
米国のトップ 10 のデジタル都市にランク ハンプトン ・ ローズのパーツ|Parts of Hampton Roads ranked among top 10 digital cities in U.S.




ハンプトン ・ ローズ、バージニア州 (WVEC) – ハンプトン ・ ローズで 4 つの都市がアメリカ合衆国のトップ デジタル都市の間で挙がっています。 デジタル政府のための中心によって実施回デジタル都市調査は、都市サービスを改善し、効率を高める技術を使用しての主要な例を認識しています。ウィリアムズバーグ、ハンプトン、ノーフォーク、ヴァージニア ビーチは、リストを作った。 2016 の調査は都市が市民との関わり、政策、技術およびデータ、操作の分野での晴れの取り組みについての質問をターゲットと都市、郡および地域間のコラボレーションに焦点を当てた。 ウィリアムズバーグは人口が付いている都市のリストで 3 位に 75,000 未満。これは、その人口のカテゴリのトップ 10 の都市の 4 年連続です。


HAMPTON ROADS, Va. (WVEC) — Four cities in Hampton Roads have been named among the top digital cities in the United States. The annual Digital Cities Survey conducted by the Center for Digital Government recognizes leading examples of cities using technology to improve services and boost efficiencies. Williamsburg, Hampton, Norfolk and Virginia Beach all made the list. The 2016 survey focused on collaboration among cities, counties and regions with targeted questions on the initiatives cities were proudest of in the areas of citizen engagement, policy, operations, and technology and data. Williamsburg placed third on the list for cities with populations less than 75,000. This is the city’s fourth consecutive year in the top 10 of its population category.
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オープン データ のお祝いに|In Celebration of Open Data




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It’s not every day I get to write something that is just fun. In celebration of OpenCon, and to recognise all of the fantastic articles that we’ve published at PLOS with a focus on Data Sharing across all of the PLOS journals, we’re really excited to announce today the launch of a PLOS Open Data Collection. Several of our dedicated Data team from across journals pulled together a bunch of papers published in recent times all about data. And then with the help of the ever-enthusiastic and very dedicated Melissa Haendel, we whittled down the list to a more manageable sub-set. You can read more about Melissa’s selection process here and why she picked some of these great papers. Take a look at the collection, we’ll be updating it with more of our data papers soon, so bookmark it now.
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フェニックスの名前新しい賞を受賞した CIO|Phoenix Names New Award-Winning CIO




ヶ月後引退した CIO デビー綿交換を探して、フェニックス市が選択したその男は、誰かが新しい技術高みへバージニアビーチ、バージニア州の街を撮影した-2016 デジタル都市調査で人口カテゴリーのトップの座をとるなど。 フェニックスは、水曜日、11 月 9、マタイ Arvay を引き継ぐ CIO として 1 月の最初の週を発表しました。彼はフェニックス市広報耽羅インガーソルによると 12 月 2 日、バージニアビーチから出発する予定です。 プレス リリースで述べているフェニックス シティ マネージャー Ed ノイエズアーチャー Arvay、地方政府、2012 年以来されている人は、コミュニティをデジタル接続するため知られている、”とフェニックスの彼の役割は、住民と行政サービスへの訪問者をリンクし、市の事業を進めることでしょう。


After months of searching for retired CIO Debbie Cotton’s replacement, the city of Phoenix has selected its man, someone who has taken the city of Virginia Beach, Va., to new technological heights — including taking the top spot for its population category in the 2016 Digital Cities Survey. Phoenix announced Wednesday, Nov. 9, that Matthew Arvay will take over as the CIO the first week of January. He is slated to depart from Virginia Beach Dec. 2, according to Phoenix city spokesperson Tamra Ingersoll. Arvay, who has been with the local government since 2012, is known for connecting communities digitally, Phoenix City Manager Ed Zuercher said in a press release, “and his role in Phoenix will be to link residents and visitors to government services and advance the business of the city.
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住宅オフィスのスーパーバイザー|Housing Office Supervisors




