彼の治世を通じてラーマ IX 貢献をした偉大なデータ解析と技術の分野で王位に彼の 7 つの数十年の間にプミポン国王もデータ分析に彼の能力を示した全国、コミュニティを支援する取り組みのほか。 “先王もデータ分析のリーダーこの技術的な傾向になった認識される前にスマート意思決定の彼の観察、記録、分析データから見た”と古来 Koanantakool、国立科学技術開発機構 (NSTDA)、後半の君主から学んだ彼の元社長。
Throughout his reign, King Rama IX made great contributions in the field of data analysis and technology During his seven decades on the throne, besides his initiatives to help communities countrywide, King Bhumibol Adulyadej also showed his proficiency in data analytics. “The late King was a leader in data analytics even before this technological trend became recognised, as seen from his observing, recording and analysing data in making smart decisions,” said Thaweesak Koanantakool, former president of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), of what he has learned from the late monarch.
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