
音声認識における新たなマイルス トーンに達する 深い学習 技術 IBM を使用して|Using Deep Learning Technologies IBM Reaches a New Milestone in Speech Recognition




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The research team at IBM recently announced they’ve reached a new industry record in speech recognition with a word error rate of 5.5% using the SWITCHBOARD linguistic corpus. This brings it closer to what’s considered to be the human error rate of 5.1%. Humans typically miss one to two words out of every 20 words they hear. In a five-minute conversation, that could be as many as 80 words. The research project includes applying deep learning technologies and incorporating acoustic models. The speech recognition model used Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and WaveNet language models with a score fusion of three acoustic models.
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人工知能の限界を議論します。|Discussing the limits of artificial intelligence




X と AI がすべての問題を解決するための危機に瀕している深い学習についての見出しを見ることがなくハイテクのサイトのこれらの日を訪問するは難しいです。ゲイリー マーカスの懐疑的なまま。 マーカス、ベストセラー著者、起業家、および nyu で、心理学の教授は子供が学ぶ方法を勉強して数十年を費やしており、こと問題でより多くのデータを投げる必ずしも導かない言語理解などの分野の進歩に AGI-人工知能に私たちを得るの話をしないと考えています。 マーカスは、愛がすべての誇大宣伝と 2015年彼反誇大広告の音声翻訳スタートアップ、幾何学的な知能、認知心理学からの洞察力を使用してより良い実行すると、以下のデータ空腹機械学習システムを構築するに彼の思考は。


It’s hard to visit a tech site these days without seeing a headline about deep learning for X, and that AI is on the verge of solving all our problems. Gary Marcus remains skeptical. Marcus, a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and professor of psychology at NYU, has spent decades studying how children learn and believes that throwing more data at problems won’t necessarily lead to progress in areas such as understanding language, not to speak of getting us to AGI – artificial general intelligence. Marcus is the voice of anti-hype at a time when AI is all the hype, and in 2015 he translated his thinking into a startup, Geometric Intelligence, which uses insights from cognitive psychology to build better performing, less data-hungry machine learning systems.
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Adobe、コーネル AI 別の 1 つの写真のスタイルを転送します。|Adobe, Cornell AI transfers one photo’s style to another




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Adobe, Cornell AI transfers one photo’s style to another There is no doubt that artificial intelligence, machine learning, and neural networks have experienced huge strides in progress, but of their applications have been on things with “hard edges”. Those include search results, translation, board games, etc. Recently, however, progress is also being made in areas of computer vision, imaging, and graphics, for applications that are usually considered more “subjective”. Like transferring one photo’s style unto another photo. Researchers from Adobe and Cornell University have developed a deep-learning neural network that does exactly that, and the results are very convincing indeed.
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ケイ質砂岩腫瘍の腫瘍抗原同定のプラットフォームから提示された最初のパブリック データ.|First Public Data Presented from Gritstone Oncology’s Tumor Antigen Identification Platform for …




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Gritstone Oncology, a next-generation personalized cancer immunotherapy company, today announced the first reported data supporting its novel approach to tumor-specific neoantigen (TSNA) identification through integrated tumor tissue analysis and deep learning. The data are being presented in the Tumor Antigens and Adaptive Immunity poster session on Sunday, April 2 from 1:00 – 5:00 PM EDT at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2017 in Washington, D.C. “For years, cancer immunotherapy has been one of the most exciting fields in oncology research, yet it also poses some of the greatest challenges,” said Andrew Allen, M.D., Ph.D., co-founder, president and chief executive officer of Gritstone Oncology.
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フィリップス、PathAI は、乳がん診断のチーム|Philips, PathAI team up on breast cancer diagnostic




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Philips is partnering with PathAI, which is developing deep-learning algorithms for the detection and diagnosis of disease, to improve the speed and accuracy of cancer diagnosis. Their first focus will be breast cancer. The pair aims to apply deep learning to “massive” pathology datasets to inform diagnosis and treatment decisions, Philips said in a statement Wednesday. They will first develop deep-learning applications to automatically spot cancerous lesions in breast cancer tissue. This application could ease the burden on pathologists, who have historically reviewed tumor tissue samples manually. While tumor analysis is essential for diagnosis, doing it manually is time-consuming and may put pressure on pathologists to read and analyze slides more quickly, Philips said.
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1 日 Photoshop が即座に別の写真のスタイルをコピーすることができます。|One Day Photoshop Might Let You Instantly Copy Another Photo’s Style




