
Facebook のオープン ソース Caffe2;Nvidia は、インテル Jumpstart 最適化|Facebook Open Sources Caffe2; Nvidia, Intel Jumpstart Optimizations




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From its F8 developer conference in San Jose, Calif., today, Facebook announced Caffe2, a new open-source, cross-platform framework for deep learning. Caffe2 is the successor to Caffe, the deep learning framework developed by Berkeley AI Research and community contributors. Caffe2’s GitHub page describes it as “an experimental refactoring of Caffe [that] allows a more flexible way to organize computation.” The first production-ready release of Caffe2 is, according to Facebook, “a lightweight and modular deep learning framework emphasizing portability while maintaining scalability and performance.” The social media giant says it worked closely with NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Intel, Amazon, and Microsoft to optimize Caffe2 for cloud and mobile environments.
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Facebook を開く選択したソース Caffe2、その 深い学習 柔軟なフレームワーク|Facebook open sources Caffe2, its flexible deep learning framework of choice




今日オープンの Facebook Caffe2 を供給しました。学習フレームワーク以下オリジナル カフェの手順で深い、プロジェクトの開始、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校。Caffe2 では、開発者を効率的に導入、高性能製品を構築するための柔軟性を提供しています。 これは初めての Facebook がカフェのコミュニティに従事していることはありません。10 月に、Facebook は、何は効果的にだった Caffe2 (彼らも、両方 Caffe2 名にある右を構文解析する場合) のモバイル CPU と GPU 最適化されたバージョン Caffe2Go を発表しました。Caffe2Go はその時注目されるスタイルの転送と重なったので。 特に、会社も元馬券への拡張をリリースしました。


Today Facebook open sourced Caffe2. The deep learning framework follows in the steps of the original Caffe, a project started at the University of California, Berkeley. Caffe2 offers developers greater flexibility for building high-performance products that deploy efficiently. This isn’t the first time that Facebook has engaged with the Caffe community. Back in October, Facebook announced Caffe2Go, what effectively was a mobile CPU and GPU optimized version of Caffe2 (they even both have Caffe2 in their names if you parse it right). Caffe2Go received attention at that time because its release coincided with Style Transfer. Notably, the company also released extensions to the original Caffe.
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世界銀行持続可能な開発目標に世界の発展に詳細な視覚的なガイドを解放します。|World Bank releases detailed visual guide to global progress on Sustainable Development Goals




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The World Bank has released the 2017 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It tracks global progress towards the 17 SDGs and the associated 169 targets, through more than 150 maps and data visualisations. The Atlas is based on a database of over 1400 World Development Indicators (WDI), for more than 220 economies, derived from the work of national and international statistical agencies around the world. Many of the indicators go back over 50 years. The data can be accessed through: 1) The World Bank’s main multilingual data website, data.worldbank.org; 2) Interactive dashboard at data.worldbank.
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その認知システムに IBM をもたらすアナコンダ オープン データ 科学プラットフォーム|IBM Brings Anaconda Open Data Science Platform to its Cognitive Systems




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IBM is working with Continuum Analytics to offer the latter’s Anaconda open data science platform as part of IBM’s Cognitive Systems. Anaconda will also integrate with IBM’s PowerAI software for machine learning and deep learning. IBM Cognitive Systems are based on the company’s own Power8 processors, which uses Nvidia’s high-speed NVLink interface to work in conjunction with Nvidia’s Tesla Pascal P100 GPU accelerators. The combination is designed to give a performance boost to deep learning and analytics applications. Anaconda is a platform upon which enterprise customers can build and run applications that make use of deep learning. It supports large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing to simplify package management and deployment.
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IBM にアナコンダ ヘビ|Anaconda snakes onto IBM




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IBM and Continuum Analytics are to make open source data science platform Anaconda available on IBM Cognitive Systems. The deal will see Anaconda integrated with PowerAI allowing it to take advantage of machine learning. It will also see the Open Data Science platform take advantage of the latest POWER8 processors and NVIDIA GPUs. According to Bob Picciano, senior vice president of Cognitive Systems: “Anaconda is an important capability for developers building cognitive solutions, and now it’s available on IBM’s high performance deep learning platform. Anaconda on IBM Cognitive Systems empowers developers and data scientists to build and deploy deep learning applications that are ready to scale.” Anaconda has already built quite a following in the data science world.
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NVIDIA 社 (NASDAQ: NVDA) 深い学習 プラットフォームはアクセス今 Baidu の一部として.|NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) Deep Learning Platform Is Now Accessible As Part of Baidu …




