








Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the US Department of Energy’s largest multi-program science and energy laboratory, with scientific and technical capabilities spanning the continuum from basic to applied research. Located in the city of Oak Ridge, ORNL is in the eastern part of Tennessee in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains.
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The NSW government can learn from other governments internationally about how to develop and promote a culture of open data and data sharing, says a report commissioned by the Information and Privacy Commission of NSW and the NSW Open Data Advocate. The UNSW Law report, Conditions Enabling Open Data and Promoting a Data Sharing Culture 2017, released Monday looks at the progress of five other countries – the UK, France, Canada, the US and New Zealand – towards recognising the importance of open data and doing something about it. All five are considered to be leading the way globally.
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ストリートの機能のアルファに移動するデータのハブのプロジェクト|Street works data hub project to move to alpha




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シンクタンクを要請、LGBT データのギャップに対処するため議会|Think tank urges Congress to address the LGBT data gap




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WASHINGTON—Congress is overlooking many opportunities to have the federal government publish more of the data it already gathers, collect more data that can be put to valuable use, and encourage the private sector to make better use of data, according to a new report from the Center for Data Innovation, a data-policy think tank. The Center outlines 10 concrete steps Congress can take in 2017 to maximize public benefit by optimizing the way data is collected, shared, and used in the United States. “In nearly every industry, data is powering new insights that improve decision-making, enable new products and services, and enhance quality of life,” said Daniel Castro, the Center’s director and the report’s lead author.
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新しいレポートが要求する: オーストラリア政府は、オープン データ をアプローチする必要がある方法ですか?|New report asks: How should the Australian Govt approach open data?




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New report asks: How should the Australian Govt approach open data? How should Australian government organisations applying open data initiatives to support information sharing? That is the main question put forward by a number of NSW agencies in a new report. The research report, titled Conditions Enabling Open Data and Promoting a Data Sharing Culture 2017, looks at how five international jurisdictions — New Zealand, the UK, US, France and Canada  — are using open data. “The first of its kind in Australia, the research demonstrates how Open Data is being achieved internationally through an examination of leading jurisdictions.
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データベースにおける機械学習産業を変更し、命を救う方法|How Machine Learning In The Database Can Change Industries And Save Lives




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“Expecting terabytes of data to move is just not possible. And you want real time intelligence as data is coming in.” It seems like every year Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella tweaks the company’s technological direction. Microsoft was the productivity company. Then the mobile first, cloud first company. After the Microsoft Build 2017 developer conference in Seattle last week, Microsoft is now the intelligent cloud, intelligent edge company. A casual observer might think that Nadella can’t get his story straight. What is Microsoft, really? That’s the wrong frame of mind to take. The “new” Microsoft knows much better what it is than anytime in the last 15 years. Nadella’s yearly declamations are really about the evolution of computing.
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Riminder は 深い学習 を使用してジョブに人に合わせて|Riminder uses deep learning to better match people to jobs




手で 30,000 再開を並べ替えについて効率的な絶対に何もありません。採用担当者は、山で迷子になる偉大な候補を持っている志願者を評価する月を過ごします。TechCrunch のスタートアップ戦場の舞台でフランスのスタートアップ Riminder 製その深い学習搭載プラットフォームが採用担当者に増大させるためのケース-求人のそれらよりよい表面理想的な候補を支援します。 Riminder は、同様の役職名で、世界で現在の従業員から再開に対する申請履歴書を比較することによって開いているジョブの候補者ランキングを生成します。カーテンの裏 Riminder は、コンピュータ ビジョンのカクテルを使用して、どのような理想的な再開のプロファイルを作成する自然言語処理は、特定の役割のような捜すべきであります。


There’s absolutely nothing efficient about sorting through 30,000 resumes by hand. Recruiters spend months evaluating applicants only to have great prospective candidates get lost in the pile. On the stage of TechCrunch’s Startup Battlefield, French startup Riminder made the case for how its deep learning-powered platform could augment recruiters — helping them better surface ideal contenders for job openings. Riminder generates candidate rankings for open jobs by comparing applicant resumes against resumes from current employees and others in the world with similar job titles. Behind the curtain, Riminder uses a cocktail of computer vision and natural language processing to build profiles of what ideal resumes should look like for specific roles.
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とき、AI は伝統的なスーパー コンピューター シミュレーションを置き換えますか。|When Will AI Replace Traditional Supercomputing Simulations?




一世代前のサイエンス フィクションは、スーパー コンピューターの可能性があります推論によって取り替えられた人間の未来を予測しました。イベントの予想外のねじれ、それはスーパー コンピューターの主要な出力は、表示されます-科学的シミュレーション-インテリジェンスのさらに高い順で交換することができます。 我々 は常にスーパー コンピューティング ハードウェアを必要が、科学技術計算、またはされる高パフォーマンスのコンピューティングの広大なフィールドも破壊的な変更の十字線で科学計算コード開発者は、将来の見通しを変更することがエネルギー効率、細かな科学的な発見に新たな扉を開くでした。


The science fiction of a generation ago predicted a future in which humans were replaced by the reasoning might of a supercomputer. But in an unexpected twist of events, it appears the it is the supercomputer’s main output—scientific simulations—that could be replaced by an even higher order of intelligence. While we will always need supercomputing hardware, the vast field of scientific computing, or high performance computing, could also be in the crosshairs for disruptive change, altering the future prospects for scientific code developers, but opening new doors in more energy-efficient, finer-grained scientific discovery.
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デジタル混乱のターン テーブルを印刷ポッド キャスト|Print podcasts turn tables on digital disruption




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予算 2017: オーストラリアの使用信用度の得点を改善 データが開く されますか。|Budget 2017: Will open data improve Australia’s use of credit scores?




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Proposals to open up access to banking data in Budget 2017 could make Australians much savvier in their use of credit scores, but research suggests most Australians aren’t savvy enough to take advantage of the changes. A key plank of the banking reforms proposed in the budget is giving Australians broader access to the information held about them by financial institutions. “The Government will increase consumer choice and improve competition in banking by giving customers access to and control over their banking data by introducing an open banking regime in Australia,” the budget papers note. “Increased access to data will improve the information available to consumers and better enable innovative business models to create new products tailored to individuals.
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