
カイルにことができませんでしたどのようにマイクロソフトの物語リミックス|How Microsoft’s Story Remix does what Clippy couldn’t




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If it works as advertised, it could be a transformational app for consumers fed up with their ever-growing libraries of digital media. It’s the latest attempt by Microsoft to make your life easier by predicting what you want. But, as you’ll recall, that hasn’t always worked out well for the company. “Clippy was actually a very early attempt at trying to look at patterns of what you’re doing, but it didn’t have the benefit of all this deep learning tech that’s available now,” said Microsoft Corporate Vice President Chris Pratley, the man behind Story Remix, in an interview with Engadget. With his previous project, Sway, he tried to rethink how you could create text and media-based stories without worrying about formatting worries. Story Remix is the next logical step.
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未来の車はドライバーの感情を認識するように設定します。|Future Cars Set To Recognize Driver’s Emotions




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The cars of tomorrow will know what the mood of its driver is. Self-driving cars of the future will have the capacity to change its driving style depending on the current emotion of the person behind the wheel. In other words, if the driver is nervous, the smart vehicle will drive slower and more carefully. The technology that will allow such feat is courtesy of Affectiva. The company is known for working on the effects of emotion analytics on marketing. It is now training its sights on developing driver emotion recognition as well as real-time facial analysis that will prove useful to the automotive industry. The deep learning technology, when applied on cars, can minimize the risks on the road.
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GPU 技術会議について知りたいすべて|Everything you need to know about GPU Technology Conference




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Everything you need to know about GPU Technology Conference Posted Friday, May 12, 2017 by Everyone is having a great time this year at NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference, so if you don’t make it this year, there is always next year. The major topic this year that has stood out from the rest has to be Artificial Intelligence. As the cutting edge of AI technology gets closer to making better faster smarter mechanical beings, computer processing speeds too must increase to keep up.
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クレイ AI 用のクラスター化されたスーパー コンピューターをロールします。|Cray Rolls Clustered Supercomputers for AI




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クレイ嵐機械新しい加速クラスターと市場を学習|Cray Storms Machine Learning Market with New Accelerated Clusters




クレイは、高速移動の AI とデータ分析市場のために主に設計されているその CS ストーム プラットフォームの 2 つのバリアントを開始しました。新しいシステムは、今日市場で計算に最も密なアクセラレータ ・ ソリューションのいくつかを提供するノードあたり最大 10 Gpu または Fpga で構成できます。 クレイによるとシステム用の対象アプリケーションは、「深い学習、機械学習、信号処理、貯留層シミュレーション、地理空間情報は、ポートフォリオと取引アルゴリズムの最適化、パターン認識、メモリ内データベース。


Cray has launched two variants of its CS-Storm platform, which are designed principally for the fast-moving AI and data analytics markets. The new systems can be configured with up to 10 GPUs or FPGAs per node, offering some of the most computationally dense accelerator solutions on the market today. According to Cray, target applications for the systems include “deep learning, machine learning, signal processing, reservoir simulation, geospatial intelligence, portfolio and trading algorithm optimization, pattern recognition and in-memory databases.
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‘の興奮を構築’: データ ハブ元警察署で開きます|’Excitement is building’: Data hub opens in former police station




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The newest incarnation of a building vacated by Waterloo Regional Police four years ago was unveiled on Thursday. The former police station on Erb Street was purchased by Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis in 2013. They initially planned to open a boutique hotel on the site. Instead, it was renovated into a hub for companies interested in working with data. “Excitement is building around the application of big data techniques and concepts,” Kevin Tuer, the managing director of Canada’s Open Data Exchange, said in an interview. Tuer said that the emergence of the Internet of Things has resulted in more data being collected than ever before, but companies are still figuring out how they can use it to serve their interests.
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Nvidia GPU クラウド バンドル フレームワークと AI アプリ開発ツール|Nvidia GPU Cloud bundles frameworks and tools for AI app dev




