
Zendesk マシン学習搭載知識管理ソリューションを発表|Zendesk announcing machine learning-powered knowledge management solution




Zendesk 新しい知識管理ソリューション機械学習によって供給し、より良い顧客経験を提供するために設計を発表しました。 Zendesk ガイドは、組織の集団の知識をキャプチャするスマート サポート技術情報です。 ガイドは、文脈上の洞察力とのお問い合わせを解決する顧客サービス担当者に権限を与える、ML 電源セルフ サービス カスタマー サポートをお客様に提供します。 「顧客がセルフ サービスの自動化、利便性を好むが、彼らはまだ彼らのユニークな状況に合わせた答えを知りたい」Zendesk 製品社長エイドリアン ・ マクダーモット氏は言います。 「Zendesk ガイドは、顧客や従業員と機械学習技術とお客様の旅に基づいておよびパーソナライゼーション知識を提供する企業を支援することでこのニーズを満たします。


Zendesk has announced a new knowledge management solution powered by machine-learning and designed to help deliver a better customer experience. Zendesk Guide is a smart knowledge base that captures the collective knowledge of an organisation. Guide empowers customer service agents to resolve inquiries with contextual insights and gives customers ML-powered self-service customer support. “Customers like the convenience of self-service and automation, but they still want answers tailored to their unique situation,” Zendesk products president Adrian McDermott says. “Zendesk Guide meets this need by helping companies deliver knowledge to customers and employees with personalisation through machine learning technology and contextualised based on the customer’s journey.
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イケアは、あなたのソファにトークしたい場合を知りたいです。|IKEA Wants to Know If You’d Like to Talk to Your Couch




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IKEA Wants to Know If You’d Like to Talk to Your Couch Swedish furniture giant IKEA has long been praised for its smart furniture design, but now it wants to make its furniture a little smarter. The company’s advanced research lab, SPACE10 (motto: “investigating the future of living”), has launched a worldwide survey, aptly titled “Do You Speak Human?” to answer the sorts of questions thoughtful furniture and home appliance designers invariably will have: Do you, for instance, prefer talking to a machine? Or do you rather want it to be more human like? Would you prefer your A.I. to be male or female? Would it make a difference? Should your A.I. reflect your values and worldview? And how much privacy are you willing to give up in return for having A.I.
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Bitfusion は、その AI のライフ サイクル管理プラットフォームのための $5 M を発生させます|Bitfusion raises $5M for its AI lifecycle management platform




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When Bitfusion launched at Disrupt NY 2015, its focus was on helping developers speed up their applications by giving them pre-compiled libraries that made better use of GPUs, FPGAs and other co-processing technologies. That was two years ago. Today, the hottest market for these technologies is in training deep learning models, something that was barely on the radar when the company launched. Unsurprisingly, though, that’s exactly what Bitfusion is focusing on now. As the company announced today, it has raised a $5 million Series A round led by Vanedge Capital, with participation from new investor Sierra Ventures and existing investors Data Collective, Resonant VC and Geekdom.
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ガイドと機械学習下 Zendesk ダブルス|Zendesk Doubles Down on Machine Learning With Guide




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Zendesk keeps getting smarter. The helpdesk provider today announced Zendesk Guide, a knowledge base product imbued with deep learning algorithms to provide more intelligent, contextual customer service responses. Zendesk is in the midst of a multifaceted re-brand, building around its flagship Zendesk Support platform. The company now offers Zendesk Chat, Talk, and Message, which are standalone products for live chat, call center software, and in-app customer support messaging (within Facebook Messenger and Twitter), respectively. The newly announced Zendesk Guide is a revamp of the company’s knowledge base (previously called Help Center); it boasts new features and functionality centered around machine learning (ML).
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この養蜂家が蜂を 深く学習 し、iPhone を救出します。|This beekeeper is rescuing bees with deep learning and an iPhone




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By now just about everyone has seen the video of Makoto Koike’s deep learning-powered cucumber sorter. Hobbyists around the world are hacking solutions to their problems using machine learning. The latest, Swedish beekeeper and inventor Björn Lagerman, is building BeeScanning with the help of a team of engineers and researchers. BeeScanning is an app that applies some clever computer vision to ordinary smartphone photos to alert beekeepers to the potentially dangerous presence of Varroa mites in their bee colonies. Varroa mites are a nightmare for bees and their keepers. They attach themselves to bees and quite literally suck the life out of them. Left unchecked, they can destroy entire colonies.
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Tencent の新しいラボは、それがマスター AI について深刻な示しています|Tencent’s New Lab Shows It’s Serious about Mastering AI




シアトルに見える技術をマスターする成長決定を多くの産業の未来を定義する設定を示す 1 つの中国の最大のハイテク企業 Tencent、AI 研を確立することです。 Tencent は、既に中国の支配的なハイテク企業の 1 つです。それが動作する非常に成功したモバイル チャット アプリ WeChat — 中国の以上 8 億 8900 万のアクティブなユーザーを誇る — 他社会的なツール、e コマース サービス、ゲームなどが多い。 テンセントは、深セン、国の南東部の製造業のハブで基づいて開発と人工知能の実用化で重要な選手になる可能性があります。会社は、お金、手の届かない、強力な研究者を引き付けるためにデータを。


