
IBM & 連続スクイズ複雑さとリスク認知発達|IBM & Continuum Squeeze Complexity and Risk Out of Cognitive Development




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Reducing or eliminating complexity and risk are critical issues in the IT industry, especially when it comes to emerging technologies. Doing so is important for both short and long term strategies since success often leads customers into trying on new offerings and becoming amenable to sales pitches. That’s certainly been the case with IBM’s efforts around its Power solutions and technologies, including open sourcing its POWER processor architecture co-founding the OpenPOWER Foundation. As a result, OpenPOWER’s 300+ vendor and developer members are working to leverage Power across numerous new commercial enterprise and data center solutions. Another example is IBM’s recently announced partnership with Continuum Analytics.
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機械学習は、インターネットは人種差別人種差別的です|Machine learning is racist because the internet is racist




おそらく FaceApp を見た、人々 は、ウイルスの写真フィルター アプリ見て古いや若いまたは別の性別のような。また、それは実際には誰もが白い肌を明るく、目を丸め、縮小、鼻とちょうど一般に人種差別的な美の基準を適用した写真を「ホット」するオプションを提供しました。マザーボードは、何が起こったかその作成者を尋ねたところ、無線ラボ CEO ヤロスラフ ゴンチャロフは FaceApp アルゴリズムをトレーニングに使用するデータを非難しました。「それトレーニング セット バイアスによって引き起こされる根本的なニューラル ネットワークの不幸な副作用」彼は言った、「ものではありません動作。」無線ラボ機能「スパーク」を名前し、コードを修正しています。 待つ.


You’ve probably seen FaceApp, the viral photo filter app that makes people look old or young or like another gender. It also offered an option to make the photo “hot,” which in practice just made everyone look white by lightening skin, rounding eyes, and shrinking noses, and just generally enforcing racist beauty standards. When Motherboard asked its creator what happened, Wireless Lab CEO Yaroslav Goncharov blamed the data used to train the FaceApp algorithm. “It is an unfortunate side-effect of the underlying neural network caused by the training set bias,” he said, “not intended behavior.” Wireless Lab renamed the feature “spark” and said it is fixing the code. Wait.
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AI は高精度な TB を識別します。|AI identifies TB with high precision




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After training two deep-learning models to identify tuberculosis, researchers at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have gotten their human-free method to nail the disease with 96 percent accuracy, according to a study published online in Radiology. Paras Lakhani, MD, and Baskaran Sundaram, MD, split 1,007 x-rays of patients with and without active TB into training, validation and test datasets. They used the cases to train the AlexNet and GoogLeNet deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) to distinguish between TB-positive and TB-negative x-rays. The authors then tested the networks’ accuracy on 150 cases that were excluded from the training and validation datasets. It was a combination of the two DCNNs that achieved 96 percent accuracy.
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深い学習 とインドの AI 教育のため MoU ブースト|MoU boost for deep learning and AI education in India




TimesPro と NVIDIA 深い学習研究所 (dli) を行った木曜日に深い学習の分野で質の高いトレーニングとインドで人工知能を促進する覚書を調印しました。このパートナーシップのもと彼ら提供する人やオンライン トレーニング約 25,000 の学生や業界関係者にインドを渡る次の 2 年間で。 本覚え書きは、Vishal Dhupar、マネージング ディレクター (南アジア)、NVIDIA とアニッシュ ・ Srikrishna、大統領回学習センターによって署名されました。 この colloboration NVIDIA と TCLL のスキル ギャップを埋めるための深い学習の領域で人材の大規模なプールを構築する目的します。 アニッシュ ・ Srikrishna、大統領、TCLL、言った、”我々 関係よう信じるこれらは業界に真に有益になる最初時間 1 日の生産性を確保します。


TimesPro and NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) signed an MoU on Thursday to promote quality training in the field of deep learning and artificial intelligence in India. Under this partnership, they will offer in-person and online training to about 25,000 students and industry participants across India in the next two years. The MOU was signed by Vishal Dhupar, managing director (South Asia), NVIDIA and Anish Srikrishna, president Times Centre for Learning Limited. With this colloboration, NVIDIA and TCLL aim to build a large pool of skilled manpower in the realm of deep learning to fill the skill gap. Anish Srikrishna, president, TCLL, said, “We believe relationships such as these will be truly beneficial to the industry, ensuring first-day-first-hour productivity.
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インフォシス Infosys Nia™ – 次世代の 人工知能 統合プラットフォームを発表します。|Infosys Launches Infosys Nia™ – The Next Generation Integrated Artificial Intelligence Platform




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Infosys (INFY), a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing and next-generation services, today announced the launch of Infosys Nia, the next-generation Artificial Intelligence Platform building on the success of the Company’s first-generation AI platform, Infosys Mana, and its Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, AssistEdge. Together, both these products have amassed 50+ clients and 150+ engagements across all industry sectors, within a year of operations.
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インフォシスは、人工知能 のプラットフォームを起動します。|Infosys Launches Artificial Intelligence Platform




