
マイクロソフトは、人工知能を使って SQL Server を注ぎ込む|Microsoft Infuses SQL Server With Artificial Intelligence




、両方の Windows と Linux 上で実行される、SQL Server 2017 年が少しずつ近づいて企業は、そのビジネス データから価値を引き出す方法を変更する人工知能機能のセットを解放するマイクロソフトによると。 レドモンド、ワシントン州、4 月 19 日巨大なソフトウェアは、SQL Server 2017 コミュニティ テクノロジ プレビュー (ctp) 版 2.0 を発表しました。ジョセフ Sirosh、Microsoft データ グループの副社長は「最初 RDBMS [リレーショナル データベース管理システム] 組み込みの AI と」として「品質」データベース ソフトウェアを説明マイクロソフトでは、SQL Server チームからこの TechNet 記事ではダウンロード リンクとプレビューを Linux にインストールする場合、手順があります。


SQL Server 2017, which will run on both Windows and Linux, is inching closer to release with a set of artificial intelligence capabilities that will change the way enterprises derive value from their business data, according to Microsoft. The Redmond, Wash., software giant on April 19 released SQL Server 2017 Community Technology Preview (CTP) 2.0. Joseph Sirosh, corporate vice president of the Microsoft Data Group, described the “production-quality” database software as “the first RDBMS [relational database management system] with built-in AI.” Download links and instructions on installing the preview on Linux are available in this TechNet post from the SQL Server team at Microsoft.
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IBM は、失明の主要原因にうまく検出 深い学習 を使用します。|IBM uses deep learning to better detect a leading cause of blindness




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IBM on Thursday announced its latest breakthrough in combating eye disease, with new research methods that could help doctors diagnose and classify diabetic retinopathy (DR). DR is a complication of diabetes and one of the leading causes of blindness in the US. Using deep learning and visual analytics technology, IBM researchers were able to classify the severity of patients’ diabetic retinopathy (DR) with 86 percent accuracy. The method takes just 20 seconds to identify and classify legions, which could help more doctors screen more patients. Currently, diabetes patients are screened for DR by an expert clinician, in an often manual and time-intensive process.
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糖尿病性眼病の検出を向上させる IBM 深い学習|​IBM deep learning improves detection of diabetic eye disease




病気進行の IBM の眺めの良い臨床医が糖尿病網膜症 (DR) の早期発見を改善するために、深い学習と視覚的分析技術を使用して新しいメソッド可能性を提供します。 IBM によって出版される新しい研究からの結果-目イメージの疾患の重症度の程度を分類する-を超える深い学習と病理学の洞察力を用いた重症度分類のため現在公開されている研究。 IBM チームによって作成された新しいメソッドを実現精度スコア 86% の臨床 DR 国際的に認識されている 5 つのレベルの間で、疾患の重症度を分類します。 IBM は、研究可能性を提供医師や病気の進行の眺めのよい臨床医最良の治療法を判断できるようにと考えています。


New method could potentially provide clinicians with a better view of disease progression IBM is using its deep learning and visual analytics technology to improve the early detection of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Results from new research published by IBM – which classify the degree of severity of the disease in an eye image – exceed currently published studies for severity classification using deep learning and pathology insights. A new method created by the IBM team achieved an accuracy score of 86 per cent in classifying the severity of the disease across five levels recognised on the international clinical DR scale. IBM believes the research could potentially provide doctors and clinicians with a better view of disease progression so they can determine the best treatment.
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アマゾン Web サービスを絞り込むサンフランシスコ サミット出展|Amazon Web Services Refine Products at the San Francisco Summit




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Amazon Web Services hosted a two day summit in San Francisco on April 18 & 19. They provided insight on developments within the company, over 50 workshops and courses, and the opportunity to connect with employees at Amazon. The company announced several new updates their cloud computing platform. Business Wire and Amazon reported the following additions: For years I wondered how I would acquire the technical skills to impress hiring managers at large tech firms. After two years of being rejected for dozens of jobs, I finally see that Amazon Web Services offers training through the workshops at live events. In the past, I have attended Devops meetings to connect with Amazon employees.
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InfoQ e マグネットワーク: 機械学習入門|The InfoQ eMag: Introduction to Machine Learning




InfoQ.com は知識と専門的なソフトウェア開発の革新の普及を促進します。InfoQ のコンテンツは、現在英語、中国語、日本語、ブラジル系ポルトガル語で公開されています。世界中の 100 のローカル ベースのエディターからコンテンツを毎月読むあたり以上 1,400,000 のユニーク訪問者の読者ベース、ローカライズされたコミュニティを構築し続けています。 機械学習は毎日との対話の多くの製品を供給して長い-Apple のシリと今の Google のような「インテリジェント」アシスタントから推薦するエンジンのアマゾンのような新しい製品の提案、グーグルやフェイス ブックで使用されるシステムをランキング広告を購入します。


