
ボストンで工事東 2017: 優れたデータ科学トレーニング、ワーク ショップ、講演を紹介.|ODSC East 2017 in Boston: Showcases Superior Data Science Trainings, Workshops and Talks at …




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Being a data scientist is exciting, challenging, and rewarding but it’s also becoming fiercely competitive. More and more data scientists are recognizing that acquiring new skills and making solid industry connections are the keys to enhancing their data science careers. Open Data Science Conference, (ODSC), will hold the largest applied data science conference in the world, ODSC East 2017, in Boston on May 3-5. For 3 days, more than 4,500 data science practitioners, innovators, and thought leaders from around the globe will celebrate achievements, exchange new ideas, and help forge the future of data science through collaboration, education, and training. 2016 has shown that people with the most current data science skills are highly sought after.
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あなたの新年の解像度の市民の関与部分ですか。このミートをチェック アウトします。|Is civic engagement part of your New Year’s resolution? Then check out this meetup




オープン データ デラウェアは新年を祝うあなたとチェルシーの居酒屋でウィルミントンのダウンタウンに来週グループは昨年がホストされている 20 の会合を祝うようしたいと 2017 年のアイデアをマップ。 1 月 4 日 (水曜日) に開催、リラックス ミート オープン データに関する課題の要約が含まれますが、主催者は、あなたはまだ参加を歓迎を知って欲しいあなたが参加しなかった場合。 「前にオープン データ デラウェア ミートに行ったことががない場合これは私達を結合する最適な時間。. 私達の常連の一人なら、これはまだ私たちに参加する絶好の機会です。新品とレギュラーの間どこかなら。..これは私たちに参加する最適な時間ではまだ”coorganizer ライアン ハリントンは言った。


Open Data Delaware wants to celebrate the new year with you at Chelsea Tavern in downtown Wilmington next week as the group celebrates the 20 meetups it hosted last year and maps out ideas for 2017. The low-key meetup, held on Wednesday, Jan. 4, will include a recap of the open data challenge but if you didn’t participate, the organizers want you to know you’re still welcome to join. “If you’ve never been to an Open Data Delaware meetup before, this is the perfect time to join us. If you’re one of our regulars … this is still the perfect time to join us. If you’re somewhere between brand new and a regular. .. this is still the perfect time to join us,” said coorganizer Ryan Harrington.
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フレデリクトンの忙しい交差点ダウン クラッシュ|Crashes down at Fredericton’s busiest intersection




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Collisions are down at Fredericton’s busiest intersection, three months after the debut of design changes that were aimed at making the intersection safer. There have only been three collisions recorded at or near Regent and Prospect streets between Sept. 28 and Dec. 21 of this year, according to data released publicly by the City of Fredericton. That’s a significant decrease from the average of 14.6 collisions recorded during that time period between 2007 and 2015, according to a data analysis by CBC News. Jon Lewis, a city traffic engineer, said it will take years to do a true analysis on the impact of the design changes. But he’s confident they will create a considerable decrease in collisions at Regent and Prospect over the long term.
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その開いている gov モジョを取り戻すしようとする DC: 2016 年の第 4 #dctech トレンド|DC tries to get its open gov mojo back: No. 4 #dctech trend of 2016




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As the year draws to a close we’re looking back at all that has happened in #dctech — this post is part of our 2016 year in review series. See the full list here. At the beginning of 2016, Matt Bailey, still in his erstwhile role at D.C. gov, told Technical.ly that “D.C. was a one-time epicenter of open data, but then in recent years momentum got lost.” But, he added, the District government was trying to get its groove back. In 2016 D.C. gov published a new draft open data policy which, in the spirit of openness, was made available for public comment via the site Madison. Mayor Muriel Bowser picked a new city CTO in Archana Vemulapalli, finally filling the role that ultimately oversees a lot of the governments open data and open gov work.
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OpenGov 声: 物語 データを開く data.mil の軍事史について|OpenGov Voices: Telling open data stories about military history with data.mil




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Earlier this month, the Department of Defense launched a new open government data platform, data.mil. Above, you can see a visualization of some of the data on the site that tells one aspect of the history of the Vietnam war : the number of aerial bombardments conducted by military forces from 1965-1975. To learn more about the thinking behind the website and how this experiment in open data differs from previous efforts, Sunlight interviewed data.mil’s co-creators, Mary Lazzeri, at U.S. Digital Services, and Maj. Aaron Capizzi, program manager at United States Air Force. Our discussion follows, including a postscript regarding what open data may tell us about newly discovered blockbuster bomb in Germany. Mary: The site launched on December 15th.
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オープン データ発見|Open Data Discovery




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Open Data Discovery is an interesting project that tracks and displays 306 open data portals around the globe. “These data portals are established by nations, provinces, cities, and institutes worldwide, which are main force of the global activity of data opening. With the effort of constantly observing these portals, we hope to provide an overview of how data is opened worldwide from more perspectives and more dimensions.” Try zooming to your city, and see who has your data.
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Huawei 社フィット ハンズオン: アクセスの データを開く とエレガントな $100 フィットネス時計|Huawei Fit hands-on: An elegant $100 fitness watch with open data access




