
機械学習 を使用して検出し、癌を治療する方法|How Machine Learning Can Be Used to Detect and Treat Cancer




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To what extent can machine learning and AI be used in the detection and treatment of cancer? originally appeared on Quora – the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. When most people think of the future of technology in medicine, they imagine robots performing surgery, smart scanners, or at least much more confident diagnoses. But we haven’t seen this kind of innovation in most fields. One glaring example of this is in the field of pathology. The growth in number of requests for cancer screening will not be met by just hiring more pathologists. We need something better.
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$149 k スーパー コンピューターに NVIDIA の最初のボルタ搭載 GPU が座っています。|NVIDIA’s first Volta-powered GPU sits in a $149k supercomputer




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The new Volta-powered deep-learning machine is a lot like it’s predecessor — staggeringly powerful, surprisingly compact and built specifically to train artificial intelligence — it’s just that the new DGX-1V is a lot more powerful. NVIDIA CEO and Founder Jensen Huang says the DGX-1V is powerful enough to replace 400 servers, and has enough oomph to do a week’s work of computations in a single shift. That’s probably because it has eight of the company’s new Tesla V100 chips pulsing at its core lending it 960 TFLOPs of power spread over 40,960 CUDA cores. That AI powerhouse is available for $149,000, starting today — but developers eager to jump into deep learning on a smaller budget are in luck.
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新しいグラフィックス チップを搭載した Nvidia を AI と 深い学習 を倍増します。|With new graphics chip, Nvidia doubles down on AI and deep learning




Nvidia 社は、そのグラフィック プロセッシング ユニット ホットなゲーム パソコンが、今日ほぼ付け足しのように見えたその元の市場の作成を支援する半導体の名声に急騰。 会社はサンノゼ、カリフォルニア州、チーフ ・ エグゼクティブのジェンセンの黄 (写真) は言ったが次世代のコンピューティングとは何のための方法の数で調整している GPU の技術会議で強力な新しいチップを導入した: 人工知能、特に深い学習ニューラル ネット自己運転車などインスタント翻訳の最近の進歩に責任があります。 (下記参照) テスラ V100 は、5 回昨年度、会社の最初非ゲーム チップ導入してパスカルのチップよりも処理能力を誇っています。


Nvidia Corp. rocketed to semiconductor fame with its graphics processing units that helped create the hottest gaming personal computers, but today its original market almost looked like an afterthought. The company introduced a powerful new chip at its GPU Technology Conference in San Jose, California, that’s tuned in a number of ways for what Chief Executive Jensen Huang (pictured) said is the next era of computing: artificial intelligence, in particular deep learning neural networks that are responsible for recent breakthroughs such as self-driving cars and instant language translation. The Tesla V100 (below) boasts five times the computing power than the Pascal chip introduced last year, the company’s first non-gaming chip.
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ボルタのグラフィックス カードと AI チップ競争を食い止めるために Nvidia 希望|Nvidia Hopes To Stave Off AI Chip Competition With Volta Graphics Card




人工知能や機械学習は大手ハイテク企業は、独自のチップを作り始めた Google することが重要になっています。2007 年に、年次開発者会議で発表、テンソル処理ユニット (TPU) は人工知能のアルゴリズムの特定の味に最適です。今、新しいチップの数十の企業を提供する木工来ている類似した種類の人工知能の特殊なチップ。すべてのこの活動は、グラフィック チップ Nvidia は、自分自身を発見した近年支配チップ サプライヤー深い学習と呼ばれる AI の普及した形態のためにいくつかの圧力をかけるし始めています。 戻って戦うために、Nvidia はその最新のグラフィックス処理ユニット (Gpu) の高められた専門のルートを下るにも始めています。


Artificial intelligence and machine learning has become so important to Google that the tech giant started making its own chips. Announced at its annual developers conference last year, the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) is optimized for its particular flavor of AI algorithms. Now, dozens of new chips are coming out of the woodworks to offer companies similar types of specialized chips for AI. All this activity is starting to put some pressure on graphics chipmaker Nvidia, which has found itself in recent years the dominate chip supplier for a popular form of AI called deep learning. To fight back, Nvidia is also starting to go down the route of increased specialization with its latest graphics processing units (or GPUs).
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NVIDIA は、開発者にとって新しい 深い学習 ソフトウェア ツールを提供します。|NVIDIA Delivers New Deep Learning Software Tools for Developers