InfoQ.com  is facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in professional software development. InfoQ content is currently published in English, Chinese, Japanese and Brazilian Portuguese. With a readership base of over 1,400,000 unique visitors per month reading content from 100 locally-based editors across the globe, we continue to build localized communities. Machine learning has long powered many products we interact with daily—from “intelligent” assistants like Apple’s Siri and Google Now, to recommendation engines like Amazon’s that suggest new products to buy, to the ad ranking systems used by Google and Facebook.
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研究者は心臓発作を予測する 機械学習 アルゴリズムを開発します。|Researchers Develop Machine-Learning Algorithms to Predict Heart Attacks




JP Buntinx はベルギーに住んでいる、フィンテック、Bitcoin 愛好家です。金融、技術への情熱、彼世界有数の Bitcoin のフリーランスのライターの 1 つ、彼はフィンテック部門で尊敬の同じレベルを達成するために目指しています。


JP Buntinx is a FinTech and Bitcoin enthusiast living in Belgium. His passion for finance and technology made him one of the world’s leading freelance Bitcoin writers, and he aims to achieve the same level of respect in the FinTech sector.
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Broadcom の新しい 100 G イーサネット マルチ ホスト コント ローラーは 機械学習 NFV、加速して.|Broadcom’s New 100G Ethernet Multi-host Controller Accelerates Machine Learning, NFV, and …




サンノゼ、カリフォルニア州、シンガポール、2017 年 4 月 18 日 (グローブ NEWSWIRE) – Broadcom 限定 (ナスダック: アブゴ)、リード デザイナーの開発者と広範なデジタルおよびアナログの半導体の接続ソリューションのグローバル ・ サプライヤー、今日発表のハイ パフォーマンス コンピューティング、機械学習、ネットワーク機能の仮想化 (NFV) を含むネットワーク、およびストレージ アプリケーション向けの新しい 100 G イーサネット マルチ ホスト コント ローラー製品ファミリ、BCM57454 NetXtreme® E シリーズ、およびエンタープライズ ・ クラウド ストレージ。BCM57454 前世代 25 G ・ 50 G イーサネット ・ コント ローラーに展開すると、ネットワーク パフォーマンスを向上させる非常に最適化されたハードウェア加速エンジンの一意のセットを持つ広帯域イーサネット コント ローラーを組み合わせたものです。


SAN JOSE, Calif. and SINGAPORE, April 18, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Broadcom Limited (NASDAQ:AVGO), a leading designer, developer and global supplier of a broad range of digital and analog semiconductor connectivity solutions, today announced a new 100G Ethernet multi-host controller product family, the BCM57454 NetXtreme® E-Series, designed for high performance computing, networking and storage applications that include machine learning, network function virtualization (NFV), and enterprise and cloud storage. Expanding upon previous generation 25G/50G Ethernet controllers, the BCM57454 combines a high bandwidth Ethernet controller with a unique set of highly optimized hardware acceleration engines that enhance network performance.
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機械学習気候研究に嵐|Machine Learning Storms Into Climate Research




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The fields where machine learning and neural networks can have positive impacts seem almost limitless. From healthcare and genomics to pharmaceutical development, oil and gas exploration, retail, smart cities and autonomous vehicles, the ability to rapidly and automatically find patterns in massive amounts of data promises to help solve increasingly complex problems and speed up  discoveries that will improve lives, create a heathier world and make businesses more efficient. Climate science is one of those fields that will see significant benefits from machine learning, and scientists in the field are pushing hard to see how the technology can help them address the challenges presented by climate change.
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Facebook オープン ソース Caffe2、深い学習 の枠組み|Facebook open-sources Caffe2, a new deep learning framework




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At its F8 developer conference in San Jose today, Facebook is announcing the launch of Caffe2, a new open source framework for deep learning, a trendy type of artificial intelligence (AI). Deep learning generally involves training artificial neural networks on lots of data, like photos, and then getting them to make inferences about new data. Today’s announcement builds on Facebook’s contributions to the Torch open source deep learning framework and more recently the PyTorch framework that the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) group conceived. And last year Facebook talked about a system called Caffe2go. But Caffe2 is a bit different from PyTorch.
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NVIDIA は、あらかじめ新しい Facebook の提携 AI|NVIDIA Looks To Advance AI With New Facebook Partnership




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NVIDIA is looking to help advance the field of artificial intelligence with a new Facebook partnership that they have just announced today. The partnership sees NVIDIA lending a hand in development with Facebook’s Caffe2 deep learning A.I. framework which Facebook had created in part to help understand and better manage the world’s growing set of information and data. Since A.I. information processing is an intensive task that requires loads of power to work efficiently NVIDIA worked with Facebook to essentially modify Caffe2 so that it would be fully compatible with NVIDIA’s GPU Deep Learning platform.
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