
人工知能や 機械学習 の Microsoft アクセラレータ プログラム賭け10 分の 1 の 14 のスタートアップを選択します.|Microsoft Accelerator Programme Bets On AI And Machine Learning; Selects 14 Startups For Tenth …




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Bengaluru-based Microsoft Accelerator has selected 14 startups for its startup accelerator programme. It is the tenth batch for Microsoft’s Accelerator Programme. Selected startups belong to the realm of AI and machine learning and will undergo an intensive programme to increase their ‘enterprise readiness quotient.’ The cohort has been selected from VC portfolios – including Inventus Capital Partners, Ideaspring Capital, Accel Partners, IDG Ventures and Pi Ventures, based on their nominations. They were selected based upon founder experience and industry expertise, products, and traction, as per an official statement.
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音声認識が今セキュリティ研究者利用として会話の精度に近づいている.|Speech Recognition Is Now Nearing Conversational Accuracy As Security Researcher Use …




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IBM announced recently that it broke industry records involving speech recognition by extending deep learning technologies. The result is a technology that recognizes spoken words with only a 5.5 percent word error rate. In normal human conversations, it is common that there would be times when we miss a word or two. It is only when we cannot connect, or would want a confirmation of what we think we heard, do we ask the person we are speaking with to repeat the last phrase he or she has spoken. Imagine how it would be like for a computer. Last year, IBM achieved a milestone with its AI’s conversational speech that garnered a word error rate of 6.9 percent. This year it lowered that error rate to 5.
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Drive.ai は 深い学習 と自律運転をマスターする方法|How Drive.ai Is Mastering Autonomous Driving with Deep Learning




レベル 4 自治 (自動運転システムではほとんどのシナリオで人間の介入を必要としない)、マウンテン ビュー、カリフォルニア州ベース Drive.ai のスケーラブルな深い学習的アプローチと積極的なペースを目指して自己運転のスタートアップのすべての間で独特にさせます。ドライブが近い将来、真に有用な自律車を作る唯一の現実的な方法として深い学習を見て Sameep Tandon、共同創設者兼 CEO は言います。「これらのアルゴリズムと人々 が将来的に「自動運転車」を構築しようとしている方法の長期的な可能性を見ている場合学習システムを持つだけ、最も理にかなって。運転であまり合併症、微妙なハード、こと学んだではない方法でこれを行う場合は、決してつもりこれらの車はそこを得る非常に多くのものがあります。


Among all of the self-driving startups working towards Level 4 autonomy (a self-driving system that doesn’t require human intervention in most scenarios), Mountain View, Calif.-based Drive.ai’s scalable deep learning approach and aggressive pace make it unique. Drive sees deep learning as the only viable way to make a truly useful autonomous car in the near term, says Sameep Tandon, cofounder and CEO. “If you look at the long-term possibilities of these algorithms and how people are going to build [self-driving cars] in the future, having a learning system just makes the most sense. There’s so much complication in driving, there are so many things that are nuanced and hard, that if you have to do this in ways that aren’t learned, then you’re never going to get these cars out there.
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チェンナイでのオンライン コースのための需要|Demand for online courses high in Chennai




チェンナイ: オートメーションといくつかの分野で新たな人工知能、目立つの IT 部門従業員アンドロイド開発機械学習など、新しいスキルを得ることによって ‘スキルアップ’ または日時スキリングに自分自身を探している、などなど。これは、人々 を探してとに入学するコースの種類に直接反映しています。Udacity、米国のオンライン教育プラットフォーム、最近オンライン コースに表示されている金利の種類を反映する調査を発表しました。チェンナイのいくつかの人気のあるオンライン コースはデータ分析、深い学習、android の開発、機械学習、およびフロント エンド web 開発者の仕事を含んでいるものがあります。


CHENNAI: With automation and artificial intelligence emerging in several sectors, more prominently in the IT sector employees are looking at `upskilling’ or re-skilling themselves by gaining new skills such as Android Development Machine Learning , and so on. This is directly reflecting on the kind of courses people are searching for and enrolling in.Udacity , a US-based online educational platform, recently released a survey that reflects on the kind of interest being shown in online courses. In Chennai, some of the popular online courses include those that involve data analysis, deep learning, android development, machine learning, and frontend web developer jobs.
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ユーバーのデータはケープタウンの Jozi トラフィックの混乱の解決を助けることができます。|Uber’s Data Could Help Solve The Traffic Mess In Cape Town And Jozi




