
枢機卿の美徳共有ですが、科学者はまだそれを闘争|Sharing is a cardinal virtue, but scientists still struggle with it




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haring is one of the first interpersonal skills we develop as kids. The sandbox toys are for everyone. Bobby gets a turn on the swings, then Belinda does. You don’t offer treats to classmates unless you have enough for everyone. But by that measure, the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition may need to go back to preschool. The journal recently found itself arguing the unarguable when it tried to expel a member of its editorial board who refused to review a manuscript until the authors — gasp! — showed their data. The journal, which flies under the flag of the American Psychological Association (APA), backed down after the reviewer, Gert Storms, of the University of Leuven in Belgium, refused to quit, as did two other reviewers for the publication.
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政府は、交通事故を減らすための努力をサポートするための データを開く をタップします。|Government taps open data to support efforts to reduce road crashes




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THE Department of Transportation (DOTr) announced on Wednesday it will gather Filipino developers, information technology (IT) and digital media talents, and road safety enthusiasts in a national Road-Safety Idea Hack. “The Road Safety Idea Hack welcomes people from diverse backgrounds, whether in app development, digital media, social science, data sciences, road-safety advocacy and all who are excited and interested to learn more about open data and road-safety,” a statement by the DOTr said. According to the government’s transportation management agency, interested participants will form teams to produce ideas, analyses, methodologies, digital media, advocacy campaigns and application (app) prototypes to improve road safety in the Philippines.
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慣性は、開いている科学者のための進化が遅くなります|Inertia Slows Evolution For Open Scientists




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Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) IP-Watch is a non-profit independent news service, and depends on subscriptions. To access all of our content, please subscribe now . You may also offer additional support with your subscription, or donate It is still a long way to a new generation of “open scientists”, German open data researcher Christian Heise found out in his just-published PhD thesis. Heise not only investigated drivers and barriers for what he expects to be an evolution from open access to open science by theory and a survey of over 1100 scientists. He tried the concept open science the hard way, opening up the writing of his thesis paper on the net. About the first open PhD thesis, see here.
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国土調査 データを開く ライセンス|National Land Survey open data licence




フィンランドの国立土地調査 (以下ライセンサー)、データに非物質的な権利の所有者がコピーを使用する権利を下記の条件で付与 (以下データまたはデータ (かそれの部分) の dataset(s))。 ライセンシーは、このライセンスが適用されるデータの利用する自然なまたは法的人です。ライセンシーは、ライセンス対象データセットを受けたこのライセンスの条項を受け入れます。 この使用許諾契約書では、協同またはライセンサーとライセンシー間のビジネス関係は作成されません。


The National Land Survey of Finland (hereinafter the Licensor), as the holder of the immaterial rights to the data, has granted on the terms mentioned below the right to use a copy (hereinafter data or dataset(s)) of the data (or a part of it). The Licensee is a natural or legal person who makes use of the data covered by this licence. The Licensee accepts the terms of this licence by receiving the dataset(s) covered by the licence. This Licence agreement does not create a co-operation or business relationship between the Licensee and the Licensor.
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接続: を超えて データを開く とインドネシアのエネルギーへのアクセスを改善|Beyond A Connection: Improving Energy Access in Indonesia with Open Data




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Fransiska’s business, a local bookstore in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, is frequently impacted by unpredictable electricity. Although her business is in a commercial area, the power often goes out during peak business hours. These interruptions affect her ability to run her business effectively: lights are often dim, her store gets hot because she is unable to run fans, and she must revert to slower methods of manually recording sales and receipts. Unfortunately, this situation isn’t uncommon. The country’s unique geography, an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, poses enormous infrastructure challenges to achieving nationwide electrification, and rapid urbanization has increasingly overwhelmed the grid.
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Data61 のリニューアル公開よりアクセスできるように政府のデータ|Data61 revamps government data to make it more publicly accessible




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The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation’s (CSIRO) Data61 is looking to make government data more accessible to all Australians, revamping data.gov.au and nationalmap.gov.au, and working on the creation of government dashboards — to name just a few projects currently underway. The Australian government initially launched data.gov.au in 2010 as a tool allowing for the publishing of open data across all jurisdictions of government in the country. It then evolved in 2013 to see application programming interface (API)-style access to datasets. Since then, more data has been collected and more government departments, enterprises large and small, and the average Australian citizen have become eager to get their hands on the information.
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スプリンガー自然”SciGraph”セマンティック リンク データを開く プラットフォームの立ち上げを発表します。|Springer Nature Announces Launch of “SciGraph” Semantic Linked Open Data Platform




