
深い学び の冒険の次の段階|The Next Phase in The Deep Learning Adventure




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This post is also available in: עברית (Hebrew) A software company that’s developed a deep learning network software that makes smart products like robots and drones more autonomous and useful recently announced a major advance in deep learning. With the company’s new software that can learn with or without the cloud, the risk of forgetting previous knowledge is eliminated. Neurala’s neural network software uses a bio-inspired approach to mimic the way the human brain learns and analyzes its environment. The software enables a variety of smart products, from industrial drones to consumer electronics and cameras.
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機脳人間擬態進展|Machine Brains Advance Towards Human Mimicry




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Computer ‘brains’ in the world of Artificial Intelligence don’t actually function organically, like a human brain, obviously. But as we continue to build new and ever more powerful layers of functionality into the machine brain, they can start to ‘ape’ some of our human imperfections and nuances in an attempt to be more like us. Software application developers (and their IT ‘Ops’ operations buddies) are working hard to move statistical models into computer brains and advance not just AI, but the inextricably closely related area of machine learning which helps feed the practice of ‘automation’, which in and of itself has become the darling buzzword of the IT industry in recent times.
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Salesforce は、機械学習を用いたテキストを自動的に集計するアルゴリズムを作成しました。|Salesforce created an algorithm that automatically summarizes text using machine learning




今年は、ソーシャル メディアの自分の半分以上の日読書電子メール、記事、または投稿を費やすと予想されている、事態は悪化するばかりです。この問題を解決するには、Salesforce の研究者は使用して、機械 MIT テクノロジー ・ レビューによると「驚くほど一貫性と正確な”の要約を生成する学習アルゴリズムを開発しました。 自動要約を Salesforce は、さまざまな顧客サービスに配慮した製品を生成するための特に有用な技術となります。会社のノート販売またはダイジェスト メールすぐにし、顧客に焦点を当てた多くの時間を過ごすにそれらを可能にする情報の顧客サービス担当者によって結果の要約がされる可能性があります。


This year, people are expected to spend more than half their day reading e-mail, articles, or posts on social media, and it’s only going to get worse. To help solve this problem, researchers at Salesforce have developed an algorithm that uses machine learning to produce “surprisingly coherent and accurate” summaries according to MIT Technology Review. Automatic summarization would be a particularly useful technology for Salesforce, which produces a variety of customer-service focused products. The company notes that the resulting summaries could be used by sales or customer service representatives to quickly digest e-mails and information, which would allow them to spend more time focused on their customers.
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Microsoft Build2017会議で最大のアナウンスメントのリスト




Microsoft Build2017会議で最大のアナウンスメントのリスト

今年5月、マイクロソフトの「新発表および発売月」と賞賛されます。数日前、Microsoftは、新しい「Surface」ノートパソコンおよびWindowsの新10Sのオペレーティング・システムを起動します。これは先月、Microsoftは5月10日~12日に開催されたMicrosoft Build2017大会が開かれた。この会議中の多くの新たな発表を行った。


これら10の興味深い発表の他に、Microsoftは、Windows Store、VR Motionコントローラー、認知サービスAIや機械学習アプリでiTunes、Mac用のVisual Studio、HPのCortanaスピーカーなどの他のいくつかの発表を行った。



List of the biggest announcements at Microsoft Build 2017 conference The month of May this year can be celebrated as the ‘new announcement and launches month’ for Microsoft. Just a few days back, Microsoft launched new Surface Laptop and the new Windows 10 S operating system along with it. This month, Microsoft also held the Microsoft Build 2017 conference during 10th to 12th May. A lot of new announcements were made during this conference.
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アップル社を買収、「ダーク・データ」(Machine Learning Company(Latticeデータ






Apple recently paid around $200 million to acquire Lattice Data , a firm that aims to turn unstructured “dark data” such as text and images into structured data that can then be handled with traditional data analysis tools. News of the acquisition comes from TechCrunch , and Apple has essentially confirmed the acquisition by issuing its standard statement on the topic.Lattice uses machine learning techniques to take mass amounts of initially unusable data and turn it into properly labeled and categorized data that can be used for AI, medical research, and more.
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分析すると CCTV をニュースか Nvidia の 人工知能 はチームをホームあなた.|Home News How Nvidia’s Artificial Intelligence Will Team up With CCTV to Analyse Your…




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The ultimate all-seeing surveillance system could soon be here with thanks to Nvidia. The company’s new venture is called Metropolis and is an integration like no other between CCTV and complex machine learning artificial intelligence. It’s designed to be able to continuously process and contextualize data collected from over a billion cameras and it could be hitting our streets as early as 2020. Metropolis has the ability to analyze and interpret 30 billion images per second. One of the great things about the system is it could be used to create autonomous drones that can stream video back from the sky, or be used as a security robot looking for any trouble that may be lurking. This system could also be used as the next wave of security camera recording panoramic views of our streets.
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Apple は $200 M の「暗いデータ」スペシャ リスト格子データを取得します。|Apple acquires "dark data" specialist Lattice Data for $200M




