
大きな銀行の Ceo fintechs にアカウント データ金庫を開くこと|The big bank CEOs have agreed to open their account data vaults to fintechs




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Australia’s four major banks have agreed, with some concerns over security, to allow open access to customer data. A parliamentary inquiry has recommended that the banks be forced to give access to customer data to help fintechs now pushing against the market share of the banks. The CEOs of the big four banks were questioned this week for a second time in the House of Representatives Economics Standing Committee hearings in Canberra. In general, the CEOs have come to the realisation that disruption by fintechs is inevitable and many of them have invested in the sector. However, the issue they worry about is data breaches and possible large scale identity theft. One banks says it comes under cyber attack on average every four minutes.
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オープン データコンテストは、科学的な宝石を発掘する — と論争|Open-Data Contest Unearths Scientific Gems — and Controversy




ジョージタウン大学の生命倫理研究図書館生命倫理研究者世界的なアップロード先ライブラリ全体のジョージタウンのコミュニティのための優れたリソースです。 生命倫理研究図書館の使命は、バーテンのユニークな知識コレクション、共同研究プロジェクトをサポートおよびジョージタウン大学でアクティブな奨学金のための魅力的なスペースをホストの例外的なサービスを提供することです。


The Bioethics Research Library at Georgetown University is a destination library for bioethics scholars worldwide and an exceptional resource for the entire Georgetown community. Our mission at the Bioethics Research Library is to provide exceptional services, curate unique knowledge collections, support collaborative research projects, and host an engaging space for active scholarship at Georgetown University.
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コロラド州の新しいウェブサイトは、再 GIS データと対話する方法を可視化します。|New Colorado Website Re-Visualizes Ways to Interact with GIS Data




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The state of Colorado, which launched its own open data portal nearly five years ago, is expanding its range of available GIS data with the March 6 debut of its new GIS website and data explorer. The new site, officials said, should help users find GIS data more easily, while simultaneously providing a place for state, county and municipal agencies and other stakeholders to get GIS support. It offers a mix of visualization tools and service information on its front page, designed to educate visitors on what the state offers in the realm of GIS, as well as areas where it has and continues to put data to good use.
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ウエスト パック データを開く 導くかだれに ‘ 依存’|Westpac ‘agnostic’ on who leads open data




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Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer says fintechs and government have a role to play in open customer data, but says concerns about fraud are very real. Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer is keen on the idea of opening customers’ data to competitors but remains wary about exposing them to the risk of financial fraud. Mr Hartzer told the House of Representatives economics committee on Wednesday that players outside the banking industry such as fintechs and governments, or even an “independent secretariat”, had a role to play in the sharing of customer data to encourage competition. “We’re relatively agnostic about who leads the process: we are supportive of open data …
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ウエスト パックの最初の顧客を置く: Hartzer|Westpac putting customers first: Hartzer




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四大銀行 データを開く 規制に木びき台を渡す|Big four banks passing the buck on open data regulation




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Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer has told the House of Representatives that he is “relatively agnostic” when it comes to determining who leads the process that will eventually see banks in Australia opening up customer data to external parties. On the final day of the Standing Committee on Economics’ review of the performance of Australia’s banking and financial system, Hartzer said a regulator-led process may be appropriate so long as there is heavy involvement from the banks. “Westpac supports enhanced data sharing, but at the same time, it’s important we get the implementation of data sharing with third parties right in order to protect our customers from fraud, privacy breaches, and inappropriate use of their data,” Hartzer said in his opening address.
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ニューヨーク Woos を新しい オープン データ ポータル ホーム ページにデータ初心者|NYC Woos Data Newbies With New Open Data Portal Home Page




市長ビル デ ブラシオ署名ニューヨーク市のオープン データの法律後の日に 5 年間自治体周年を迎えました法案の 3 月 7 日 (火) 初心者のため何か-ニューヨーク オープン データ Web ポータルの新しい、ユーザーフレンドリーなホームページの立ち上げ。 ホームページ、市内経由でニュース リリースだ「データ初心者」のための簡単にエントリ ポイント”動作を理解する彼らの都市の情報をそれ作り出すニューヨーカーをエンパワーすること都市データと知り合いに。