Sringer 自然は、その新しいスプリンガー自然 SciGraph の立ち上げと研究者にブーストを与えています。 新しいリンク オープン データ (LOD) プラットフォームがスプリンガー自然からデータ ソースを集約し、スプリンガー性質出版物に関連する情報を分析しやすく協力のパートナー。 スプリンガー自然 SciGraph 研究風景を資金提供者、研究プロジェクト、補助金、カンファレンス、所属、出版物などからの情報を照合します。現在知識グラフには、学術的なドメインに関心のオブジェクトについて 1 億 5500 万事実 (トリプル) が含まれています。以上 10 億トリプルに成長するスプリンガー自然 SciGraph 2017 年の終わりによって、引用文献、特許、臨床試験、および使用率の数値などの追加データは段階で続きます。


Sringer Nature is giving a boost to researchers with the launch of its new Springer Nature SciGraph. The new Linked Open Data (LOD) platform aggregates data sources from Springer Nature and cooperating partners, making it easier to analyze information related to Springer Nature publications. Springer Nature SciGraph collates information from across the research landscape, such as funders, research projects and grants, conferences, affiliations, and publications. Currently the knowledge graph contains 155 million facts (triples) about objects of interest to the scholarly domain. Additional data, such as citations, patents, clinical trials, and usage numbers will follow in stages, so that by the end of 2017 Springer Nature SciGraph will grow to more than one billion triples.
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国連専門家は、国際法とプライバシーの権利のバランスをとるための多国間条約を求める.|United Nations expert calls for international law and multilateral treaties for balancing privacy rights …




プライバシー (SRP) の権利に関する国連の特別報告者、ジョセフ ・ Cannataci に焦点を当てて報告が行われた最初のアプローチ」政府の監視よりプライバシー優しい監督に”人権理事会に 3 月 8 日。レポートは、最近の動向と政府の監視とプライバシーの権利との相互作用の区域の開発に見えます。 レポートは科学的根拠に基づく「比例」の重要性に重点を置くあらゆる種類のコンテンツと同様メタデータを含むデータの一括取得によって作成されたプライバシー侵入の危険性は、テロの危険性減らすのに測定の有効性に比例する必要があります。


The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy (SRP), Joseph Cannataci presented a report focusing on “First approaches to a more privacy-friendly oversight of government surveillance” to the Human Rights Council on March 8. The report looks at recent trends and developments in the area of government surveillance and its interaction with the right to privacy. The report stresses the importance of evidence-based ’proportionality’, that is the risk of privacy intrusion created by the bulk acquisition of all kinds of data including metadata as well as content should be proportional to the effectiveness of the measure in reducing in the risk of terrorism.
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このマップは、彼らが起こる前にロンドン全体で犯罪が予測すること主張します。|This map claims it can predict crimes across London before they happen




イギリスを渡るすべての時間警察の事件に出席または逮捕する、それが記録されます。この情報はオンラインし国、ロンドンの首都警察で最大の力があり役員の 31,000 からデータを記録するようなシステムを使用します。さらに、このすべてのデータはオープン形式で開催されます。 今、ニューヨーク ベースのデータ科学会社 Dataiku はこのデータの追跡に使用 2017 年にロンドンの将来の犯罪がかかります予測するのに入札の首都での料金を置く前の犯罪。 ニコラス Gakrelidz、マップを作成した会社の上級データ科学者大胆に「将来的にかもしれないする犯罪発生率を予測する」ことは有線に指示します。


Every time police across the UK attend an incident or make an arrest, it is logged. This information is stored online and the largest force in the country, London’s Metropolitan Police, uses such a system to record data from its 31,000 serving officers. What’s more, all of this data is held in open formats. Now, New York-based data science firm Dataiku has used this open data to track previous crime rates in the capital in a bid to forecast where future crimes in London will take place in 2017. Nicolas Gakrelidz, the company’s senior data scientist who created the map, boldly tells WIRED it is possible to “predict what the crime rates might be in the future”.
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第 2 回の オープン データ チャレンジ ショップで 6 月の hackathon の準備します。|Prep for June’s hackathon with the second Open Data Challenge workshop




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Open Data Delaware’s next Open Data Challenge workshop has officially been announced. We received word from co-organizer Ryan Harrington about the where, what and when of it all. On March 22, at the Microsoft Store in the Christiana Mall from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Open Data Delaware and Content Strategy Delaware are teaming up for “Next Level Civic Tech: Build a Plan with Content Strategy DE.” The focus of this particular workshop is on the structural operation of an idea.
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