One of China’s biggest tech companies, Tencent, is establishing an AI research lab in Seattle, demonstrating a growing determination to master a technology that looks set to define the future of many industries. Tencent is already one of China’s dominant tech companies. It operates the hugely successful mobile chat app WeChat—which boasts over 889 million active users in China—along with lots of other social tools, e-commerce services, games, and the like. Based in Shenzhen, a manufacturing hub in the southeastern part of the country, Tencent has the potential to become a key player in the development and commercialization of artificial intelligence. The company has the money, the reach, and the data to attract strong researchers.
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仮想化スタートアップ Bitfusion 起動ベータ版の VC 資金を取得します|Virtualization Startup Bitfusion Launches Beta, Gets VC Funding




オースティン ベースの仮想化プロバイダー Bitfusion 5 月 2 日 2 つのニュース項目を発表した: 高性能アプリのように人工知能と、$ 500 万ベンチャーの資金調達ラウンドをクラスタ リング サーバーを単純化し、その製品のベータ版の可用性が率いる Vanedge の首都。 新製品、Bitfusion フレックス時間と開発期間を加速し、インフラストラクチャのコストの削減によって AI プロジェクトに関連付けられている費用を削減する Subbu ラーマの共同創設者兼 CEO に語った eWEEK に特化されています。 インフラストラクチャ管理ソフトウェアにより、AI 開発者開発を合理化して動的にスケーリングとオンデマンドの共有による深い学習アプリケーションの展開計算力、ラーマは言った。


Austin-based virtualization provider Bitfusion unveiled two news items on May 2: the beta availability of its product, which simplifies server clustering for high-performance apps like artificial intelligence, and a $5 million venture funding round, led by Vanedge Capital. The new product, Bitfusion Flex, is specialized to reduce the time and expense associated with AI projects by accelerating development times and cutting infrastructure costs, CEO and co-founder Subbu Rama told eWEEK. The infrastructure management software enables AI developers to streamline the development and deployment of deep-learning applications by dynamically scaling and sharing on-demand compute power, Rama said.
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Facebook Live 自殺: 共感、人工知能 の防止を助けることができます。|Facebook Live suicide: Empathy, artificial intelligence can aid prevention




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When a Baldwin County man committed suicide last week on Facebook Live, it drew national attention. It also highlighted the fact that the intersection of social media and suicide is murky territory where even experts hesitate to make simple judgments. “It is still a very rare event,” said Phillip Smith, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of South Alabama, of suicides involving real-time social media communication. “Our understanding is still developing.” Based on information from the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office, the case unfolded on the evening of Tuesday, April 26. A woman had contacted the Sheriff’s Office with concerns about her boyfriend, 49-year-old James M. Jeffrey of Robertsdale.
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プログラマは、何千もの研究の名前で火口の写真を盗んだ|A Programmer Stole Thousands Of Tinder Photos In Name Of Research




いくつかは彼らの魂の伴侶を見つけるに火口に行くが、他に何千もの研究目的のための selfies を盗むために出会い系アプリに行きます。ハッカーは最近、人工知能の研究を進めるためにサイトから 40,000 写真を盗用しました。 写真セット「火口の人」と称し男性と女性両方写真を含まれていますいます。それは、彼は過去のと働いて以前顔データセットに失望したどうやらプログラマによって作成されました。かつて彼はそれぞれの性別の 20,000 の写真をこすりすることが、彼は Kaggle、機械学習のためのプラットフォームにデータ セットをアップロード、オープン ソース プラットフォーム GitHub 上彼のコードを置きます。 「データセットの構造で非常に厳密にする傾向あるし、、通常は小さすぎる」スチュアート ・ Colianni は彼写真のセットについて書いた GitHub 上で公開。


Some go on Tinder to find their soul mate, but others go on the dating app to steal thousands of selfies for research purposes. A hacker recently scraped 40,000 photos from the site to advance artificial intelligence research. The photo set was titled “People of Tinder” and contained photos of both men and women. It was created by a programmer who was apparently disappointed by previous facial datasets he’s worked with in the past. Once he was able to scrape 20,000 photos of each gender, he uploaded the data sets to Kaggle, a platform for machine learning, and put his code on the open-source platform GitHub. “The datasets tend to be extremely strict in their structure, and are usually too small,” Stuart Colianni wrote on GitHub about his photo set.
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(ビデオの)人工知能 ビデオ洞察力のためのマイクロソフトとウーヤラのリンク|(VIDEO) Ooyala Links with Microsoft for Artificial Intelligence Video Insights




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LAS VEGAS — While there’s lots of people populating video content, it takes too many others to screen and label it. That’s where artificial intelligence can provide a big assist. While “it’s early days” in such use of AI, “it’s an exciting solution to bring to market,” says Scott Braley, GM, Advertising Platforms, Ooyala, which recently announced a partnership with Microsoft’s machine learning platform. In this interview with Beet.TV at the 2017 NAB Show, Braley outlines the potential benefits of machine learning for helping advertisers steer clear of unsafe environments. He also suggests a “do over” in which the best practices of linear and digital television would be brought to bear on engaging viewers in the quickly expanding OTT space.
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