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Over the past couple of years, every major cloud vendor added GPU resources as standard issue: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM. In most every case, those GPUs come from Nvidia, the premier supplier of GPUs for high-performance computing and the de facto software standards for it. Yesterday, Nvidia unveiled the Nvidia GPU Cloud, a new plan for leveraging GPUs wherever they may reside. The details are still vague, but it’s clearly been built to aid developing the apps now most closely associated with GPU acceleration: machine learning and artificial intelligence. The few details currently known about Nvidia GPU Cloud come mostly from the company’s press release. The phrasing throughout indicates that GPU Cloud amounts to an end-to-end software stack for deep learning.
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Nvidia Gpu アーキテクチャでボルタを発表します。|Nvidia Unveils GPUs with Volta Architecture




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This week at the GPU Technology Conference, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Wednesday launched Volta, a new GPU architecture that delivers 5x the performance of its predecessor. Over the course of two hours, Huang introduced a lineup of new Volta-based AI supercomputers including a powerful new version of our DGX-1 deep learning appliance; announced the Isaac robot-training simulator; unveiled the NVIDIA GPU Cloud platform, giving developers access to the latest, optimized deep learning frameworks; and unveiled a partnership with Toyota to help build a new generation of autonomous vehicles. Built with 21 billion transistors, the newly announced Volta V100 delivers deep learning performance equal to 100 CPUs.
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マイクロソフト クーラー ビデオを作成したいし、する人工知能を使用しています。|Microsoft wants you to make cooler videos and is using artificial intelligence to help




木曜日に発表した、最新の画像認識技術、Windows 10 デバイスにすぐに来ているときにマイクロソフトの開発者が応援しました。現時点では、人工知能 (AI) のマイクロソフト社の投資とアルファベットとアップルに追いつくために決意を強調しました。 新しい話のリミックスを使用してアプリ ― 標準問題 Windows 10 写真アプリ – マイクロソフト エグゼクティブ ロレーヌ バーディーンを置き換えるためのものですは、ユーザーことができますアクションとともに移動し、動画の上にアニメーションを追加する方法を示した。彼女は少女のサッカー ボールをドリブルのビデオを選択し、それはネットに向かって走っていた、サッカー ボールの上に火の玉を重ね。


Microsoft developers cheered on Thursday when the company unveiled its latest image-recognition technology, which is coming soon to Windows 10 devices. The moment underscored Microsoft’s investment in artificial intelligence (AI) and its determination to keep up with Alphabet and Apple. Using the new Story Remix app — which is meant to replace the standard-issue Windows 10 Photos app — Microsoft executive Lorraine Bardeen showed how users can add animations on top of videos that then move along with the action. She selected a video of a girl dribbling a soccer ball and then superimposed a fireball on top of the soccer ball as it was sailing toward the net.
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人工知能の工場のロボットは来ている!|The Artificial Intelligent Factory Robots Are Coming!




数十年、ロボットは工場、製造工場、世界中の倉庫の重要なコンポーネントをされています。ただし、これらはロボット – 用語の簡単な意味で特異な目的を果たす愚かなマシンです。会社は、彼ら自身のために考えることができる自律型のロボットに投資する今始めています。Dystonian サイエンス フィクションの初めのような音が、ロボット労働者が脳をなぜ必要とするか実際に非常に良い理由があります。 インターネット上に多くの時間を過ごす場合は、おそらく人工知能 (AI) とロボットの驚異的な進歩のいくつか越えて来ています。過去数年間、歩く、話す、楽器を演奏、スポーツに従事する、ビデオゲーム – すべての人間のクリエイターからの最小限の入力で人間をも倒すにロボットを学んだ。


For decades, robotics has been an essential component of factories, manufacturing plants and warehouses around the world. However, these are robots in the simplest sense of the term – mindless machines that serve a singular purpose. Companies are now beginning to invest in autonomous robots that can think for themselves. It sounds like the beginning of a dystonian sci-fi, but there’s actually a very good reason why robot workers need a brain. If you spend much time on the internet, you’ve probably come across some of the astonishing developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. Over the past few years, robots have learned to walk, talk, play musical instruments, engage in sports and even beat humans at video games – all with minimal input from their human creators.
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