
Mex のクラウド PoS はオーブンから新鮮な狂牛病|Mad Mex’s cloud PoS is fresh out of the oven




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Fast food chain Mad Mex is on a rip-and-replace campaign to swap unsupported software used by its national network of franchises with modern, cloud-based technology. Last year it shifted its operations from on-premise Small Business Server and Excel spreadsheets to a suite of Microsoft products including Office 365 and Sharepoint on its Azure cloud computing platform. But as a hangover from its time as a start-up with just a handful of stores, there are unsupported Windows XP and 7 PCs sitting in each outlet running Oracle’s on-premise Hospitality RES point-of-sale system. Mad Mex got the PCs as part of its deal with Oracle for RES, but this arrangement is a “roadblock to efficiency”, according to the chain’s CIO John Boyd.
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