
データ フォーラム|Data forum




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ブームのゲートのクイーンズランド州の最悪の鉄道の交差点を打つ|The worst rail crossings in Queensland for boom gate strikes




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There have been more than 1360 boom strike or level crossing collisions on the Queensland rail network over the past seven years. That is more than 16 collisions every month. The shocking figures were revealed in open data published online by the Queensland government, covering all rail networks in the state and showing some motorists just have not heard the message. Analysis by Fairfax Media shows Telegraph Road at Bald Hills was the worst location, with 70 boom strikes recorded between 2009 and 2014 – and none in the past two years. There was an overpass built at Telegraph Rd in 2014 under the LNP. The data shows collisions with vehicles and people, but overwhelmingly the figures represent motor vehicles hitting boom gates.
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カムデンは データを開く プラットフォームを発表します。|Camden unveils open data platform




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UKAuthority.com requires the use of cookies. Continued use of this site indicates that you accept this policy. In accordance with the ICO’s EU e-Privacy Directive and to help protect your privacy we are making you aware of the use of cookies on this site. We use these to aid in improving and maintaining our website. Cookies are used for functionality and to track visitor behaviour on this site, primarily for Google Analytics. Google Inc are members of the US Safe Harbor Scheme. This scheme allows the transfer of data from within the EEA to countries that are outside of the EEA without having to enter into a specific data transfer agreement. Companies that sign up to the scheme are deemed to provide adequate protection for personal data transmitted from Europe.
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Blockchain は、IoT ワクチンを供給され、mit 100 K NeuroMesh スコアを加速|Blockchain Powered IoT Vaccine, NeuroMesh Scores at MIT 100K Accelerate




事のインターネット (IoT) 革命は現在進行中です。会社作業様々 な blockchain 技術を含む技術を利用して相互接続された IoT 機器を開発、脅威の新たなレベルにインフラストラクチャ全体を開きます。NeuroMesh、信頼できる分散 IoT とスマート フォン プラットフォームは、ボットネット セキュリティ スイートとともにこのような事件を防ぐためにしようとします。 カレブ李とグレゴリー ファルコによって設立された、NeuroMesh はそれ自身に”A ワクチンのための IoT”を呼び出します。プラットフォームを検出し、攻撃のソースをブラック リスト最近最初の次点を獲得しながら、有害なプログラムを中和する MIT の 100 K 加速競争を置きます。 NeuroMesh では、IoT とスマート フォンに参加し、コマンド ・ コントロール (C ・ C) の役割を割り当てるのためのボットネット プラットフォームを提供しています。


The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution is currently underway. As companies work on developing interconnected IoT devices by utilizing a variety of technologies including the blockchain technology, it opens the whole infrastructure to new levels of threats. NeuroMesh, a trusted distributed IoT and smartphone platform intends to prevent such incidents with its botnet security suite. NeuroMesh, founded by Caleb Li and Gregory Falco calls itself “A Vaccine for Your IoT”. The platform which detects and neutralizes harmful programs while blacklisting the attack source recently won the first runner-up position in the MIT 100K Accelerate Competition. NeuroMesh offers a botnet platform for the IoT and smartphones to join and assign the Command & Control (C&C) role to it.
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1 つのグラフで Google の AI 爆発|Google’s AI Explosion in One Chart




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Nature. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  The Journal of the American Medical Association. These are some the most elite academic journals in the world. And last year, one tech company, Alphabet’s Google, published papers in all of them. The unprecedented run of scientific results by the Mountain View search giant touched on everything from ophthalmology to computer games to neuroscience and climate models. For Google, 2016 was an annus mirabilis during which its researchers cracked the top journals and set records for sheer volume.
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参照:「オープン データ とオープン サイエンス政策ヨーロッパのスナップショット」|Reference: “A Snapshot of Open Data and Open Science Policies in Europe”




「オープン データのスナップショットとヨーロッパで開く科学政策」は、SPARC ヨーロッパとデジタルのキュレーション センターから最近出版されました。 DCC は監視を維持出資者データ ・ ポリシーの簡単なと我々 は現在、欧州レベルでより包括的にしてオープンな研究実践をもっと一般にカバーする私たちの範囲を拡張する SPARC ヨーロッパと協力しています。一方、いくつかの研究は、この領域で行われている、すべてのいずれかの日付またはオープンな研究データではなく、オープン アクセス出版物または政府のオープン データに集中が。最新の分析日付 2013 年から、これは比較的短い期間の間は、研究データ ポリシーにかなりの変化されています。 このドキュメントでは、ヨーロッパの研究データ ポリシーの一覧を提供します。


