
自律のレポート: カナダはフォードから AV 投資を集めています。|The Autonomous Report: Canada attracts AV investment from Ford




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Toronto, Ontario — April 2, 2017 — The Autonomous Report keeps you updated on all of the vital news on developments in autonomous vehicles (AVs). In this week’s edition, we look at two major announcements to come out of Canada in the last week, a timeline of AV development according to industry experts and much, much more! – A couple of major announcements concerning AVs and the coming era of artificial intelligence-enhanced driving were made in Canada this past week. The first announcement came from Ford, which indicated, “it will spend as much as $337.9 million on a new research and development centre in Ottawa that will focus on developing self-driving vehicles …
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ホーム ニュース Google は与えられた DeepMind メモリ、AI を作らない、.|Home News Google Has Given DeepMind a Memory, The AI Will not Make the…




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Google’s DeepMind has been playing video games on the Atari since 2014, and it got pretty good too, beating human scores. The problem was, it couldn’t remember how it did it. So, every time a new Atari game was introduced, a new neural network was created, but in doing this, the AI could never benefit from its own learned experiences. However, a group of researchers from DeepMind in collaboration with those at Imperial College London has been busy creating an algorithm that could change all that. The new algorithm allows the AI to learn, retain, and then reuse the knowledge that it learns. This is done through the use of supervised learning and reinforcement learning tests. For humans, the basis for continual learning is synaptic consolidation.
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機械学習-新しい Cerber ランサムウェアひずみの検出に失敗するセキュリティ ツールのベース|Machine Learning-Based Security Tools Fail to Detect new Cerber Ransomware Strain




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JP Buntinx is a FinTech and Bitcoin enthusiast living in Belgium. His passion for finance and technology made him one of the world’s leading freelance Bitcoin writers, and he aims to achieve the same level of respect in the FinTech sector.
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Mex のクラウド PoS はオーブンから新鮮な狂牛病|Mad Mex’s cloud PoS is fresh out of the oven




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Fast food chain Mad Mex is on a rip-and-replace campaign to swap unsupported software used by its national network of franchises with modern, cloud-based technology. Last year it shifted its operations from on-premise Small Business Server and Excel spreadsheets to a suite of Microsoft products including Office 365 and Sharepoint on its Azure cloud computing platform. But as a hangover from its time as a start-up with just a handful of stores, there are unsupported Windows XP and 7 PCs sitting in each outlet running Oracle’s on-premise Hospitality RES point-of-sale system. Mad Mex got the PCs as part of its deal with Oracle for RES, but this arrangement is a “roadblock to efficiency”, according to the chain’s CIO John Boyd.
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アップルの特許では、ジェスチャーを理解する将来のデバイスでシリを支援するビジュアル システムを明らかにする.|Apple Patent Reveals a Visual System to Assist Siri in Future Devices to understand Gestures …




2015 年 12 月あきらかにアップル掲載タイトル レポート”アップル ‘深い学習」に焦点を当てた新しいチームを構築し続けます自律走行車のための技術です」。我々 が持つ、深い学習チーム ‘ アップルの聞いたの初めてだった自律走行車両に関連するプロジェクトの一つ、チームはプロジェクトの広い範囲に明らかに関与します。戻って 2016 年 6 月にアップル社のクレイグ ・ Federighi、上級副社長の iOS ・ macOS ソフトウェア工学はシリの新しい「深い学習」機能関連の深い質問を理解する Siri の機能の進歩を表示する彼の方法の出かけた。2016 年 10 月までに戻って Google は AI 革命の到着時に、マニフェストを配信しました。


In December 2015 Patently Apple posted a report titled “Apple Continues to Build a New Team that is focused on ‘Deep Learning’ Technology for Autonomous Vehicles.” That was the first time we heard of Apple having a ‘deep learning team.’ While one of the projects related to autonomous vehicles, the team is obviously involved in a wide range of projects. Back in June 2016 Apple’s Craig Federighi, Senior VP of Software Engineering for iOS and macOS went out of his way to show the advancements in Siri’s ability to understand deep questions relating to Siri’s new “deep learning” capabilities. Back in October 2016, Google delivered their manifesto on the arrival of the AI revolution.
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深い学習 が適用されてどこですか。RE•WORK グローバル サミットより|Where is Deep Learning Being Applied? More from RE•WORK Global Summits




