
スポット ビデオ暴力にハイテク企業レース|Tech firms race to spot video violence




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SINGAPORE: Companies from Singapore to Finland are racing to improve artificial intelligence so software can automatically spot and block videos of grisly murders and mayhem before they go viral on social media. None, so far, claim to have cracked the problem completely. A Thai man who broadcast himself killing his 11-month-old daughter in a live video on Facebook this week, was the latest in a string of violent crimes shown live on the social media company. The incidents have prompted questions about how Facebook’s reporting system works and how violent content can be flagged faster. A dozen or more companies are wrestling with the problem, those in the industry say. Google – which faces similar problems with its YouTube service – and Facebook are working on their own solutions.
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深い 深い学習 については?|What is so Deep about Deep Learning?




「深い学習」今日たくさんの周りスローされると聞いてサイトの書き込みで上サンディープ ラウト私たちにどのような深い学習に関して迅速かつ汚いレッスンを与えます。彼にそれを非難解な方法で触れる場合は、暗闇の中で、彼はなぜ深い行く本当に事項のアイデアを与えます。深くはよい常に。 深い学習が深いと呼ばれる理由それらの Ann の構造のためです。四十年、ニューラル ネットワークの通りのみ 2 つの層深い計算大規模なネットワークを構築するは不可能だった。今、それは 10 + 層のニューラル ネットワークが一般的とも 100 + レイヤー Ann に試みられています。


We hear the term “deep learning” thrown around a lot now days, and Sandeep Raut over at the site readwrite, gives us a quick and dirty lesson as to what deep learning is. While he touches on it in an non-esoteric way, if you are in the dark he gives you a idea of why going deep really matters. Deeper is always better. Why is deep learning called deep? It is because of the structure of those ANNs. Four decades back, neural networks were only two layers deep as it was not computationally feasible to build larger networks. Now, it is common to have neural networks with 10+ layers and even 100+ layer ANNs are being tried upon.
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未来は今です: 今日の企業全体にわたって認知計算|The future is now:cognitive computing throughout the enterprise today




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Long before it ever began, 2017 was being heralded as the year of artificial intelligence. With widespread predictions from industry analysts and a growing number of horizontal use cases of cognitive computing’s utility for the immediate future, the social implications of those technologies threatened to rapidly dwarf their practical application to the enterprise today. In fact, each new headline regarding autonomous vehicles, healthcare research and virtual assistants only increased those expectations while overshadowing one small, glaring fact that has remained overlooked in all of the zeal for the social transformation ascribed to cognitive computing’s prowess. Prakash Nanduri, co-founder and CEO of Paxata (paxata.
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テッド ニュース フィード|The TED News Feed




今年の TED 会議は、考えを広げるためのみならず、真実そのもののアイデアを守るためにも着手しました。 それされている大まかなので、今までの数ヶ月ああ、11 月。毎日私の Facebook ニュースフィードをチェックし、怒りと逆襲を参照してください。10-concerts-I’ve-seen-where-one-is-a-lie について、Facebook のゲームは本当にやすきます。テッドに私の毎年恒例のトレッキングに行きました。 ニュース フィードの非常に異なる種類を発見しました。 テッド ニュース フィードが提供されるバンクーバー コンベンション センターで約 2 時間のセッションで。それぞれのこれらのチャンクはノーベル賞受賞者から最初年学生に至るまでのスピーカーを備えています。すべての話は、年齢のための 1 つが、テッドのニュースフィードはエズラ ・ パウンドが不十分な有名な引用”文学はニュースのままニュースと同期。


This year’s TED Conference set out not only to spread ideas, but also to defend the idea of truth itself. It’s been a rough few months ever since, oh, November. Every day I check my Facebook News Feed and see rage and recrimination. That Facebook game about 10-concerts-I’ve-seen-where-one-is-a-lie doesn’t really make things easier. And then I went on my annual trek to TED. And found a very different kind of news feed. The TED News Feed is served up at the Vancouver Convention Center in 11 sessions of around 2 hours each. Each of these chunks features speakers ranging from Nobel Prize winners to first-year college students. Not every talk is one for the ages, but the TED News Feed is in sync with Ezra Pound’s insufficiently famous quote that “literature is news that stays news.
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インフォシス リミテッド (NYSE:INFY) が新しい 人工知能 プラットフォーム ‘Nia’ を発表|Infosys Limited (NYSE:INFY) launched new artificial intelligence platform ‘Nia’




インフォシス リミテッド (NYSE:INFY) は新しい人工知能プラットフォーム ‘Nia’ は、企業を助けることができる収益を予測、ディープダイブの契約内容と同様に、顧客の行動を理解する、コンプライアンスと不正行為に対処を開始しました。新しいプラットフォームは、マナ、昨年インフォシスによって導入された最初の AI のプラットフォームに基づいています。 幅広い業界と関数固有のソリューションを有効にする AssistEdge (別のインフォシス ソリューション) のエンド ツー エンド ロボット プロセスの自動化の機能も含まれています。「どのような製品を予測、収益予測など事業休憩で問題必要があります、顧客の行動を理解すること、契約、法律文書、理解の準拠、詐欺の内容を深く理解インフォシス Nia タックル」と言われて。