Huawei 社は、幻想的な高品質のスマート フォン、タブレット、およびスマート腕時計。TalkBand 製品はラッカーと Bluetooth ヘッドセットの興味深い組み合わせであったが、これらのデバイスの品質に感銘していません。ありがたいことに、huawei 社フィットは、huawei 社のスマート フォンの品質を一致します。 一週間以上の huawei 社のフィットを着用しているし、私は今まで軽量、優れたデザイン、長いバッテリ寿命、追跡、自動スリープ、それはさまざまなサードパーティのサービスで収集するデータを同期させる能力でテストして最高の活動トラッカーの一つです。 Huawei 社フィット アルミ ラウンド ベゼル周りの斜めのエッジで構成されます。私はほとんどそれが私の手首にもある言うことができるそれを着るとき、ちょうど約 35 グラムで非常に軽量です。


Huawei makes fantastic, high quality smartphones, tablets, and smart watches. The TalkBand products were an interesting combination of activity tracker and Bluetooth headset, but I was not impressed with the quality of those devices. Thankfully, the Huawei Fit matches the quality of Huawei smartphones. I’ve been wearing the Huawei Fit for more than a week and it is one of the best activity trackers I have ever tested with a lightweight, superb design, long battery life, automatic sleep tracking, and ability to sync the data it captures with various third party services. The Huawei Fit is constructed of aluminum with a beveled edge around the round bezel. It is extremely light weight at just about 35 grams and when I wear it I can hardly tell it is even present on my wrist.
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お祝いのご挨拶と 2016 年までのレビューに|Festive Greetings and 2016 in review




開いて知識のすべての友人に私たちの暖かい季節のご挨拶、今年の最後の日が近付くとたいと思いますサポートや知識のオープン イベントに出席したアイデアとより開かれた政府と市民にその最前線は、アイルランド オープン データ議題のアクション上に構築を助けた皆にお礼を言います。 2016 年、臨時開く知識アイルランド-アイルランド病院空席待ち名簿をオープンでアクセス可能なデータとして公開を要求する勇気は誰もが彼らの当然のクリスマス休暇 (リンク) に行く前に、我々 はこの権利を達成している年だった。 我々 は、オープン データ役に立ち、人々 の生活の中で違いを確認するため、それは使用に置かれるが提唱されています。


Our warm season greetings to all friends of Open Knowledge – As we approach the final days of this year, we would like to say thank you to everyone who supported or attended an Open Knowledge event and helped to build on the ideas and actions for a more open government and an Irish open data agenda that has the citizen at its forefront. 2016 has been an extraordinary year for Open Knowledge Ireland – It was a year in which we dared to ask for Irish hospital waiting lists to be published as open, accessible data and we have achieved this right before everyone went on their well-deserved Christmas holidays (Link). We have been advocating that for open data to be useful and to make difference in lives of  people it has to be put in use.
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自動車製造業のサプライ チェーンを復活させる|Reviving The Automotive Manufacturing Supply Chain




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To the average consumer, it may seem as if today’s auto industry is riddled with mishaps, recalls and CEOs looking for government funding: Ford recently issued a recall for faulty door latches, which allowed car doors to open while vehicles were moving. And GM just announced a massive recall to fix airbag issues attributed to buggy software. Car manufacturers’ announcements — while generally well-communicated and announced swiftly — affect millions of people, attracting more attention than most other types of recalls. The GM and Ford issues specifically are indicative of quality and supply chain issues in the auto industry and unfortunately, they are just the tip of the iceberg.
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賢くて大学子供のための完璧な Documents.Essay を変更するサービスの正確なエッセイ チェッカー|Wise and Exact Essay Checker for Flawless Documents.Essay Modifying Service for college kids




賢明な私は紙の私の部分を修正する必要があります大学の子供のための完璧な Documents.Essay を変更するサービスの正確なエッセイ チェッカー。この考えはすぐに自分の考えを悩まされます。過度の発汗情報開発今周りしたら後に、それを校正する必要があります。それは避けられない、本当に重要です。編集と校正送信ジョブを心配しない生徒は、失策でいっぱい。まだ大いにより悪いなお書類脅威単に却下されます。 これは根拠がないね。搭載高品質な情報のアイデアを革命化し、強力なフリーランスのライター音声が高品質を得る必要があります。タイプミスや間違い学界では収益性の高い専門職にハードルとなるべきではないです。


Wise and Exact Essay Checker for Flawless Documents.Essay Modifying Service for college kids I need to revise my pieces of paper. This considered will soon haunt your thoughts. When you are excessive sweating around information development now, you should proofread it after. That is inescapable and really important. Pupils who do not worry about editing and proofreading send jobs filled with blunders. Still a whole lot worse, unrevised paperwork threat simply being declined. This sounds unfounded. High quality information loaded with revolutionized ideas and strong freelance writers speech should get high quality. Typos and errors shouldnt be a hurdle to profitable profession in academia.
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