
産業心理療法上の試験 ☆ 薬の資金|Industry Funded Trials Favor Drugs Over Psychotherapy




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In an analysis for the British Journal of Psychiatry, researchers examined industry ties and financial conflicts of interest in studies that compared psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for depression. The researchers conclude that industry funding appears to bias studies towards pharmacotherapy over psychotherapy and they encourage policies that will ensure the full disclosure of financial conflicts of interest. The standards of evidence-based medicine dictate that individual medical decisions should be based on the best available results of clinical trials. If the results of these trials are unreliable or biased, however, this can lead to medical decisions that are not in the best interest of the patient.
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最先端の保全: オープン データ のリソースの保護|Cutting-edge conservation: Open data protects resources




成功した土地の保全事業は、土地の使用方法に関する情報を正確かつ最新の状態に依存します。 自然保護論者は、チェサピーク湾流域を構成して周辺の保全とチェサピーク コンサーバンシーからデータ専門家それ今月初めにリリース以来郡の土地の約 100,000 平方マイルの高品質、高解像度のデータと画像の宝庫へのアクセスを今あります。 チェサピーク湾高分解能土地カバー プロジェクトと呼ばれる、この情報は、オープン データ-をダウンロードして無料であり、完全に一般に公開の意味です。チェサピーク コンサーバンシーの専門家が効果的な土地の保全に重要な障壁を削除ことはアクセスしダウンロード無料で: 詳細な土地被覆データを見つけます。


Successful land conservation projects depend on precise and up-to-date information about how land is used. Conservationists now have access to a trove of high-quality, high-resolution data and images for the nearly 100,000 square miles of land comprising the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and surrounding counties since conservation and data experts from the Chesapeake Conservancy released it earlier this month. Called the Chesapeake Bay High-resolution Land Cover Project, this information is open data – meaning it is free to download and completely accessible to the public. By making it free to access and download, the experts at the Chesapeake Conservancy have removed a significant barrier to effective land conservation: finding detailed land cover data.
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データを殺到強い国内総生産図から始まる後に薄いことができる取引|Data Deluge Starts With Strong GDP Figure, But Trading May Thin Later




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(Thursday Market Open) Data hounds get their fix today, with gross domestic product, durable goods orders, and personal income among the highlights. Stock futures started rising in pre-market trading, helped in part by the reports. Gross domestic product (GDP) came in higher than expected at 3.5% in Q3, the government said in its last estimate for the quarter. Wall Street projections had been for a rise in the 3.2% to 3.3% range. Even with threat of a stronger dollar, the economic growth rate is still projecting higher. In this strange recovery that’s taking so long, maybe we’re finally getting to that fast-growth stage we’ve been awaiting. Meanwhile, durable goods orders fell 4.6% in November, about as analysts had expected.
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ウェブサイトのソースを 開いているデータ センター ピスカタウェイ施設に拡大します。|WebSite Source Expands into Open Data Centers Piscataway Facility




12.21.2016 ピスカタウェイ、ニュージャージー州-ウェブサイトのソース (“WSS”) ビジネス ユニットの継続的な拡張の一部として 1stPoint 通信に始まった移行クライアントのオープン データ センターのピスカタウェイ、ニュージャージー州のデータ センターにシステムをホスティングします。ウェブサイトのソースを提供仮想プライベート サーバー、クラウド システム、ホスティングのお客様へドメイン名登録および e コマース サービス。現在、ダブリン、オハイオ州に位置するデータ センター施設内のシステムを運営しています。「1 つ以上のデータ センター設備でのオペレーティング システムで WSS がそのクライアント完全に冗長なホスト ソリューションを提供することができる」とクリステン バシチェック ・、1stPoint 通信のマーケティング ディレクター。バシチェック ・さんは WSS ビジネス ユニットの製品開発を共同で担当です。


12.21.2016 PISCATAWAY, NJ – As part of its continued expansion of the WebSite Source (“WSS”) business unit, 1stPoint Communications has begun migrating client hosting systems into Open Data Centers’ Piscataway, NJ data center. WebSite Source provides virtual private servers, cloud systems, domain name registration and ecommerce services to its hosting customers. It currently operates systems in a data center facility located in Dublin, OH. “By operating systems in more than one data center facility WSS will be able to offer fully redundant hosting solutions to its clients,” said Kristen Vasicek, Director of Marketing for 1stPoint Communications. Ms. Vasicek is jointly responsible for product development for the WSS business unit.
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RDM と オープン データ サポートに関するワーク ショップ|Workshops on Supporting RDM and Open Data