Infosys Limited (NYSE:INFY) has launched its new artificial intelligence platform ‘Nia’, which can help businesses forecast revenues, understand customer behaviour as well as deep dive into content of contracts and deal with compliance and fraud. The new platform builds on Mana, the first AI platform introduced by Infosys last year. It also includes the end-to-end robotic process automation capabilities of AssistEdge (another Infosys solution) to enable a wide set of industry and function- specific solutions. “Infosys Nia tackles break-through business problems such as forecasting revenues, forecasting what products need to be built, understanding customer behaviour, deeply understanding the content of contracts and legal documents, understanding compliance, and fraud,” it said.
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TCLL の 深い学習 と AI 教育を加速する NVIDIA をパートナーします。|TCLL partners with NVIDIA to accelerate Deep Learning & AI Education




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Bangalore, April 28th, 2017 – Times Centre for Learning Ltd., and NVIDIA on Thursday signed a MoU to collaborate in conducting Instructor led, hands-on labs and workshops to help developers and researchers learn the skills for applying Deep Learning to solve specific problems. The workshops will use the latest AI frameworks and GPU-accelerated deep learning platforms to enhance the skillsets of students, researchers and industry participants across the country. Deep learning has become one of the most important computing models of the modern times. Organizations are increasingly using deep learning and AI at every stage of growth, from start-ups to Fortune 500s.
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規模に 深い学習 パフォーマンスの次の戦場|The Next Battleground for Deep Learning Performance at Scale




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The frameworks are in place, the hardware infrastructure is robust, but what has been keeping machine learning performance at bay has far less to do with the system-level capabilities and more to do with intense model optimization. While it might not be the sexy story that generates the unending wave of headlines around deep learning, hyperparameter tuning is a big barrier when it comes to new leaps in deep learning performance. In more traditional machine learning, there are plenty of open sources tools for this, but where it is needed most is in deep learning—an area that does appear to be gaining a solid enterprise foothold outside of the initial web companies that spun services based on image, speech, and video recognition.
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深い Sentinel 7 ドルを発生させますホーム セキュリティに 深い学習 をもたらす 4 M。|Deep Sentinel raises $7.4M to bring deep learning to home security




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Deep Sentinel, a home security startup, today announced that it had closed a $7.4 million Series A led by Shasta Ventures with participation from Bezos Expeditions, Lux Capital and UP2398. Founded by serial entrepreneur David Selinger, Deep Sentinel is betting that its emphasis on user experience can provide needed differentiation in the crowded space. Over tea in the historic Palace Hotel in San Francisco, Selinger laid out the philosophy behind his latest company. Selinger believes that the nature of property crimes has changed. Without ever entering a home, burglars can cost homeowners thousands by simply nabbing an Amazon delivery resting on a front porch. This shift in behavior necessitates a shift in the services provided by home security companies.
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機械学習技術、テクニックを追加新しいアナリティクス知性|Machine learning technology, techniques add new analytics smarts




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Match machine learning uses to bona fide business needs Machine learning is changing the analytics picture at CoreLogic Inc. — literally. CoreLogic provides information on real estate, mortgages and consumer credit to lenders, insurers and government agencies. The info it collects includes “millions and millions and millions” of photos, says Robin Gordon, the Irvine, Calif., company’s chief data officer. And now, it’s using machine learning technology to analyze the images and generate additional data about properties. “We can start to extract data we could never extract before,” Gordon says.
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人工知能の主流にするインテルの計画の背後にあります。|Behind Intel’s Plans to Make Artificial Intelligence Mainstream




このシリーズの前の部分、私たちはインテル (INTC) は Nervana および他の深い学習プラットフォームを使用して AI (人工知能) ハードウェアを開発を見た。GPU の-AI の市場を支配した、インテルはその FPGA をもたらすとしている-Caffe2、チェイナーなどオープン ソース フレームワークと従事することによってユーザーを主流に Xeon Cpu をバックアップします。 インテルは、そのハードウェア上でこれらのオープン ソースのフレームワークを実行しています。また、開発者ことができます簡単に、Xeon cpu を搭載した AI を使用を強調するのにこれらのフレームワークを使用しています。 INTC に興味があるか。次回のレポートをお見逃しなく。INTC 成功の新しい研究のための電子メール通知を受け取る!今、新しい研究の電子メールの通知を受け取っています。新しい市場の現実主義者アカウントの一時的なパスワードがメール アドレスに完了しました。


In the previous part of this series, we saw that Intel (INTC) is developing AI (artificial intelligence) hardware using Nervana and other deep-learning platforms. In the GPU -dominated AI market, Intel is looking to bring its FPGA -backed Xeon CPUs to mainstream users by engaging with open-source frameworks such as Caffe2 and Chainer. Intel is looking to run these open-source frameworks on its hardware. It is also using these frameworks to highlight that developers can easily use AI with its Xeon CPUs. Interested in INTC? Don’t miss the next report. Receive e-mail alerts for new research on INTC Success! You are now receiving e-mail alerts for new research. A temporary password for your new Market Realist account has been sent to your e-mail address.
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