
データと予測分析の力|The Power of Data and Predictive Analytics




政府は今日、ボリュームとそれを分析するコンピューティング パワーと同様、市民および機関、によって生成されたデータの普及に反映、ますます複雑な世界で動作します。良い理解、市民のニーズに応え、公共のリソースをより効率的に割り当てる、ために政府は、このデータを活用し、都市の現代的な課題に革新的なソリューションを開発する予測分析を使用する必要があります。 パターンを検索し、サービス配信を再編成、将来のニーズを先取りし、潜在的な問題を防ぐために使用することができます傾向を識別したりする履歴データの使用が予測分析です。


Governments today operate in an increasingly complex world, reflected in the volume and ubiquity of data produced by citizens and agencies, as well as the computing power to analyze it. In order to better understand and respond to citizens’ needs and allocate public resources more efficiently, governments must use predictive analytics to leverage this data and develop innovative solutions to contemporary urban challenges. Predictive analytics is the use of historical data to look for patterns and identify trends, which can be used to reorganize service delivery, anticipate future needs and prevent potential problems.
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クールな都市が技術に依存します。スマートな都市データとのパートナーシップに依存します。|Cool Cities Rely on Technology; Smart Cities Rely on Data and Partnerships




多くは、都市と 21 世紀都市のようの将来について行われています。政府高官はより効率的なガバナンスとさらに住みやすい条件を作成するスマートな技術の彼らの理想を参照するクイックが、どのように我々 はプレス リリースのためにそれを行う都市と建設的なコスト効率の高い方法でツールを使用してそれらに対して報道の違いを言うのですか。 違いは、ボブ ・ ベネット、カンザスシティ、ミズーリの主革新係官によると、データの使用です。 「データ スマート、それは何だ」・ ベネット。「技術は、それがクールなしかしデータがスマートっています。」 スマート都市、人、ベネットによると「戦略的データを収集それを分析し、意思決定をするために使用。


Much has been made about the future of cities and what the 21st-century city will look like. Government officials are quick to reference their ideals for smart technology creating more efficient governance and more livable conditions, but how do we tell the difference between cities that do it for press releases and news coverage against those using the tools in a constructive, cost-efficient way? The difference, according to Bob Bennett, chief innovation officer for Kansas City, Mo., is the use of data. “Data is what makes it smart,” said Bennett. “Technology makes it cool, but data is what makes it smart.” Smart cities are the ones, according to Bennett, who “strategically collect data, analyze it and use it to make decisions.
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Huawei 社は、IoT に焦点を当てたアクセラレータを発表する NUS エンタープライズ|Huawei, NUS Enterprise to unveil an IoT-focused accelerator




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Huwaei has collaborated with the entrepreneurial unit of National University of Singapore – NUS Enterpise to launch an Internet-of-Things (IoT) startup accelerator in Singapore. Christened i5Lab, the accelerator intends to give startups mentorship, access to investors, access to industry-grade test beds, and global co-marketing opportunities to fast track their development into future partners of the company. i5Lab wishes to support the development of the nation’s next unicorn company by nurturing promising start-ups with Huawei’s real network environment, open platform and global Go-to-Market channel capability. It will follow the model of established Huawei collaborations with leading software and industry partners to develop solutions that will build a competitive industry ecosystem.
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スマートシティ: 近年デリー ノキアは言う、2017 年まで急速にする可能性が高い|Smart City: Progress in Delhi likely to be rapid through 2017, says Nokia




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NEW DELHI: A report by Nokia on Tuesday presented key findings from the smart city initiatives of New Delhi and Pune among other cities where it said that progress in Delhi is likely to be rapid through 2017 as trials get underway.According to the report, Delhi has an advantage in the area of technology and skills and can work on consultation, data backed policy decisions and funding in order to ensure that the projects meet the needs of the citizens.The study acknowledged the role of communication, partner ecosystem, open standards based technology and diversified funding sources in Pune’s smart city initiative which can serve as model for other cities. Transportation and fleet management, open data platform, lighting, smart meters are some of Pune’s smart city activities.
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慰めとアルパインのカナダ mulityear の新たなパートナーシップを発表します。|Solace and Alpine Canada announce new mulityear partnership




チーム技術的優位を与える研究と技術革新のプロジェクトの資金調達斜面カルガリーで、2016 年 11 月 8 日/CNW/- アルパイン カナダと慰め今日新しいパートナーシップを発表多年にわたるマーケティング、アルパインのカナダの公式のゴールド パートナーを慰めを作るします。 この新しいパートナーシップは、アルパインのカナダと慰め、オープン データ移動テクノロジーの世界的リーダーの包括的な関係を表します。その他の取り組みの中で慰め、戦略的研究をサポート、風洞テストなど革新プロジェクトを与えるアルパイン カナダ選手やコーチ データを分析し、レースのオリンピック、ワールド カップ、世界選手権大会およびパラリン ピック パフォーマンスに適用することができます。