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Ever wonder why your photos never turn out as amazing those posted by your favorite Instagrammer? There’s probably a lot of post-processing happening in Photoshop you don’t see. But instead of poking at sliders for an hour, computer scientists want to make it incredibly easy for even amateur photographers to achieve results comparable to a professional’s.
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画期的な人工知能研究者がトロント ラボからの根本的に異なる’ のアイデアを期待しています。|Groundbreaking AI researcher hopes for ‘radically different’ ideas from Toronto lab




機械学習の研究の最も大きい名前の 1 つはベクター研究所、トロントの新しい人工知能研究ハブの高い期待を持ってください。 ジェフリー ・ ヒントン、機械学習と呼ばれる深い研究の人気のあるブランチの父親の一つと考え学習、研究所の主席科学顧問です。彼は任意の意思決定力を持っていない-それはちょうどボランティアの位置 — 彼は研究所の研究者が彼らの努力を集中する必要があります領域をお勧めすることができますが。彼はすでにいくつかのアイデアを持っています。 CBC のニュースとのインタビューでヒントンは言った「私の主な関心はニューラル ネットの根本的に異なる種類を見つけるしようとしています」。彼は問題解決に言及した人間の脳のニューロン間の接続をシミュレートするために設計されたソフトウェア。


One of the biggest names in machine learning research has high hopes for the Vector Institute, Toronto’s new artificial intelligence research hub. Geoffrey Hinton, considered one of the fathers of a popular branch of machine learning research called deep learning, is the institute’s chief scientific adviser. He doesn’t have any decision-making power — it’s just a volunteer position — but he can suggest areas where the institute’s researchers should focus their efforts. And he already has some ideas. “My main interest is in trying to find radically different kinds of neural nets,” said Hinton in an interview with CBC News. He was referring to problem-solving software designed to simulate the connections between neurons in the human brain.
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アリババのアップグレード機医療を向上させるためのプラットフォームを学習、中国で製造|Alibaba’s upgraded machine learning platform to help improve healthcare, manufacturing in China




PAI 2.0 は簡単に大規模なデータ収集やモデリングを導入するお客様にも役立ちます。 アリババ クラウド、クラウド ・ コンピューティング、アリババ グループの腕は、そのマシンの学習プラットフォーム簡単に大規模なデータ マイニング、モデリングを導入するお客様を支援するパイをアップグレードしています。 PAI 2.0 はアプサラによって供給されて-アリババ雲の大規模コンピューティング エンジン-超大規模分散コンピューティング機能を提供します。ペタバイト ・ レベルのコンピューティング タスクを毎日処理する組織をことができます。 プラットフォームは、アプリケーション プログラム インターフェイス (API) を展開する場合も 1 クリック機能をサポートします。さらに、それは開発者は簡単に、簡単なドラッグ アンド ドロップ機能を使用してワークフローにコンポーネントを含めることができるデータ ビジュアライゼーション機能装備です。 ほかに、パイ 2。


PAI 2.0 will also help customers easily deploy large-scale data mining and modeling. Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, has upgraded its machine learning platform PAI to help customers easily deploy large-scale data mining and modeling. PAI 2.0 is powered by Apsara—Alibaba Cloud’s large-scale computing engine—to provide ultra-large-scale distributed computing capabilities. It allows organisations to handle petabyte-level of computing tasks daily. The platform also supports a one-click function when deploying an application programme interface (API). In addition, it is equipped with data visualisations capabilities that allow developers to quickly include components into workflows with its easy drag-and-drop features. Besides that, PAI 2.
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SP ジャインはなるそれの後の最も求められたポスト大学院プログラムを提供する唯一の機関です.|SP Jain becomes the only institution to offer Post Graduate Programs for the most sought after IT …




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Mumbai: SP Jain School of High Technology has become the only school in the country to offer Post Graduate Specialist certification programs in various emerging technology domains including Virtual Reality, Machine Learning and Cyber Security. These programs provide specialist training to IT professionals in emerging technology domains which are replacing traditional IT skills & jobs. The programs at SP Jain School of High Technology provide students the technology, programming & strategic skills to solve complex business problems by using various tools as well as deep industry exposure through knowledge & recruitment partnerships with leading partners in these domains.
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機械学習を使用することを学ぶ|Learn to use machine learning




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Promo Artificial Intelligence has crested the top of the Gartner hype cycle, and is on the lips of every technical marketing exec. Companies are doing things with it, but many projects are still proving out the concepts. You can’t talk about the weather these days without a gimmicky, gee-whiz weather chatbot trying to impress you with its opinion on the rain – and sometimes getting it wrong. And let’s just pretend Microsoft Tay never happened. There’s a chasm between many current AI deployments and a mature, grown-up approach with sensible business benefits. What do companies need to know to get from here to there? When artificial intelligence first emerged as a discipline, scientists had great hopes for it.
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