
フィラデルフィアはアメリカでトップのデジタル都市の中で認識|Philadelphia recognized among top digital cities in America




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Philadelphia earned high praise in a recent study on how American cities use technology to serve the public. The Center for Digital Government (CDG) ranked Philly second among U.S. cities with populations of at least 500,000 people in its 15h annual Digital Cities Survey on Thursday. Los Angeles landed the top spot on the list. Cities were judged on a variety of criteria, including open data initiatives, commitment to digital infrastructure, mobile-friendly development, and innovation. The City of Brotherly Love was boosted by the newly-established Office of Open Data and Digital Transformation (ODDT) under Mayor Jim Kenney. In May, the ODDT was formed to help departments publish data and create digital services to serve citizens.
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国際 オープン データ 会議のノート|Notes on the International Open Data Conference




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Would an elderly grandma from a remote village in Sierra Leone know what Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are? She probably wouldn’t. And should she? Probably yes, considering that data collection to monitor the progress on SDGs should start on the community level. This rather thought-provoking statement kicked off the discussion around community involvement and SDG data at the International Open Data Conference (IODC) 2016. Open data and SDGs Collecting data from the ground level up requires a smart tool that fits the local context. In remote communities, poor or no internet connection is the reality. The fact that about 17% of world’s population is illiterate makes data collection an even more challenging endeavor.
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バックパックを量産する Facebook の新しい第二世代モジュラー データ センター スイッチ|Facebook to mass-produce Backpack, its new second-gen modular data centre switch




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Facebook has announced the release of its second generation modular switch platform (MSP), entitled Backpack. Not only is the technology to be integrated into the social network’s Open Compute Project, but Facebook has also ordered large enough numbers of the switch to accommodate the open market. Backpack is the successor to the 6-Pack MSP launched at the beginning of 2015, but upgrades that device’s 40gb streaming capacity to 100gb, and employs fibre optic technology more commonly used in inter-site data centre connectivity. The Facebook announcement says that Backpack is already entering production status within Facebook’s internal infrastructure, and will constitute the foundation of a new community-developed ecostructure.
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オープン データ 食品セキュリティ見通しを後押しすることを目的と|Open data aims to boost food security prospects




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Rothamsted Research, a leading agricultural research institution, is attempting to make data from long-term experiments available to all. In partnership with a data consultancy, is it developing a method to make complex results accessible and useable. The institution is a member of the Godan Initiative that aims to make data available to the scientific community. In September, Godan called on the public to sign its global petition to open agricultural research data. “The continuing challenge we face is that the raw data alone is not sufficient enough on its own for people to make sense of it,” said Chris Rawlings, head of computational and systems biology at Rothamsted Research.
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ユービーアイ ソフトのデジタル ・ フット プリントが明らかに理解する助けを望んでください。|Ubisoft Wants To Help Us Understand What Our Digital Footprint Reveals




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The extent to which the online data we create daily reveals who we are and predicts our future is explored in an in-depth digital experience created for Ubisoft by agency Sid Lee Paris in collaboration with researchers at Cambridge University. “Predictive World” went live on November 10 to allow users to explore their own online data, and what it says about them, with an advanced virtual system able to predict their profile according to their digital footprint. It was created to promote the launch of Ubisoft’s new game Watch Dogs 2, which revolves around a young hacker called Marcus Holloway who is identified as the main suspect for a crime he did not commit.
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タイロン ・ グランディソン 』|Tyrone Grandison




タイロン ・ グランディソン 』 は、商務省の 12 局でデータの取り組みを過給を助ける使命を帯びて、Commerce データ サービスを導いた。 米国特許商標庁、国立研究所の標準と技術、国勢調査局との経済分析局、他の中で扱う元副主任データ執行役員は以上 15 のデータ駆動型の製品やサービスを提供するチームを導いた。


Tyrone Grandison led the Commerce Data Service, which is tasked with helping to supercharge data initiatives across the Commerce Department’s 12 bureaus. Working with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis, among others, the former deputy chief data officer led the team in delivering more than 15 data-driven products and services.
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インテリジェント都市サミット: スマート都市へようこそ|Intelligent Cities Summit: Welcome to the Smart City