Funding of research and innovation projects will give team a technological edge on the slopes CALGARY , Nov 8, 2016 /CNW/ – Alpine Canada and Solace announced today a new multiyear marketing partnership, making Solace an official gold partner of Alpine Canada . This new partnership represents a comprehensive relationship between Alpine Canada and Solace, a world leader in open data movement technology. Among other initiatives, Solace will support strategic research and innovation projects such as wind tunnel testing that will give Alpine Canada athletes and coaches data they can analyze and apply to Olympic, World Cup, World Championship and Paralympic performance racing.
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オープン データ ・ ポリシーをすぐに浮かぶセンターします。|Centre to float open-data policy soon




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The Centre will soon notify a policy on ‘open data’ to put more data in the public domain, allowing individuals to build apps or services for commercial purposes. The government generates a lot of data that many more people can actually use, said a senior official at the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology. For example, Census data is used by academics, companies, students and politicians. “We permitted the use of this data only for academic or government purposes. But, recently we have taken a policy decision that we will allow people to create value-added services on a commercial basis,” the official told BusinessLine. Data are an important resource.
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ブラジル女性の戦いに対して女性を殺害する オープン データ とランプアップ|Brazilian Women Ramp up Fight Against Femicide with Open Data




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Thirteen women are killed every day in Brazil, and more than three-quarters of femicides are committed by a family member or intimate partner of the victim. Brazilian women have launched a new online tool aimed at helping in the fight against gender violence and femicide in the country, a crisis that has recently shot back into the spotlight across Latin America as a series of brutal abuses and killings reinvigorate the movement. The new project called the Femicide Dossier went live on Monday. Under the tagline “Invisibility Kills,” the online initiative serves as a resource for journalists, researchers, social organizations and society at large that brings together up-to-date information on gendered abuse and answers burning questions about femicide.
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Govt の 42 K リポジトリ: 専用プレーヤーはデータを使用して付加価値を作成できますサービス|Govt’s 42K repository: Private players can use data to create value added services




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Commercial entities, including startups would soon be allowed access to Centre’s repository of over 42,000 databases that are currently available on a web platform for use in academic and government purposes. A senior official at the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology said that it would notify a change in policy that allows the use of available information on the portal ‘data.gov.in’ by commercial units free-of-cost. “The government generates a lot of data, which many people can use for various purposes. Data is a very resource. Till now the data available on the platform data.gov.in was permitted for use only by academics and government institution.
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‘以下の壁庭とより多くの データを開く’: Adbrain マーケティング チーフ プログラム パンチ リング.|’Less walled gardens and more open data‘: Adbrain marketing chief’s Programmatic Punch ring …




Ed チャター、チーフ マーケティング兼警備員、adtech 服 Adbrain、まだよりサイロ、それはそれを広告主として継続するために必要なデータをより開くたびに資金を供給された媒体で成長するインターネット経済を促進するための業界の壁に囲まれた庭のプロバイダーで彼のパンチを目指します。 チャター、話すドラム リング側最後の週のプログラムによるパンチ コンテンツ ストリームに広告: ハイテク ニューヨーク中には言う「AT&T とタイム ・ ワーナーのようなメガお得な情報と私たちの業界のための地平線でより多くの統合により、この問題は引き続き我々 の業界を支配する」。 メガ取引業界での優位性、と一緒に、チャター信じる EU の迫り来る個人情報保護法、別名


Ed Chater, chief marketing and chief security officer, at adtech outfit Adbrain, would aim his punches at the industry’s walled garden providers for encouraging the internet economy to develop in yet more silos, whenever it is more open data that’s required for it to continue as a largely ad funded medium. “With more consolidation on the horizon for our industry with mega-deals like AT&T and Time Warner, this issue will continue to dominate our industry,” says Chater, speaking with The Drum ring-side at last week’s Programmatic Punch content stream during Ad:Tech New York. Along with the dominance of mega-deals in the industry, Chater believes the EU’s impending privacy laws, a.k.a.
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2016年 11 月 オープン データ の新機能!|What’s new in Open Data November 2016!




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Since our release of the NEW Open Data Sites into beta just before the 2016 User Conference, the open data team has been very busy adding more functionality you have requested into the new sites. Let’s take a quick look at some of the amazing new things we’ve put out there for you over the past few months.   Custom Header and Footer   In the new site builder, we have re-introduced how to add your own custom header and footer. As you can see in the screenshot below, there is an option to put in your own custom HTML and CSS to create a site that builds off your organizations main web presence.
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