深い学習は、フィールド数の増加で広大な応用まで上昇の人気を負っています。資金を調達する医療、e-コマース、RE•WORK 深い学習サミット (27-28 4 月) にオートメーションが披露される学習風景とそのビジネスや社会に影響を与える深い。 注目関心のスピーカー ジェフリー ・ デ ・ Fauw、DeepMind の研究エンジニアです。DeepMind 入社、デ Fauw は、彼はサミットで提示される眼底画像で糖尿病性網膜症 (DR) を検出する深い学習モデルを開発しました。DR は開発された世界の失明の主要原因と診断それ時間のかかるプロセスであります。・ デ ・ Fauw のモデルは、診断時間の短縮と正確にリスクが、できるだけ早期に治療を受ける助けに患者を識別するために設計されました。


Deep learning owes its rising popularity to its vast applications across an increasing number of fields. From healthcare to finance, automation to e-commerce, the RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit (27-28 April) will showcase the deep learning landscape and its impact on business and society. Of notable interest is speaker Jeffrey De Fauw, Research Engineer at DeepMind. Prior to joining DeepMind, De Fauw developed a deep learning model to detect Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) in fundus images, which he will be presenting at the Summit. DR is a leading cause of blindness in the developed world and diagnosing it is a time-consuming process. De Fauw’s model was designed to reduce diagnostics time and to accurately identify patients at risk, to help them receive treatment as early as possible.
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Snapchat の物語は、コンテンツによって今検索ことができます。|Snapchat Stories can now be searched by content




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Snapchat Stories are searchable, which means users can look for Stories related to specific keywords, say for example, puppies or flowers etc to get a list of all related Stories. Users can search for Stories from the search tab present on top of Snapchat app. Users can search for over one million unique Stories, says Snapchat. “In addition to our professionally curated Stories, you can watch a local basketball game, check out the scene at your favorite bar, view your favorite Fashion Week shows, get inspired by a faraway place, or simply tap through a Story full of puppies — there’s a Story for everything!” Snapchat Team said in a blog post. For Snapchat users to be able to find these Stories, they need to be submitted to app’s Our Story group.
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ヴァンダービルトの関連会社 PredictGov は 機械学習 を使用して議会を予測するには|Vanderbilt affiliates’ PredictGov uses machine learning to forecast Congress




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A new website that forecasts Congressional bills’ success predicted the Affordable Care Act replacement bill would be shelved, awarding it a 15 percent chance of enactment. Users can look up any pending bill on PredictGov or find predictions through its partner, legislation tracker GovTrack, which now includes a “prognosis” line in its overview of each bill. PredictGov, which uses big data and artificial intelligence to reach its conclusions, is the invention of recent Vanderbilt University computer science Ph.D. John Nay, law Professor J.B. Ruhl and their team. PredictGov pulls from decades of Congressional data and hundreds of variables, including the bill’s sponsor, amendments, economic trends and political shifts.
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どの AI ‘で変更できます、ロック’ サイバー セキュリティ|How AI can ‘change the locks’ in cybersecurity




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Some of the world’s best known brands have invested millions of dollars in information security. So have their adversaries. Malicious actors are counting on the fact that your defenses are operated mostly by humans who make changes. When you moved into your neighborhood, did you change your locks or do you have the exact same ones as all your neighbors? Think about what could happen if a thief can compromise just one of those shared locks? For some reason the world of information security has a same-lock mentality. And some of their “customers” are malicious actors working hard to do harm. Given the situation, we should not be surprised that even with the massive amount of money being spent defenses still fail.
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データ フォーラム|Data forum




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Need to Buy Pletal with DISCOUNT? CLICK HERE! Our Pharmacies is the most trusted online drug suppliers. You do not have to worry about the quality of our drugs, we want to assure you that we provide you with the best possible quality at affordable prices.
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