
国のジャーナリストがデータ賞を支配します。|Nation journalists dominate data awards




開くデータ賞は、個人や企業がオープン データでの作業の成果を認識しています。 サロバ パナフリック ホテルでケニアを開くデータのイニシアチブで開催された式典は、認識の人と機関による衝撃をした政府は Opendata.go.ke のウェブサイトで、公衆に自由に利用した情報であるデータを開きます。 Ms Okeyo は、HIV 感染とケニア西部で妊娠中絶率データ話とかどうか性教育すべきである利用できる子供およびティーネー ジャーに上の質問に名誉を与えられました。


The Open Data Awards recognizes achievements of individuals and businesses working with open data. The ceremony, which was organised by the Kenya Open Data Initiative at the Sarova Panafric Hotel, recognised people and institutions who have made an impact using open data, which is information that the government has made freely available to the public, via the website Opendata.go.ke. Ms Okeyo was honoured for her data story on HIV infection and abortion rates in western Kenya and the questions on whether sex education should be made available to children and teenagers.
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国のジャーナリストがデータ賞を支配します。|Nation journalists dominate data awards




ネーション メディア グループは、ケニア オープン データ賞開催金曜日の夜で 3 つの賞をスクープしました。 サロバ パナフリック ホテルでケニアを開くデータのイニシアチブで開催された式典は、認識の人と機関による衝撃をした政府は Opendata.go.ke のウェブサイトで、公衆に自由に利用した情報であるデータを開きます。 毎日国ジャーナリスト Verah Okeyo、アグリー Omboki とデイブ Opiyo を革新カテゴリで優勝、Newsplex、国家メディア グループのデータ プロジェクト中のメディア部門で獲得しました。 Ms Okeyo は HIV 感染率と中絶率ケニア西部での彼女のデータの話と生じている性教育に関する議論の名誉を与えられました。


Nation Media Group scooped three prizes at the inaugural Kenya Open Data Awards held Friday night. The ceremony, which was organised by the Kenya Open Data Initiative at the Sarova Panafric Hotel, recognised people and institutions who have made an impact using open data, which is information that the government has made freely available to the public, via the website Opendata.go.ke. Daily Nation journalists Verah Okeyo, Aggrey Omboki and Dave Opiyo won in the Media category, while Newsplex, Nation Media Group’s data project, won in the Innovation category. Ms Okeyo was honoured for her data story on HIV infection and abortion rates in western Kenya and the discussions on sex education that have arisen.
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あなたの指先で 33 カ国から毎時の汚染データ|Hourly pollution data from 33 nations at your fingertips




ニュー ・ デリー: デリーの大気汚染に対して-à-に対して北京の戦いをも記載されています。今、データはこれらの都市の大気汚染を見る時間に利用です。たとえば、PM2.5 レベル北京の周辺アメリカ大使館デリーよりもずっと低いの Thursday.In 実際には、北京のほとんどを RK ・ プラム駅の米国大使館は、11 月 19 日以来パンジャブ語バーグよりはるかに低い PM2.5 を録音。モンゴルのウランバートルの米国大使館エリアはしばしばデリーより高かった時間のレベルを記録しました。世界 33 カ国に 4,000 以上のモニタリング ステーションからのデータは、研究者が率直に使用できるされます。


NEW DELHI: Delhi’s fight against air pollution vis-a-vis Beijing has been well documented. Now, data is available to show hourly air pollution levels in these cities. For example, PM2.5 levels around Beijing’s US embassy were way lower than Delhi’s RK Puram through most of Thursday.In fact, Beijing’s US embassy recorded far lower PM2.5 than Punjabi Bagh since November 19. But the US embassy area in Mongolia’s Ulaanbaatar often recorded hourly levels that were higher than Delhi. Data from more than 4,000 monitoring stations in 33 countries is now available openly to be used by researchers.
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ナパービルの住民は警察、新しいオンライン マップを介して火災電話を追跡できます。|Naperville residents can track police, fire calls via new online map




