
食品データを開き、開いているトランスポート データ: スイス連邦共和国の オープン データ の履歴で 2 つのマイルス トーン|Open Food Data and Open Transport Data: Two milestones in Switzerland’s Open Data History




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This blog post is part of our on-going Network series featuring updates from chapters across the Open Knowledge Network and was written by the Open Knowledge Switzerland team. Open Knowledge Switzerland pursues the objective to make data freely available for everyone to use and republish in order to increase transparency, innovation and efficiency. We are excited to share the curated highlights from Switzerland for the fourth quarter of 2016 with you all. In collaboration with Engagement Migros, the development funds of the Migros group, Opendata.ch launched the three years program “Business Innovation food.opendata.ch”. The food.opendata.
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