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クラウド ベースの概念と分類ツールのテスト ニュージーランド統計局|Statistics New Zealand testing a cloud-based concept & classification tool




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Last week, Statistics New Zealand (SNZ) released a test version of a cloud-based concept & classification tool for their open data sets, called Ariā (Ariā means “concept” in Maori). This was on their innovation site, which shares experiments, dealing with new ideas, products and services. Governments around the world are working towards making more and more government data sets accessible to the public. Intuitive interfaces allowing users to understand, explore, export and use the data is essential to maximising the benefits of open data and enhancing citizen engagement. In a user-friendly browser-based system, audiences can gain greater understanding about the classifications, concepts, and standards that underpin data.
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Blockchain の限界とは何か。ODI の専門家が説明します。|What are the limitations of blockchain? Experts from the ODI explain




トムは、オンラインのエディターです。彼は市立大学からの新聞ジャーナリズムの修士号を獲得する前に英文学とサセックス大学で歴史を勉強しました。彼は公共部門と新技術の倫理的含意に特に興味があります。 新興技術は、過度の期待を生成できます。保存するか、世界を破壊すると約束した最新の開発の 1 つは、blockchain です。分散元帳技術最近、ガートナーのハイプ サイクルによると、誇大広告ピークに達したが、主流から 5 〜 10 年間のまま。 Blockchain の可能性は膨大が、支持者は、技術の限界を理解するが賢明でしょう。それ以外の場合彼らは元米国郵便局長一般的なアーサー E. ミスを繰り返す恐れ


Tom is online editor. He studied English Literature and History at Sussex University before gaining a Masters in Newspaper Journalism from City University. He’s particularly interested in the public sector and the ethical implications of emerging technologies. Emerging technologies can generate extravagant expectations. One of the latest developments promised to either save or destroy the world is the blockchain. The distributed ledger technology recently reached peak hype, according to The Gartner Hype Cycle, but remains five to 10 years away from mainstream adoption. The potential for the blockchain is enormous, but advocates would be wise to understand the limits of the technology. Otherwise they risk repeating the mistake made by former US Postmaster General Arthur E.
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市は、サービス、透明性を向上させるための取り組みに参加します。|City joins effort to improve services, transparency




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In the private sector, executives study best practices to make their businesses more efficient and profitable. Local governments, however, often lack the resources to find out the best ways to improve services. The city of Knoxville is poised to take advantage of a program aimed to help officials become more effective in providing services for citizens. Knoxville is one of 16 cities being added to Bloomberg Philanthropies’ What Works Cities initiative, an effort to use data and proven approaches to improve municipal services. Launched in 2015, the nonprofit’s $42 million effort aims to spread to 100 mid-sized American cities. Chattanooga and Nashville also are among the cities involved.
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オープン状態はなぜ続けるのか。|Why keep Open States going?




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We announced earlier this month that Open States—a project covered on Opensource.com in 2011—is now being maintained by the original creators of the project, a community of Sunlight Foundation alumni and other volunteers. After a year of scant staffing culminating in the closure of Sunlight Labs, we expect that getting Open States fully operational again will take a significant effort, and we know from experience that maintaining the menagerie of scrapers into the future isn’t easy either. (That’s why we’re looking for volunteers and donations.
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パートナーの民間部門の商学部の標識します。|Commerce Dept Signs Up Private Sector IT Partners




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The U.S. Commerce Department recently launched a new effort to jump-start more efficient ways to manage the vast amounts of data that reside within the federal government and put it to productive use. The National Technical Information Service, a unit within the department, is leading the effort. NTIS has selected 35 joint venture partners, or JVPs, to support the program. The department’s aims not only to improve data management by federal agencies, but also to facilitate the generation and sharing of data within the federal government. An equally important goal is to find better ways to provide data to the private sector in order to enhance economic activity.
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プレース ホルダー|Placeholder




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