都市は本当にただの物のコレクション: 通り、建物、人、サービス、ワイヤー、パイプ、および法律。それらのものは、互いにコミュニケーションの度合いです。街は文字通り話さないが、機能している都市のさまざまな要素一緒に肯定的な結果を達成するために作業を行います。 物事のインターネットは、この比喩を literalizes します。それはあらゆる種類の場所やデバイス、センサーを置くとこれらのシステムは、通信、興味深い結果を生成してデータを共有します。インテリジェント都市サミットは、この火曜日と水曜日トロントで上演された、これらの技術を使用して都市の大義を支援する方法を理解しようとしました。


A city is really just a collection of things: streets, buildings, people, services, wires, pipes, and laws. Those things are, to varying degrees, in communication with one another. The streets do not literally speak, but the various elements of a functioning city do work together to achieve positive outcomes. The Internet of things literalizes this metaphor. It puts sensors in all sorts of places and devices, and those systems communicate and share data to produce interesting outcomes. The Intelligent Cities Summit, which was staged in Toronto this Tuesday and Wednesday, sought to understand how these technologies could be used to help the cause of urbanism.
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Defra はプラウ公式統計を変更先|Defra ploughs ahead with changes to official statistics




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Defra is cutting back on environment and farming statistics – Photo credit: Flickr, Winniepix, CC BY 2.0 The changes – driven by cuts to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ budget that were announced earlier this year – focus on statistics related to the environment, farming and food and the statistics collected by Defra’s agencies. They include plans to stop publishing annual air quality statistics, cancel the annual farm practices survey and changing the way data is collected for the family food survey. However, a consultation launched in February this year – which garnered 42 responses – has revealed a number of concerns about the proposed changes to Defra’s statistics.
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再帰医薬品選択次世代薬剤発見プラットフォームを作成するアナコンダ|Recursion Pharmaceuticals Selects Anaconda to Create Next-Gen Drug Discovery Platform




連続体解析、クリエイターとアナコンダ、Python によって供給の主要なオープン データ科学プラットフォームの背後にある駆動力発表再帰医薬品、LLC は、まれな遺伝的疾患に焦点を当てた医薬品探索会社が採用しているボケ味–連続体解析オープン ソースの可視化フレームワーク アナコンダ プラットフォームで動作します。アナコンダでボケやすく遺伝病のマーカーを識別し、セル データを視覚化するとき薬の有効性を評価する生物学者高速タイム ・ バリューの製薬会社を可能にします。 「アナコンダでボケ味を有効に分析を実行し、まれな遺伝性疾患の治療の実際の変更を運転している、有益で実用的な決定私たち」ブレイク Borgeson、CTO ・再帰医薬品の共同創設者は言った。


Continuum Analytics, the creator and driving force behind Anaconda, the leading Open Data Science platform powered by Python, announced that Recursion Pharmaceuticals, LLC, a drug discovery company focused on rare genetic diseases, has adopted Bokeh––a Continuum Analytics open source visualization framework that operates on the Anaconda platform. Bokeh on Anaconda makes it easy for biologists to identify genetic disease markers and assess drug efficacy when visualizing cell data, allowing for faster time-to-value for pharmaceutical companies. “Bokeh on Anaconda enables us to perform analyses and make informative, actionable decisions that are driving real change in the treatment of rare genetic diseases,” said Blake Borgeson, CTO & co-founder at Recursion Pharmaceuticals.
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大きなデータのパワーを体験します。|Experience the POWER of big data with




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[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related resource GamesPress.] LONDON, UK – November 10 TH 2016 – Today, Ubisoft® revealed Predictive World, an online experience that reveals what a powerful, all-seeing algorithm can predict about an individual based on their online footprint, public information and Facebook ‘Likes’. Every day, we create 2.5 billion gigs of data, from our last purchase online to our likes on social media platforms. Nowadays, most recruiters scrutinise our social networks before even looking at our CV. When we apply for a loan to our bank, its acceptance is assessed depending on our private health data.
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