
オープン データViz: ニューヨークのレストランのグレード|Open Data Viz: NYC Restaurant Grades




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My first time to New York City, I noticed something on just about every restaurant I walked by. There was one of these signs displayed at the front window showing off the inspection grade. Obviously, I avoided every one of the C restaurants I came across, but it got me curious. Just how sanitary are the restaurants in New York City? Grabbing data from NYC.gov, we were quickly able to pull the data down and do a little prep before it was ready for Tableau. Since Tableau cannot map street addresses as a Geographic Role, we were going to need to a batch geocoding process with Alteryx.
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深いセンチネルの高度な人工知能がによってアメリカの家を保護することが投資家のベット.|Investors Bet That Deep Sentinel’s Advanced Artificial Intelligence Can Protect American Homes by …




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Deep Sentinel, a pioneer in AI-based home protection, today announced it has closed $7.4 million in venture capital funding. Founded by Amazon veteran and artificial intelligence (AI) pioneer David Selinger, Deep Sentinel is re-inventing home protection to predict and stop crime in real time through a powerful combination of AI, computer vision and next-generation camera hardware. The company has attracted multiple leading technology investors to its Series A round, which was led by Shasta Ventures with additional investment from Bezos Expeditions, the personal investment company of Jeff Bezos; Lux Capital; and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar’s UP2398.
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叙事詩のティム ・ スウィーニー: 深い学習 AI がゲーム デザインの新境地を開拓|Epic’s Tim Sweeney: Deep Learning AI Will Open New Frontiers in Game Design




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“[Videogame] AI is still in the dark ages,” Epic CEO Tim Sweeney told a crowd gathered for GamesBeat’s 2017 industry summit. As it is, videogame A.I. still relies on heuristics, with little in the way of “deep learning”–a term coined to describe recent advances in A.I. Deep learning is responsible for some of the gaudier headlines of late concerning A.I., including the first instance in which a computer mastered the notoriously complex game of Go. “Unfortunately, games aren’t high on the priority list for deep learning,” Sweeney lamented. But that might change in the near future. As A.I. advances are steadily incorporated into game design, characters will become smarter and more unpredictable, potentially revolutionizing RPGs in particular.
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規模で分散型のマシン学習のためのクラスター管理|Cluster Management for Distributed Machine Learning at Scale




数十年の最後のカップル上クラスター管理プラットフォームを捜すそれらに直面していない選択肢の不足。ただし、大規模なクラスターは、深い学習が大規模なワークロードを噛んでによってすなわち、異なる方法で動作するように求められているなど、高い使用率、効率性、およびパフォーマンスを得るための専門的なアプローチが必要です。 高パフォーマンス コンピューティング コミュニティからクラスター管理ツールのほぼすべてが機械学習の方向で曲がっているが、生産の深いショップ学習のため DIY 傾向にあります。これはそれが聞こえるかもしれないが、コンテナ ベースのオープン ソースのツールの範囲を考えるし、このような自社開発アプローチは、特定のフレームワークと内部アプリケーションのチューニングで焼くことができるほど複雑ではありません。


Over the last couple of decades, those looking for a cluster management platform faced no shortage of choices. However, large-scale clusters are being asked to operate in different ways, namely by chewing on large-scale deep learning workloads—and this requires a specialized approach to get high utilization, efficiency, and performance. Nearly all of the cluster management tools from the high performance computing community are being bent in the machine learning direction, but for production deep learning shops, there appears to be a DIY tendency. This is not as complicated as it might sound, given the range of container-based open source tools, and such a homegrown approach can bake in tunings for specific frameworks and internal applications.
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Datapalooza パネリストの人工知能への影響に対処します。|Datapalooza Panelists Address Implications of Artificial Intelligence




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One of the more interesting panels at last week’s Health Datapalooza featured four speakers involved in the application of artificial intelligence to healthcare, including the creation of predictive models. In areas involving massive amounts of information in the diagnostic and genomic space, machine learning is already in use today, and the FDA is starting to approve applications of deep learning.  For instance, a company called Arterys recently won FDA approval for its Cardio DL application, which uses deep learning to automate time-consuming analyses and tasks that are performed manually by clinicians today.
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劇的な進歩を最大限に墓語頭音添加、機械学習 いきます|Myo-Prosthesis And Machine Learning Continue To Make Dramatic Advancements




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Last year the concept of myoelectric gestures based on muscle data translated into bionic prosthesis movement was a big thing. DARPA’s experimentation into the technique was spawned from a consumer electronic device known as the Myo Gesture Armband, which we wrote about a couple of years ago as a potential gesture-based gaming device. But DARPA ended up using the device as an actual means for advancing prosthesis using a technique known as myo-prosthesis. Other developers, companies and research labs have also been rapidly making advancements on this technique of marrying robotics with biometric data inputs. As reported by Japan Times, 29-year-old CEO, Masahiro Kasuya, of Tokyo-based tech start-up Meltin MMI CO., is working on trying to commercialize myoelectric prosthetic appendages.
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ロボット ポッド キャスト #233: コスタス Daniilidis とのコンピュータ ビジョンにおける幾何学的方法|Robots Podcast #233: Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, with Kostas Daniilidis