“A Snapshot of Open Data and Open Science Policies in Europe” was recently published by SPARC Europe and the Digital Curation Centre. The DCC maintains a watching brief on funder data policies, and we are currently collaborating with SPARC Europe to extend our coverage to make it more comprehensive at European level and to cover open research practice more generally. While some studies have been done in this area, all are either out of date or concentrate on open access publications or open government data rather than open research data. The most recent analysis dates from 2013, and while this is a relatively short period the intervening period has been one of considerable change in research data policy. This document provides a list of national research data policies in Europe.
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単一摂動は、深い学習 をだますことができます。|A Single Perturbation Can Fool Deep Learning




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If you have been reading our reports on adversarial images, the headline should come as no surprise. What is a surprise is the way that AI researchers are regarding such images as security threats rather than a deep insight into the way neural nets work. It was a surprise when adversarial images were discovered. Put simply you can work out a small valued image, a perturbation, that when added to an existing correctly classified image will cause it to be misclassified even though a human can see no difference. It was hinted at the such perturbations disturbed the classification of a range of neural networks and perhaps even other machine learning approaches in the same way.
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ニュースで AI: インテルは、Baidu は、Tencent のクラウドでの NVIDIA の Ng でのラオ|AI in the News: Rao in at Intel, Ng out at Baidu, NVIDIA on at Tencent Cloud




同様に AI は、高度なスケール コンピューティング市場、商業、工業の分野では、HPC についての会話の多くを注入することのライト モチーフとなっている、それも影響を与えている業界での高レベルの管理変更。 この週は、2 つのヘッド ライナー発表を見た: さらに、NVIDIA が Tencent クラウドが Tencent のパブリック クラウド プラットフォームにそのテスラ GPU アクセラレータと NVIDIA NVLink 技術とともに、深い学習プラットフォームを統合することを発表しました。 ラオは、モービルアイの $ 15 b 買収と共に、インテルの AI のプッシュを強調するもの (「AI 始まる未来化」) ブログ彼の新しい位置と AIPG を発表しました。AIPG の形成は、会社再生 AI、その次の大きな成長市場として広義の業界観測筋の間でドラムビートに飼料を追加します。


Just as AI has become the leitmotif of the advanced scale computing market, infusing much of the conversation about HPC in commercial and industrial spheres, it also is impacting high-level management changes in the industry. This week saw two headliner announcements: In addition, NVIDIA announced that Tencent Cloud will integrate its Tesla GPU accelerators and deep learning platform, along with NVIDIA NVLink technology, into Tencent’s public cloud platform. Rao announced his new position and AIPG in a blog (“Making the Future Starts with AI”) that underscores Intel’s AI push, along with its recent $15B acquisition of Mobileye. Formation of AIPG adds fodder to the drumbeat among industry observers that the company views AI, broadly defined, as its next big growth market.
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人工知能 の時代に進化するアート|Art evolves in age of artificial intelligence




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A cosplay-like figure bending over on the ground, a huge bug bumping in a glass case plus the flickering images of dazzling of video games: these conjure up the exhibition titled “After US” currently showcased at chi K11. The exhibition is also the first major project of the K11 Art Foundation in China in partnership with the New Museum, New York. It features international artists while also focusing on emerging artists from China. The works on display range from sculptures, installation art, to photography, performance and video, all augmented and virtual reality. This exhibition renders something very fresh from the young artists and their virtual reality.
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Tencent のクラウドは、AI の Nvidia Tesla GPU アクセラレータをタップします。|Tencent Cloud Taps Nvidia Tesla GPU Accelerators For AI




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Nvidia announced that its Tesla P100, P40, and M40 GPU accelerators will soon be used by Tencent Cloud to offer a variety of AI-powered services. The announcement comes as tech companies small and large turn to AI for increasingly “smart” products and services. Building the AI behind those offerings is no easy feat–that’s why Nvidia has introduced hardware and software that makes it easier for companies to use AI however they see fit. Tencent Cloud will use Nvidia’s tech in its public cloud computing platform, which should in turn make it easier still for companies to experiment with AI.
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