この NVIDIA と Facebook にチームを過給 Caffe2 深い学習フレームワーク NVIDIA と Facebook に今日は Caffe2、新しい A. と人工知能を事前に私たちの共同作業の結果を発表した.ボッシュでは、自走式大衆市場車のためシステム人工知能を開発する NVIDIA と今日発表した. 開発者の要求によって助けられ、NVIDIA は、ツール、ライブラリおよび開発者を加速し、次世代の AI と HPC アプリケーション構築を支援する CUDA プログラミング モデルの拡張機能を構築しています。 GPU コンピューティングへの関心のレベルは、AI の進歩に支えられ、爆発しています。


More on This NVIDIA and Facebook Team Up to Supercharge Caffe2 Deep Learning Framework NVIDIA and Facebook today announced the result of our joint work to advance artificial intelligence with Caffe2, a new A… Bosch today announced it is working with NVIDIA to develop artificial intelligence self-driving systems for mass market cars… Aided by developers’ requests, NVIDIA has built tools, libraries and enhancements to the CUDA programming model to help developers accelerate and build the next generation of AI and HPC applications. The level of interest in GPU computing has exploded, fueled by advancements in AI.
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病んでいるベビー ・ ブーマーに対処するデータ ドリブンの方法|A data-driven way to deal with ailing baby boomers




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As America’s 70 million baby boomers hit their “disability-prone years,” the Social Security Administration is looking for a leg up to help it handle ever more disability claims and hearings. According to SSA’s May 5 request for information, its disability workload is already its most complex program, consuming over half of its operational work-years and running at an annual administrative cost of about $10 billion. As the population ages, the agency expects the number of claims to increase. To get ready for the high tide of disability claims in the next decade, SSA is looking for an end-to-end software solution that allows it to receive and process documents based on business rules and that gives end users a web-based view of the data against which they can search and run reports.
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Twitter は今お見せするつぶやきを把握する AI のトレンディなタイプを使用してください。|Twitter is now using a trendy type of AI to figure out which tweets to show you




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Twitter today said it has begun to use artificial intelligence (A.I.) to recommend certain tweets in users’ timelines. The announcement comes a week after billionaire Mark Cuban told CNBC that he had recently begun buying Twitter stock because he believed “they finally got their act together with artificial intelligence.” Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and other companies have previously attempted to improve various products using deep learning, a trendy type of A.I. Twitter has brought on people who are talented in this area through acquisitions of companies such as Magic Pony, and it has open-sourced some of its deep learning software. But the company has not been especially transparent about its progress.
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総選挙: ODI データ、スキル、革新党マニフェストで公約を参照してくださいすることを望む|General election: ODI hopes to see data, skills and innovation pledges in party manifestos




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The Open Data Institute (ODI) has called on the political parties to include commitments on data infrastructure, trust and open innovation in their manifestos. In a blogpost, the ODI’s head of policy Peter Wells said that while people are “unlikely to vote for a candidate solely based on what they think about data”, the manifestos can give people who have an interest in data some steering towards what the next five years will look like under a particular party. “They also help us all understand whether the candidates understand the changes to our society that are being brought about by the internet and world wide web, and how data and new technologies have created new ways to deliver policies,” he said.
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企業に機械学習を Nvidia の H2O.ai チーム|H2O.ai teams up with Nvidia to take machine learning to the enterprise




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H2O.ai and Nvidia today announced that they have partnered to take machine learning and deep learning algorithms to the enterprise through deals with Nvidia’s graphics processing units (GPUs). Mountain View, Calif.-based H20.ai has created AI software that enables customers to train machine learning and deep learning models up to 75 times faster than conventional central processing unit (CPU) solutions. The company made the announcement at Nvidia’s GPU Tech event in San Jose, Calif. H2O.ai will offer its machine learning algorithms in a newly minted GPU-edition and its Deep Water product on Nvidia GPUs. In addition, H2O.ai’s platform will now be optimized for the Nvidia’s DGX-1 AI processor.
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Twitter は今お見せするつぶやきを把握する AI のトレンディなタイプを使用してください。|Twitter is now using a trendy type of AI to figure out which tweets to show you




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Twitter today said it has begun to use artificial intelligence (A.I.) to recommend certain tweets in users’ timelines. The announcement comes a week after billionaire Mark Cuban told CNBC that he had recently begun buying Twitter stock because he believed “they finally got their act together with artificial intelligence.” Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and other companies have previously attempted to improve various products using deep learning, a trendy type of A.I. Twitter has brought on people who are talented in this area through acquisitions of companies such as Magic Pony, and it has open-sourced some of its deep learning software. But the company has not been especially transparent about its progress.
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