管理し、データを共有する研究者をサポートしている場合、関心のある初期の 2017 で出てくるいくつかの有用なワーク ショップがあります。 1 月、DCC と DANS には、アムステルダムでの 1 日ワーク ショップが実行します。「開発研究データ管理サービス」ワーク ショップ 1 月 25日日、必要なサービス範囲参加者を紹介するビジネス ケースを確立し、摂取量を確保するための研究に従事する方法。次の日「ホライゾン 2020 年にオープンな研究支援」をいたします。このワーク ショップは欧州委員会の要件の概要を説明し、データを開くにする方法の実用的なアドバイスを与えます。


If you’re supporting researchers to manage and share their data, there are a few useful workshops coming up in early 2017 that may be of interest. In January, the DCC and DANS will be running two one-day workshops in Amsterdam. On 25th January, the “Developing Research Data Management Services” workshop will introduce participants to the range of services needed, how to establish a business case, and engage researchers to ensure uptake. The following day we will be “Supporting Open Research in Horizon 2020”. This workshop will outline the European Commission’s requirements and give practical advice on how to make data open.
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大きなデータの世界はアフリカを忘れているか。|Has The World Of Big Data Forgotten Africa?




シリコン バレーは、世界中のデータを鉱山に突入、我々 忘れてはならない大きなデータの世界では、世界ように均等をキャプチャしません。特にアフリカは、世界のデータセットがこのギャップがどれだけ悪いの多くの明白な空白の穴をプレゼント? 、Mark Zuckerberg は Facebook の創設者一度容疑者は同僚に語った「あなたの庭で死んでいるリスがアフリカで死ぬ人より今あなたの興味に関連あります。


As Silicon Valley rushes to mine the world’s data, we must not forget that the big data world does not capture the world so evenly. Africa in particular presents a glaring blank hole in so many of the world’s datasets, but just how bad is this gap? Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook once allegedly told colleagues “a squirrel dying in your front yard may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa.
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お客様の個人データへのアクセスを得ることができます PersonalData.IO|PersonalData.IO helps you get access to your personal data




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PersonalData.IO is a free and open platform for citizens to track their personal data and understand how it is used by companies. It is part of the MyData movement, promoting a human-centric approach to personal data management. A lot of readers of this blog will be familiar with Freedom of Information laws, a legal mechanism that forces governments to be more open. Individuals, journalists, startups and other actors can use this “right-to-know” to understand what the government is doing and try to make it function better. There are even platforms that help facilitate the exercise of this right, like MuckRock, WhatDoTheyKnow or FragDenStaat. These platforms also have an education function around information rights.
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E タクシー プラットフォームから派生した GPS データが開発途上国での道路状況を改善できる方法|How GPS data derived from e-taxi platforms could improve road conditions in developing countries




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A new initiative that uses GPS data derived from drivers on a number of e-taxi services has launched this week with a long-term view of improving transport services and easing traffic congestion around the world. The Open Transport Partnership is a program being led by the World Bank, in conjunction with Uber-competitors Easy Taxi, Grab, and Le Taxi, which collectively operate across dozens of countries, with a particular focus on Latin America and Asia. Other founding members of the partnership include Samsung’s open-source mapping community Mapzen, traffic data collection platform Miovision, mobile app development company NDrive, and research NGO World Resources Institute.
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オープン データ と環境: アイデアや IODC16 からの思考|Open data and the environment: ideas and thoughts from IODC16




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Pablo Rodríguez Bustamante, Geographer, Owner-consultant at GEOCyL. He holds a Geography, Urbanism and Land Management Advanced Studies Diploma (recognized researcher), PhD candidate and Associate Professor at University of Valladolid (Spain). “Mi Ciudad Inteligente” -My Smart City- Project promoter. He collaborates with several web/blogs writing articles and posts about smart cities, smart mobility and geomarketing and has been recognized with several awards for entrepreneurship. Data have to be: accessible, understandable, usable, must create dialogue and impact to make this planet a safer place for us and the next generations. With these tools, we could help people have more comfortable lives while helping the planet, towards a state of general welfare.
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マーケットプ レース データを提示政府の収益機会|Data marketplaces present revenue opportunities for government




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Gartner predicts 20 per cent of all local government organisations will generate revenue from value-added open data through data marketplaces by 2020. Sowing the seeds for this new revenue stream is the growing source of data captured when citizens interact with cities and government. Gartner believes there is a huge opportunity to develop open data portals that can increase efficiency, improve citizen experience and generate revenue for government organisations. “Open data portals in cities are not a new thing, but many portals today have limited machine readability and therefore limited business value,” said Bettina Tratz-Ryan, research vice president at Gartner.
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