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There’s no doubt that Uber drivers cover thousands of kilometres of tar in their driving lifetime. Picking up one passenger here, only to take them there, just to pick up another a few roads away to take them goodness knows where, Uber trips have the potential to gather a shit load of data. And Uber knows this. Expecting to launch a data initiative that “provides both real-time and long-term trends in road congestion in Johannesburg later this year,” reports Business Live, Uber has already set up partnerships around the world.
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OpenDataHack @ECMWF – 天気を超えて: データを開く 創造的な用途を探る|OpenDataHack @ECMWF – Beyond weather: explore creative uses of open data




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Over 70 developers, data wranglers, scientists and data enthusiasts came to #OpenDataHack @ECMWF on 4 and 5 March 2017 to explore creative uses of open weather and climate data. The event was part of ECMWF’s Open Data Week and aimed to raise awareness of freely available data from ECMWF and the three Copernicus services Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) and Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS). The hackathon was divided into three challenge categories: (1) Get Out, (2) Get Geeky and (3) Get Creative, designed to encourage participants to come up with creative uses of open weather and climate data. Reading Buses and Snowflake software were two additional open data providers for the hackathon.
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ニューヨーク市の オープン データ: 簡単な歴史|New York City Open Data: A Brief History




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This story was orginally published by Data-Smart City Solutions. When New York City leaders passed comprehensive open data legislation in 2012, they set a high bar for open information and government transparency. Not only would the city open its data: it would open it all. Yesterday, the Open Data Law turned five years old. New York City’s open data team is celebrating with a suite of new announcements, including a new website, a new data literacy pilot, and the city’s inaugural Open Data Week. Each of these developments was the direct result of user research, conducted to ensure that NYC Open Data reflects the unique needs and character of New Yorkers and their city.
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海氷濃度 (SIC) v2.0 ECV データセット リリース|Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) v2.0 ECV Dataset Release




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Submitted by Fay Done on Fri, 10/03/2017 – 11:24 The Sea Ice CCI team is pleased to announce the release of a full reprocessing of the Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) v2.0 ECV. The release provides Climate Data Record (CDR) of SIC over the polar regions, derived from medium resolution passive microwave satellite data of AMSR-E (2002-2011) and AMSR2 (2012-2015). Two different CDRs are made available from the CCI Data Portal. The two CDRs use different imaging channels and therefore they have different characteristics and accuracies. For more information, please visit our CCI page for Sea Ice.
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国土調査 データを開く ライセンス|National Land Survey open data licence




フィンランドの国立土地調査 (以下ライセンサー)、データに非物質的な権利の所有者がコピーを使用する権利を下記の条件で付与 (以下データまたはデータ (かそれの部分) の dataset(s))。 ライセンシーは、このライセンスが適用されるデータの利用する自然なまたは法的人です。ライセンシーは、ライセンス対象データセットを受けたこのライセンスの条項を受け入れます。 この使用許諾契約書では、協同またはライセンサーとライセンシー間のビジネス関係は作成されません。


The National Land Survey of Finland (hereinafter the Licensor), as the holder of the immaterial rights to the data, has granted on the terms mentioned below the right to use a copy (hereinafter data or dataset(s)) of the data (or a part of it). The Licensee is a natural or legal person who makes use of the data covered by this licence. The Licensee accepts the terms of this licence by receiving the dataset(s) covered by the licence. This Licence agreement does not create a co-operation or business relationship between the Licensee and the Licensor.
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食品データを開き、開いているトランスポート データ: スイス連邦共和国の オープン データ の履歴で 2 つのマイルス トーン|Open Food Data and Open Transport Data: Two milestones in Switzerland’s Open Data History




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This blog post is part of our on-going Network series featuring updates from chapters across the Open Knowledge Network and was written by the Open Knowledge Switzerland team. Open Knowledge Switzerland pursues the objective to make data freely available for everyone to use and republish in order to increase transparency, innovation and efficiency. We are excited to share the curated highlights from Switzerland for the fourth quarter of 2016 with you all. In collaboration with Engagement Migros, the development funds of the Migros group, Opendata.ch launched the three years program “Business Innovation food.opendata.ch”. The food.opendata.
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