その最新の購入では、アップル社は、分析することができる構造化されたデータセットを効率的に構築するために “暗いデータ” を処理するために機械学習を使用しての専門家、ラティス data inc. を取得するために約 $200000000 を支払っている。 購入がテックク ランチから報告され、アップルはそれのいつもの決まり文句の確認と答えた「小さい技術企業購入時から、我々 一般的に議論しないでください私たちの目的や計画」。格子、メンロー パーク、カリフォルニア州在住だった”DeepDive、”統計的推論のためのフレームワークとして機能として知られているスタンフォード大学研究プロジェクトを製品化。事務所のウェブサイトは言う「私たちの使命は重大な実世界問題の暗いデータ値ロックを解除します。


In its latest buy, Apple has paid around $200 million to acquire Lattice Data Inc., a specialist in using machine learning to process “dark data” to efficiently build structured data sets that can be analyzed. The buy was reported by Tech Crunch, and Apple responded with its usual boilerplate confirmation that it “buys smaller technology companies from time to time and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.”Lattice, based in Menlo Park, California, was commercializing a Stanford University research project known as “DeepDive,” acting as a framework for statistical inference. The firm’s website says “our mission is to unlock the value in dark data for critical real-world problems.
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機械学習 の才能のためのレースを続け、アップル マドロナ支持格子データの取得|The race for machine learning talent continues, as Apple acquires Madrona-backed Lattice Data




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Data-crunching startup Lattice Data has been acquired by Apple, as the battle for machine learning talent continues between big tech companies. A source familiar with the company confirmed the deal, first reported by TechCrunch and sort-of confirmed by Apple with its standard acquisitions-related line: “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.” TechCrunch reported that the deal cost Apple around $200 million. That’s the same amount of money that Apple shelled out for Seattle-based machine learning startup Turi, which was led by University of Washington computer scientist Carlos Guestrin and was acquired last summer.
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FGV とラトガース大学ホスト公共部門のデータ分析についての議論|FGV and Rutgers University host debate on public sector data analytics




ラトガース大学と提携、公共および経営管理 (EBAPE) の FGV のブラジル人学校、公共部門会計 & データ分析談話会」「5 月 26 日、15:20、に 8 から講堂 1014 FGV のリオ ・ デ ・ ジャネイロで主なオフィスでが開催されます。イベントは研究および公共部門の高度な分析の方法論を実装する利点を取り巻く実用的な見通しに基づいて洞察力を共有します。 ゼミは、レンダリング監査プログラムのパフォーマンスおよび公共団体の財務状況に関する保証を提供する責任のリソースが適切に費やされているを確保する透明性と説明責任は、パブリック リソースの管理、需要を分析します。


In partnership with Rutgers University, FGV’s Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE) will host the “Public Sector Accounting & Data Analytics Colloquium” on May 26, from 8 a.m. to 3:20 p.m., at auditorium 1014 of FGV’s main office in Rio de Janeiro. The event will share insights based on research and practical outlooks surrounding the benefits of implementing advanced analytical methodologies in the public sector. The Colloquium will analyze the growing demand for transparency and accountability within the management of public resources, rendering public auditors responsible for providing guarantees regarding the performance of programs and the financial status of public entities, ensuring its resources are spent appropriately.
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インドでは、インドの作る世界 ‘-ヒントし、アニメーション業界の転換点|’Make in India, make for India, make for the world’ – tips and tipping points in the animation industry




継続的な GAFX 2017 会議バンガロールで、この週末は、アニメーション、ビジュアルエフェクト、ゲームの有利な魅力的なフィールドのリングサイド ビューを提供しています。業界は主要な創造的な変化を受けているインドのデザイナーや開発者のための機会の富を提供しています。 デジタル ワークフローにおいては、脚本や物語などグローバル配布、データ分析、および VR ・ AR 波、伝統の技を再定義されています。この洞察力第 YourStory は、いくつかの課題や分野での機会を発掘するピクサー、情報および群集からの専門家の頭脳をおすすめ (また見なさい私たちの以前のレビュー記事業界のダイナミクスとインドの見通し)。


The ongoing GAFX 2017 conference this weekend in Bengaluru offers a ringside view of the lucrative and attractive fields of animation, visual effects and gaming. The industry is undergoing major creative transformations, and offers a wealth of opportunity for Indian designers and developers. In a world of digital workflow, global distribution, data analytics, and VR/AR waves, traditional skills such as scriptwriting and storytelling are being redefined. In this third insight article, YourStory picks the brains of experts from Pixar, SideFX and Assemblage to unearth some of the challenges and opportunities in the field (see also our earlier review articles on industry dynamics and outlook for India).
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