
2016 年に都市によって実現 3 の技術動向|3 Tech Trends Realized by Cities in 2016




2016 年の EfficientGov の予測技術トレンドを振り返っては、都市を完了または 2017年にいく予定の作業の株式を受け取る。 昨年、デレクのポーター、EfficientGov コラムニストの開発 2016 年のコースに約 3 つの技術トレンドを書いた。 「市民は、ますます気づき、政府サービスの配信方法として独断的になっています。成分これらの日は、すべての回で配信一貫してかつ効率的にサービスを要求しながら地方自治体に便利で透明なビューを期待しています。政府が予算を減少に直面して常に事実と期待で上昇を組み合わせること、政府のリーダーほとんどない新しいシビック技術に向けるしか、「ポーターを書いています。


A look back at EfficientGov’s predicted tech trends for 2016 takes stock of the work cities have completed or plan to continue into 2017. Last year, Derek Porter, EfficientGov columnist wrote about three tech trends that would develop over the course of 2016. “Citizens have become increasingly more aware and opinionated as to how government services should be delivered. Constituents these days expect a convenient and transparent view into local government while demanding services be delivered consistently and efficiently at all times. Combining the rise in expectations with the fact governments are constantly challenged with decreasing budgets, leaders in government have almost no choice but to turn to new civic technologies,” Porter wrote.
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場所向けアプリケーションのデータをジオコード化する方法|How To Geocode Data for Location-Friendly Applications




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This is the second part of our series How to Add Postcode-Based Proximity Search With Open Data. In part 1, we explained how to geocode a dataset using open data. Previously in this series, I showed how to set up databases for a location-based application. In this article, I explain three ways to geocode your data using Open Postcode Geo. This involves finding coordinates for each record pinpointing that record’s position. Once we know a record’s position, we can work out the distance between that record and another position, such as our current location. In this article, I show you how to find the position of each pub in a dataset of pubs; our application uses this dataset to find the nearest pub to a position supplied by the user.
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遺産を運ぶ|Carrying on a legacy




彼の治世を通じてラーマ IX 貢献をした偉大なデータ解析と技術の分野で王位に彼の 7 つの数十年の間にプミポン国王もデータ分析に彼の能力を示した全国、コミュニティを支援する取り組みのほか。 “先王もデータ分析のリーダーこの技術的な傾向になった認識される前にスマート意思決定の彼の観察、記録、分析データから見た”と古来 Koanantakool、国立科学技術開発機構 (NSTDA)、後半の君主から学んだ彼の元社長。


Throughout his reign, King Rama IX made great contributions in the field of data analysis and technology During his seven decades on the throne, besides his initiatives to help communities countrywide, King Bhumibol Adulyadej also showed his proficiency in data analytics. “The late King was a leader in data analytics even before this technological trend became recognised, as seen from his observing, recording and analysing data in making smart decisions,” said Thaweesak Koanantakool, former president of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), of what he has learned from the late monarch.
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大都市での市民の半分は 2019 年までの個人データを共有することは自発的|Half of citizens in large cities will voluntarily share personal data by 2019




市民はますます「生活データ」の価値を認識になる積極的に「一瞬で」それを交換する意思がある値。 Gartner 社は、2019 年までに 100万人都市の市民の 50% から利益をスマートシティ計画自ら自分の個人データを共有することによって。 ボリュームと市民によって生成されるデータの多様性は、消費者デバイスの普及やインターネットのもの (IoT) に沿った成長を続けるだろう、Gartner は 2016 年 12 月 15 日のプレス声明で述べています。 市民政府と商業の連携を通じて受動的にデータを共有の利点を経験するでしょう。


