
メタデータとは、なんでデータ自体と同じくらい重要ですか。|What is Metadata and why is it as important as the data itself?




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Metadata. You may have heard the term before, and may have asked yourself either “what is metadata” or “why is it as important as data?” This article will be an attempt to clear up those two subjects. As this can often be quite dense, let’s jump right in! Metadata can be explained in a few ways: In short, metadata are important. I like to answer this “what is metadata” question as such: metadata are a shorthand representation of the data to which they refer. If we use analogies, we can think of metadata as references to data. Think about the last time you searched Google. That search started with the metadata you had in your mind about something you wanted to find. You may have began with a word, phrase, meme, place name, slang or something else.
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プレス協会ディレクターの声懸念都市を開く方針変更を記録|Press Association director voices concern about city open records poilcy changes




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Kansas Press Association executive director Doug Anstaett expressed concern this past week about changes the Topeka City Council approved to the city’s policy regarding requests for copies of public record. Council members voted 7-1 Tuesday to take steps that include revising the $13 hourly rate the city currently charges to produce copies of public records that aren’t readily available to arranging for the city to instead impose “a charge reflecting the hourly rate of the staff member doing the work.” Councilwoman Sylvia Ortiz cast the dissenting vote while council members Michelle De La Isla and Richard Harmon were absent. Mayor Larry Wolgast did not have a vote on the matter.
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レビューで報酬情熱的な好奇心はオープン アクセス: 2016|Open Access Rewards Passionate Curiosity: 2016 in Review




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In February 2016, a team of scientists published one of the most important pieces of scientific research so far this century. For the first time, researchers had directly observed gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime whose discovery Albert Einstein first predicted a century ago. The team effectively placed the last piece in the puzzle confirming Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity—in doing so, they took a giant leap forward in humans’ understanding of how the universe works. Something else was confirmed that day, too: open access publishing is no inferior sibling to closed publishing.
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なぜ資金調達研究支援に、インターネットが、重要なこれらの日です。信頼できるビジネス.|WHY Financing Research Assist On The Internet Is SO Vital These days. Trustworthy Business …




なぜ資金調達研究支援に、インターネットが、重要なこれらの日です。21 世紀の信頼できるビジネス経済研究援助援助ライフ スタイル様々 な日常的に財産の活動に苦しむ世界中それらの個人のための利点の多くが。実は、今日、ビジネス経済学や金融分野の中いつでも、一般に可能性があります特定の経済研究ヘルプ サービスのおかげで顧客のポケットの穴を燃やす方法がない可能性がありますコスト、短時間でに関連付けられているすべてのジョブを修正するよりも簡単なことです。


WHY Financing Research Assist On The Internet Is SO Vital These days. Trustworthy Business economics Research Aid Assistance Lifestyle in the 21st century has lots of benefits for those individuals across the world, who suffer from a variety of property activities on a daily basis. In fact, today, it can be more than easy to remedy business economics or any job associated with financial disciplines in a short time and at a cost that may in no way burn up holes inside a customer’s pocket thanks to a particular economics research help services that may be generally anytime you like.
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オープンのニューヨーク|Open New York




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The Open New York platform, a statewide collection of over 200 government agency data sets made available to the public, is part of a larger movement towards open data among public agencies. The move is motivated by not only by a desire for increased transparency, but also for greater efficiency: in his announcement of the program, Governor Cuomo observed that “experience elsewhere has shown that making data publicly available reduces costs, makes government more efficient, and inspires productive collaborations with the private sector.”[1] The portal was established as part of a broader open government program set forth in a 2013 executive order.
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オープン データ|Open Data




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Transparency and accountability to the arts community, the government and the public are important values that guide the work of the Ontario Arts Council (OAC).As part of the Government of Ontario’s Open Data Directive OAC is pleased to provide lists of past grants, awards and assessors along with other data in machine readable formats (.csv).On this page you will find links to the various datasets that are currently available in this “open data” format. (For a list and summary information about all current OAC datasets see our .) We will be adding data from other years – as well as including other types of data – as they become available.We welcome your feedback at info@arts.on.ca The following file shows how OAC’s eight regions link to Statistics Canada’s standard Census Divisions (i.e.
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キック スターターのオープン ソース、モバイルアプリ、スモール ビジネス向け OpenOffice、ニュースをもっと読む|Kickstarter open sources its mobile apps, OpenOffice for small business, and more news




当社のオープン ソースのニュースの総まとめのこの版で Kickstarter で見てみましょう、その iOS のコードを作る Android アプリのオープン ソース、ユニセフとマラウイの最初の人道支援を発表したドローン アフリカでのテストの廊下。 キック スターターは、Android と iOS アプリ オープン ソース。リリースについての TechCrunch の記事のソース コードのリリースは”スタートアップに足の少しをあきらめるの会社の目標”ことと、移動は「大規模な開発コミュニティに戻って何かを与えることの大きなアイデアに再生」これに伴い公益法人になってキック スターターが触発された状態します。アプリのソースコードは GitHub 上で見つけることが。


In this edition of our open source news roundup, we take a look at Kickstarter making the code for its iOS and Android apps open source, UNICEF and Malawi announcing the first humanitarian drone testing corridor in Africa, and more. Kickstarter has made its Android and iOS apps open source. TechCrunch’s article about the release states that release of the source code is “in keeping with the company’s goal of giving startups a bit of a leg up” and that the move was inspired by Kickstarter becoming a Public Benefit corporation with this move “playing into that larger idea of giving something back to the larger development community.” The source code for the apps can be found on GitHub.
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データ革命はニューヨークの小企業のための大きなチャンスです。|Data revolution is big chance for NYC’s small businesses




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In the past, large multi-nationals like Macy’s and Starbucks have used big data to make strategic decisions for new stores, but smaller retail companies were typically left out. Many of these smaller stores in New York City couldn’t afford to buy this information, or they didn’t have the knowledge of how to use it, putting them at a disadvantage. But that’s about to change for all businesses in New York City. Earlier this summer, the mayor’s office quietly expanded its Open Data initiative with the goal of creating a fully searchable database that allows New Yorkers to search everything from construction permits to rat infestations to graffiti trends.
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Jaakko Korhonen: 10 偉大なフィンランド オープン データ 社|Jaakko Korhonen: 10 Great Finnish Open Data Companies




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2017 World Juniors: Finland tries to defend championship with … – SB Nation SB Nation2017 World Juniors: Finland tries to defend championship with …SB NationThe defending champions will come to the 2017 World Junior Championships with a roster[…] Finland to begin paying basic income to unemployed citizens – The Independent The IndependentFinland to begin paying basic income to unemployed citizensThe IndependentFinland is to introduce a basic income for some citizens from next month, becoming the[…] CBC.caFinland gets a slice of $587-million Canadian supply ship program …CBC.
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政治の激変、Blockchain およびデータ保護: 2017 はハイテクのための店で何を持って?|Political upheaval, Blockchain and data protection: What does 2017 have in store for tech?




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PublicTechnology is gazing into its crystal ball for 2017 – Photo credit: Flickr, Pascal, public domain This year has been full of political surprises, and the news agenda in 2017 is sure to be dominated by many of the same headlines that have shaped 2016 so far. At the same time, there have been major technological developments, and governments have hit a number of milestones along the way. We’ve seen the Government Digital Service launch its flagship identity assurance scheme Verify and Enfield Council hire an AI employee. The Department for Work and Pensions started the first public sector trial of the use of Blockchain technology and the LocalGov Digital network launched its own version of the Digital Service Standard.
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