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Infosys, a provider of consulting, technology, outsourcing and services, has launched Infosys Nia, a new artificial intelligence platform building on the capabilities of the company’s existing AI platform, Infosys Mana, and its robotic process automation (RPA) solution, AssistEdge. According to Infosys, Nia combines the big data/analytics, machine learning, knowledge management, and cognitive automation capabilities of Mana; the end-to-end RPA capabilities of AssistEdge; scalable machine learning capabilities of Skytree; and optical character recognition (OCR), natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, and infrastructure management services.
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デビッド ・ ハッセルホフが新しいショート フィルムの星-すべての彼のラインは、AI によって書かれたと|David Hasselhoff Stars in a New Short Film—and All His Lines Were Written by AI




昨年、AI という名前のベンジャミン ・ Sunspring と呼ばれる奇妙な楽しい空想科学小説短編を書いた。今、ベンジャミンの新しい映画に戻ってタイトルのゲームになります。前任者のようなショートは人間と機械の才能の驚くほど効果的なブレンド-さらに、シュールの健康な線量。 デビッド ・ ハッセルホフ、nanobots によって強制されないことを確認する以下の映画を見て、アルゴリズム的マッシュ アップ ナイト ライダーとベイウォッチ スクリプトからの行をオフにリールします。 人工知能はおそらく少しれ過ぎで現在。AI の困難な問題の様々 な急速な進歩は、私たちは、時に、現在の機能と将来の可能性を混乱します。AI タイムラインが行方不明になる、がちで、呼んで顔人間の陳腐化は身近なが表示されます。


Last year, an AI named Benjamin wrote a weird and entertaining science fiction short film called Sunspring. Now, Benjamin’s back in a new film titled It’s No Game. Like its predecessor, the short is a surprisingly effective blend of human and machine talent—plus a healthy dose of the surreal. Watch the film below to see David Hasselhoff, compelled by nanobots, reel off algorithmically mashed up lines from Knight Rider and Baywatch scripts. Artificial intelligence is perhaps a bit overhyped currently. Rapid progress in a variety of difficult AI problems has us, at times, confusing future possibilities with present capability. The AI timeline tends to go missing, and human obsolescence in the face of superintelligence appears imminent.
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我々 は我々 の方法過去のロボットを考えることができるか。|Can We Think Our Way Past Robots?




気にしないで社長トランプがメキシコという壁を支払う必要がありますが、議会が支払わなければなりません。いずれか、または労働階級の多くは、その健康保険を失います。ああ、彼はそれを減少しているか。まあ、それは活気の 24 時間を作った。 今日の漫画本の政治の下にバブルは、人や物が国境を越えて来てではないアメリカの労働者に脅威です。ロボットや人工知能は、ブルーカラー労働者だけでなく、学位がそれらに先のマシンのいくつかの手順を維持することを仮定したホワイト カラーの専門家のかかとで追い上げています。 トランプの財務長官、スティーブン ・ Mnuchin、最近意見雇用のこの危険は、「ように、離れたところにいる」それが彼の「レーダー画面にもないこと。


Never mind the wall that President Trump said Mexico must pay for but then Congress must pay for; either that or much of the working class loses its health coverage. Oh, he’s dropped that? Well, it made for a lively 24 hours. Bubbling beneath today’s comic-book politics are threats to American workers that have nothing to do with people or things coming over the border. Robots and artificial intelligence are nipping at the heels of not only blue-collar workers but also white-collar professionals who assumed that a degree would keep them several steps ahead of the machines. Trump’s treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, recently opined that this peril for employment is, “like, so far away” that it’s not even on his “radar screen.
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アマゾンの新しい ‘エコー見て’ カメラはより良いファッションをお手伝いする 機械学習.|Amazon’s New ‘Echo Look’ Camera Has Machine Learning to Help You Make Better Fashion …




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Amazon today announced the expansion of its popular Echo line with the $200 Amazon Echo Look , a device that packs in all of the typical Echo functionalities and adds on a hands-free camera with built-in LED lighting that can give users an edge on their wardrobe choices. With Echo Look, users can take full-body photos and videos using their voice, and view the content on the connected Amazon iOS and Android apps.Thanks to the Echo Look’s depth-sensing camera, users’ outfits pop in the foreground while the background is blurred, making it easier to see what they’re wearing. Photos can be saved to an ongoing “look book” that will log what users wear every day so as to not duplicate outfits, and the pics can be shared easily on social networks or through texts.
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ユニシスの次世代開発ツールを無料で提供|Unisys Offering Next-gen Development Tools For Free




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Unisys is going to offer free tools for companies to develop their own technology solutions in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, data analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT). Blue Bell, Pennsylvania-based technology firm says it will soon launch a virtual center of excellence (COE) to make tools available online. Not just tools, Unisys will also dispense knowledge about better application development methodologies as well as best practices, besides extending the service of subject matter experts. “We want to give users an opportunity to learn about how artificial intelligence can help build those capabilities […] to help them remain competitive,” said Dr. Rod Fontecilla, VP & global lead for analytics at Unisys.
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