at Baidu for almost 3 years, Andrew Ng now plans to leave. He hasn’t made his future plans explicit, other than to continue working in AI and to “keep working hard to get AI to help everyone”. We tend to carry news of language updates than career moves but this is the second time we have reported that Andrew Ng is steering his course in a new direction. It was in May 2014 that we covered his move from Google to Baidu, where he was to oversee the work of three research labs under the umbrella of Baidu Research: the Beijing Deep Learning Lab (formerly known as the Institute of Deep Learning); the Beijing Big Data Lab and the newly founded  Silicon Valley AI Lab. My comment then was: Ng has the obvious track record to take on this role.
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Adobe は、深い学習 ソフトウェアで複雑な写真の排気切替器を改善したいです。|Adobe wants to improve complex photo cutouts with deep learning software




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Clipping out objects from photos and videos is often a time-consuming process — but Adobe is looking for new ways to change that with deep learning software. Published earlier this month, the research for Deep Image Mapping by Adobe, the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign aims to improve on software-based clipping solutions. Researchers have developed a number of different artificially intelligent programs to automatically subtract a background from an image, but most are based on colors. When presented with an image with similar colors such as the greens in a landscape photo, those programs tend to fail, Adobe says.
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Baidu の主任科学者アンドリュー Ng は彼の出発を発表しました。|Baidu’s Chief Scientist Andrew Ng Announced his Departure




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On Wednesday, Andrew Ng, the chief scientist of Baidu, Inc. (NASDAQ: BIDU), announced in a blog post that he would resign from the Chinese search engine company after three years of joining the company. Andrew Ng, a former computer science professor at Stanford University, was hired by Baidu in 2014. Before joining the Chinese Company, he was the founder of Google’s elite Deep learning team and the co-founder of Coursera, the online learning startup. In Baidu, he was working on leading the drive into artificial intelligence(AI) and augmented reality (AR) projects. In the blog post, he said he would continue to work on the entrepreneurship and research in the artificial intelligence space. He did not mention where he is heading to next in the post.
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