Citizens will become increasingly aware of the value of their “life data” and be willing to proactively exchange it for “in the moment” value. Gartner predicts that by 2019, 50 percent of citizens in million-people cities will benefit from smart city programmes by voluntarily sharing their personal data. The volume and diversity of the data generated by citizens will continue to grow in line with the proliferation of consumer devices and the internet-of-things (IoT), Gartner said in a press statement on 15 December 2016. Citizens will experience of the benefits of sharing data passively, through government and commercial collaboration.
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輸送に革命をもたらすオープン トラフィック データ|Open Traffic Data to Revolutionize Transport




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Congestion in metropolitan Manila costs the economy more than $60 million per day, and it is not atypical to spend more than 2 hours to travel 8 km during the evening commute there. But beyond these statistics, until recently, very little was actually known about Manila’s congestion, because the equipment and manpower required to collect traffic data has far exceeded available resources. Most cities in developing countries face similar issues. Traditional methods of collecting traffic data rely either on labor-intensive fieldwork or capital-intensive sensor data networks. The former is slow and results in low-quality data, and the latter requires substantial capital and maintenance outlays, while only covering a small portion of a metropolitan area.
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気候と気象はお友達|Climatology and meteorology are your friends




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The Norwegian Meteorological institute has celebrated its 150th anniversary this year. It was founded to provide weather data and tentative warnings to farmers, sailors, and fishermen. The inception of Norwegian climatology in the mid-1800s started with studies of geographical climatic variations to adapt important infrastructure to the ambient climate. The purpose of the meteorology and climatology was to protect lives and properties. The journey from the early history of meteorology and climatology to the present weather forecasts and climate research is one of mankind’s great success stories.
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AI 技術を使用してデータ解析自動化のための試験を完了|Trials for Data Analysis Automation Using AI Technology Completed




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NEC Corporation (NEC), Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) and The Japan Research Institute, Limited (JRI) announced today that they have completed trials for a new method of data analysis that makes use of Predictive Analysis Automation technology, a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology (*1) developed by NEC. The companies announced that they have commenced discussions towards the full-scale introduction of this technology, which will enable them to better understand diversifying customer needs, and propose better products and services.
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データの世界: 資産・負債としてデータ|The World of Data: Data as an Asset & Liability




現代の世界で組織は、自社のビジネスのあらゆる側面を改善するために既存の情報を利用することができる必要があります。ただし、いくつかの幹部はすべての事実を考慮せず自分の ‘勘’ に行動を継続します。 Jenni、ハリソン、データの頭 Pawsey スーパーコンピューティング センターでは、データがその完全な可能性に到達されていない理由は、企業は心の特定の目的でのデータの収集と主張しました。 つまり、情報周りのプロジェクト既に組織の形成にはなく、その特定のプロジェクトのニーズに合わせてデータを作成します。 オムニ チャネル メディアの CxO 廃虚、パースで「世界のデータ」パネルの一部としてハリソンが説明した:”の観点からどうかデータは下の活用、も絶対に。


In the modern world, organisations need to be able to utilise their existing information to improve all aspects of their business. However, some executives continue to act on their ‘gut-feeling’ without taking all of the facts into account. Jenni Harrison, Head of Data at The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, argued that the reason data isn’t reaching its full potential is because companies are gathering data with a specific purpose in mind. In other words, the data is created to meet the needs of that particular project, rather than shaping the project around the information the organisation already has. As part of the ‘World of Data’ panel at OmniChannel Media’s CxO Disrupt, Perth, Harrison explained: “In terms of whether data is under-utilised, well absolutely.
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HK が大きなデータのパワーを解き放つことができますどのように|How HK can unleash the power of big data




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How HK can unleash the power of big data Big data has become one of the top buzzwords of our times. Indeed, we are living in an age of data explosion, what with the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices, smart dust and cloud-based services. The unstoppable rise of these technologies calls for the discovery, analysis and communication of meaningful patterns in the sea of data that they generate. Achieving this understanding is important if we are to harness the power of big data, which can inform better decision-making in a variety of fields from commerce, transport planning and education to public health and pollution control. Big data tends to focus one’s attention on volume.
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