NVIDIA 社 (NASDAQ: NVDA) 在庫は最後の取引セッションで 3.92% のサージを報告し、99.23 ドルの価格で終了します。NVIDIA (ナスダック: NVDA) 報告アクセスが今、深い学習プラットフォーム Baidu 雲の深いサービスの学習の一環として、世界のほとんどに与える企業消費者インスタント アクセス採用 AI ツール。新しい Baidu のクラウドでは、パスカル アーキテクチャ ベースの NVIDIA Tesla P40 Gpu と NVIDIA の深い学習ソフトウェアなどを含む最新の GPU コンピューティング技術を提供しています。TensorFlow や PaddlePaddle などのオープン ソースの深い学習フレームワークのトレーニングと推論の両方のアクセラレータを提供しています。 GM の加速コンピューティング nvidia、イアン ・ バックは言った、”Baidu は、NVIDIA は、AI の最新式を進める上での長年のパートナー。


NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) stock reports surge of 3.92% in last trading session and closed at a price of $99.23. NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA) reported that its deep learning platform is now accessible as part of Baidu Cloud’s deep learning service, giving enterprise consumers instant access to the world’s most adopted AI tools. The new Baidu Cloud offers the latest GPU computing technology, including Pascal architecture-based NVIDIA Tesla P40 GPUs and NVIDIA deep learning software. It provides both training and inference acceleration for open-source deep learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow and PaddlePaddle. The GM of Accelerated Computing at NVIDIA, Ian Buck said, “Baidu and NVIDIA are long-time partners in advancing the state of the art in AI.
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フォローする 2017 年 10 AI 医療企業|10 AI Health Care Companies to Follow in 2017




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The field of artificial intelligence — which includes machine learning and deep learning — is transforming from its research-based roots into reality, driving the charge to get more personalized, integrated and accessible health care. Clearview Diagnostics is currently working on getting FDA approval for its AI-based cancer diagnostic tool, which is aimed both at providing more accurate and less costly breast cancer diagnosis. Company co-founder Dr. Rick Mammone says that by feeding that data through Clearview’s AI platform, the tool could work as an aid to drive down radiologist workloads, allowing them to focus on spending more time with their patients and dealing with more difficult cases. CEO and co-founder Dr.
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Cambricon ライセンス Arteris FlexNoC 機械学習 Soc の IP を相互接続します。|Cambricon Licenses Arteris FlexNoC Interconnect IP for Machine Learning SoCs




キャンベル、カリフォルニア州-2017 年 4 月 18 日-ArterisIP、シリコン実証済み商業システム ・ オン ・ チップ (SoC) の革新的なサプライヤーのインターコネクト IP、発表した Cambricon は、Arteris FlexNoC にライセンスを取得して学習会、革命的なマシンのバックボーン相互接続として使用するため IP を相互接続 Cambricon は、人工知能 (AI) と機械学習に焦点を当て起動会社です。すべての AI の市場をターゲットに、Cambricon 製品は、携帯電話、監視カメラ、高性能サーバー、および自律走行に適用できます。ニューラル ネットワークの処理効率や能力向上を有効にするには、Cambricon 技術は大幅にすべてのエンド マーケットおよびデバイスの深い学習アルゴリズムの処理が向上します。


CAMPBELL, Calif. — April 18, 2017 — ArterisIP, the innovative supplier of silicon-proven commercial system-on-chip (SoC) interconnect IP, today announced that Cambricon has licensed Arteris FlexNoC interconnect IP for use as the backbone interconnect of their revolutionary machine learning SoC. Cambricon is a startup company focusing on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Targeting all AI markets, Cambricon products can be applied to mobile phones, surveillance cameras, high performance servers, and autonomous driving. Enabling neural network processing efficiency and capacity improvements, Cambricon technology drastically improves the processing of deep learning algorithms for all end markets and devices.
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企業が認知コンピューティング システムについて知る必要があります。|What businesses need to know about cognitive computing systems




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Businesses wanting to cash in on the trends of artificial intelligence and cognitive computing need to give their plans a reality check before launching lengthy, and potentially expensive, projects. “A lot of people are looking at cognitive computing as a bright, shining object that you can apply to anything, and problems will go away,” said Hadley Reynolds, managing director and co-founder of the Cognitive Computing Consortium, in a presentation at the TDWI Accelerate conference in Boston. “But what we hear daily is that, if you don’t have a very good idea of what you’re trying to accomplish with cognitive projects, whatever efforts you make are likely to end in failure.
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深い学習 クラスターにメインフレームから: IBM の音声認識の旅|From Mainframes to Deep Learning Clusters: IBM’s Speech Journey




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Here at The Next Platform, we tend to focus on deep learning as it relates to hardware and systems versus algorithmic innovation, but at times, it is useful to look at the co-evolution of both code and machines over time to see what might be around the next corner. One segment of the deep learning applications area that has generated a great deal of work is in speech recognition and translation—something we’ve described in detail via efforts from Baidu, Google, Tencent, among others. While the application itself is interesting, what is most notable is how codes and systems have shifted to meet the needs of new ways of thinking about some of the hardest machine learning problems.
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