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In this episode, Jack Rasiel speaks with Kostas Daniilidis, Professor of Computer and Information at the University of Pennsylvania, about new developments in computer vision and robotics. Daniilidis’ research team is pioneering new approaches to understanding the 3D structure of the world from simple and ubiquitous 2D images. They are also investigating how these techniques can be used to improve robots’ ability to understand and manipulate objects in their environment. Daniilidis puts this in the context of current trends in robot learning and perception, and speculates how it will help bring more robots from the lab to the “real world”.
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マシンの医学で AI: ライズ|AI In Medicine: Rise Of The Machines




ロボットは放射線科医としての私の仕事を出来るか。 かどうかあなたは私に 10 年前を尋ねた、私は述べているだろう、「まさか!」しかし、もし今日私に尋ねる私の答えより躊躇して”まだ-しかし、おそらくいつの日かすぐに」。 特に、「深い学習」人工知能 (AI) の新しいアルゴリズムは約束を示している医療を実行する作業を最近までだけ人間の医師によって行われていることができると考えられました。 たとえば、深い学習アルゴリズムは、驚異的な精度で胸部 x 線像の結核 (TB) の存在の有無を診断することができた。研究者は、結核患者の x 線像の何百ものと AIs に「訓練」をする最初。それから、彼らは 150 新しい x 線 AIs をテストしました。


Could a robot do my job as a radiologist? If you asked me 10 years ago, I would have said, “No way!” But if you ask me today, my answer would be more hesitant, “Not yet — but perhaps someday soon.” In particular, new “deep learning” artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are showing promise in performing medical work which until recently was thought only capable of being done by human physicians. For example, deep learning algorithms have been able to diagnose the presence or absence of tuberculosis (TB) in chest x-ray images with astonishing accuracy. Researchers first “trained” the AIs with hundreds of x-ray images of patients without and with tuberculosis. Then, they tested the AIs with 150 new x-rays.
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何を NVIDIA の決算を見て|What to Watch When NVIDIA Reports Earnings




NVIDIA (ナスダック: NVDA) は、5 月 9 日 (火曜日) 年度 2018 第 1 四半期決算を報告します。収益を年 $ 69 億、3.06 ドル シェア 83% より高い収益を駆動する 38% を増加した後、期待が高乗っています。今後数四半期は大きい競争に直面して持続的な成長を提供することができますを投資家に示すための NVIDIA のため重要になります。ここでは、投資家が知っている必要があります。 NVIDIA は、別の印象的な四半期と 2 月の第 4 四半期の決算報告になった。NVIDIA のグラフィックス プロセッシング ユニット (GPU) の急速な普及-ベースのコンピューティング ソリューションが $ 21 億 7000 万に 1 年間で 55% の売上成長を搭載、$ 21 億の管理の指導を打ちます。非 GAAP ベースでグラフィック会社 $1 を掲載しました。


NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA) reports its fiscal 2018 first-quarter earnings on Tuesday, May 9. Expectations are riding high after a year in which revenue increased 38% to $6.9 billion, driving earnings per share 83% higher to $3.06. The coming quarters will be crucial for NVIDIA to show investors it can deliver sustainable growth in the face of greater competition. Here’s what investors need to know. NVIDIA turned in another impressive quarter when it reported fiscal fourth-quarter results in February. Rapid adoption of NVIDIA’s graphics processing unit (GPU)-based computing solutions powered strong revenue growth of 55% year over year to $2.17 billion, beating management’s own guidance of $2.1 billion. On a non-GAAP basis, the graphics company posted $1.
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婚約基金: 健康データ ワーク ショップ オープンな知識のアイルランドによって促進されます。|Engagement Fund: Health data workshop facilitated by Open Knowledge Ireland




婚約基金のプロジェクトの一環として、知識のオープン アイルランドが実行最初の病院待っているリストは最近オープン データとして公開を使用して開いているデータの用途を探索に焦点を当てた 4 市民ワーク ショップのシリーズは、一緒に他の健康関連データ。 ワーク ショップは大成功でした、我々 は個別に現在取り組んでいますルームで専門的な才能の多くをあった。 ワーク ショップの成果として、参加者がワーク ショップに参加の最初の人のアカウントを書いているし、文書はソーシャル メディアの牽引を得てします。


As part of the Engagement Fund project, Open Knowledge Ireland has run the first of a series of 4 citizen workshops focused on exploring use cases of open data using hospital waiting lists recently published as open data, together with other health related data. The workshop was a real success and we had a lot of professional talent in the room that we are now engaging with on an individual basis. As one outcome of the workshop a participant has written a first person account of attending the workshop and the publication is getting traction on social media.
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