Five years to the day after Mayor Bill de Blasio signed New York City’s Open Data Law, the municipality marked the legislation’s anniversary on Tuesday, March 7, with something for newbies — the launch of a new, user-friendly home page for the NYC Open Data Web portal. The homepage, the city said via news release, is an easier entry point for “data novices” to get acquainted with city data and to empower New Yorkers “to understand how their city works through the information it produces.
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Saas 型 CRM の構築済みデータ コネクタのリリース業界最初のスイートを進行します。|Progress Releases Industry’s First Suite of Pre-Built Data Connectors for SaaS CRM




マサチューセッツ州ベッドフォード発–(ビジネス ワイヤ)–進行状況 (ナスダック: PRGS) 本日は Progress® DataDirect® ハイブリッド データ パイプラインの一部として saas 型 CRM コネクタの新しいセットの可用性を発表しました。新しいエンタープライズ対応コネクタ活用業界標準 SQL (ODBC、JDBC) および他の SaaS アプリケーションと同様、第三者分析ツールやデータ管理ツールからデータにアクセスする構築済みのコネクタを使用して、残りの部分 (OData) アクセス。開いている標準的なコネクタの新しいスイートは、saas 型 CRM ソリューション Salesforce、SugarCRM、Veeva CRM, Microsoft Dynamics および Oracle 販売クラウドへの強力でオープンなデータ接続を提供します。


BEDFORD, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS) today announced the availability of a new set of SaaS CRM connectors as part of the Progress® DataDirect® Hybrid Data Pipeline. The new enterprise-ready connectors leverage industry standard SQL (ODBC, JDBC) and REST (OData) access, using prebuilt connectors to access data from third party analytics and data management tools, as well as other SaaS applications. The new suite of open standard connectors provide powerful and open data connectivity to SaaS CRM solutions, including Salesforce, SugarCRM, Veeva CRM, Microsoft Dynamics and Oracle Sales Cloud.
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シリコン ・ アリー (国際女性の日、オープン データ 週スマート地区サミットで今週|This Week In Silicon Alley (International Womens Day, Open Data Week, Smart Districts Summit …




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Interested in learning more about all of our membership levels or looking for more detailed information on NYTM? Head over to our full website at www.nytm.org Mailing List and Discussion Board Guidelines – NY Tech Meetup follows Meetup.com’s Use of Platform guidelines. In addition, we have our own Community Guidelines that we expect all members to adhere to. If you witness inappropriate commentary or behavior on the mailing list or discussion forum, please report it to us as soon as possible to us at support@nytm.org Founded in 2004, NY Tech Meetup is the largest meetup group in the world. It is run by NY Tech Alliance, a non-profit organization formed by the merger of NY Tech Meetup (the non-profit) and New York Tech Council in 2016.
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風農場のホット スポット ファインダー wins NS データを開く コンテスト|Wind farm hot spot finder wins NS open data contest




コンピューティングとセントメアリーズ大学で分析の修士の学生は、彼は彼のグループのピッチが 3000 ドルの州のオープン データ コンテストの最優秀賞を獲得した驚いたと述べた。 コンテストは、公開データセットのノバスコシア州の数百の 1 つ以上を使用して、アプリケーションを作成するグループを奨励しています。 スニル Udhayakumar グループ、15 の他の人と一緒にいた 2 分でこの週末、裁判官に自分のケースを作る。 「びっくり本当に私たち本当よく外でそれらを説明しました。説明の方法、何を言っていたを忘れた、”Udhayakumar と述べた。 プロジェクトは、州の人口分布を考慮したと共にノバスコシア州の王冠の土地からデータを使用して関与しています。グループには、新しい風力発電所が行くことができる 22 の領域が識別されます。


A masters student in computing and analytics at Saint Mary’s University said he was surprised his group’s pitch won top prize of $3,000 in the province’s open data contest. The contest encourages groups to use one or more of Nova Scotia’s hundreds of publicly available datasets to create apps. Sunil Udhayakumar’s group, along with 15 others, only had two minutes to make their case to the judges this weekend. “I was really surprised because we explained them really well outside. And through the way explaining, I forgot what I was saying,” Udhayakumar said. The project involved using data from Nova Scotia Crown land along with considering the population distribution of the province. The group identified 22 areas where new wind farms could go.
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