それらの消防車のすべてが思った場合、警察の車は、あなたが住むネーパーヴィル ストリートに他の日をやっていたもはや月曜日を開始する必要があるか。 「オープン データ」イニシアチブの一環制定今月ネーパーヴィル市議会住民はいつどこで、なぜ警察官や消防士が送られた緊急電話市ホームページに正式なデビュー月曜日を作る毎日”公安のインシデント マップ”礼儀を学ぶことになります。 マップは、道路、交差点、公園や町、消防士や警察官が送信された各日の他の部分を示しています。


If you’ve ever wondered what all of those firetrucks or police cars were doing the other day on the Naperville street where you live, you need wonder no longer starting Monday. As part of an “open data” initiative enacted earlier this month by the Naperville City Council, residents will be able to learn when, where and why police officers or firefighters were sent out on emergency calls, courtesy of a daily “public safety incident map” making its formal debut Monday on the city’s website. The map shows the streets, intersections, parks and other parts of town where firefighters or police officers have been sent each day.
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土地レジストリ民営化計画廃止|Land Registry privatisation plan scrapped




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The Land Registry keeps a record of all property transactions in England and Wales – Photo credit: Flickr, Images Money, CC BY 2.0 The proposal was put forward by former chancellor George Osborne earlier this year, but when it was not included in the government’s Neighbourhood and Planning later that year, it seemed the plans were being quietly shelved. The new chancellor Philip Hammond has confirmed this, with the Autumn Statement saying that the Land Registry, which maintains an up-to-date register of property transactions in England and Wales, will remain in the public sector.
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ドミンゲスはマニュアルがリリース|Dominguez releases FOI manual




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The Department of Finance (DOF) has released the People’s Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual in keeping with citizen constitutional right to information and the state’s policy of full disclosure of transactions involving public interest, subject to |reasonable conditions. Under Department Order (DO) 061-2016, Finance Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez III promoted the DOF FOI Manual consisting of 19 pages in all. TThe manual states in detail the different types of information that can and cannot be released to the public, the process of filing requests for information and appeals involving the grant or denial of request for access to information before the DOF Central Appeals and Review Committee and, whenever necessary, the Office of the President (OP).
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データの販売について考えることか。ヘッジファンド業界のアウトソーシング データ セット スカウトを満たす|Thinking about selling your data? Meet the outsourced data set scouts for the hedge fund industry




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When Rado Lipuš, CFA, founder and CEO of Neudata, started thinking about data scouting as an outsourced service for asset managers, he was worried he might not unearth enough new data sets. A year down the line and he is busy hiring more staff to deal with the amount of providers looking to monetise their data. Big data, the term which became popular around 2011, has got bigger: big data, streaming data, open data, high frequency data, and alternative data are just some of the creatures inhabiting this new world. Very large quant funds will have in-house data strategy teams who will often contact companies directly and then evaluate if their data sets are of interest for research purposes and for back testing and so on.
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閣僚は、オープン データ の教育競争の受賞者を発表します。|Ministers announce winners of Open Data for Education competition




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The Finance, Economy and Education Ministers have announced the winners of the Open Data for Education competition. Participants were challenged to create new and innovative resources using data from the public sector open data portal to assist with teaching in schools. ‘GAFF’ is a data game  designed to aid teaching of GCE A-level subjects Digital Technology and Applied ICT, as well as the GCSE subject Applied ICT. The game asks the student to use and manipulate open data and in doing so they will learn about databases and managing data. The application has the potential to be of great benefit in the education sector. ‘Our Wild Planet’ will help students to gain an understanding of the implications of natural disasters.
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2018 年までにデータを共有するための Api を構築するに言ったオーストラリアの銀行|Australian banks told to build APIs to share data by 2018




銀行は、政府が議会の委員会の勧告を採用している場合、2018 年 7 月他の銀行や金融技術企業に、顧客のトランザクション履歴を放棄する強制できます。 下の家の経済委員会は昨日、4 つの主要な銀行に見直しの最終報告書 [pdf] を発表しました。 銀行が顧客と小さなビジネス データの共有を容易にするアプリケーション プログラミング インターフェイス (Api) を使用する必要があることを示唆、最近の生産性委員会報告書の勧告を超えて行きました。


Banks could be forced to give up their customers’ transaction histories to other banks and finance technology firms by July 2018 if the government adopts the recommendations of a parliamentary committee. The lower house’s economics committee yesterday released the final report [pdf] of its review into the four major banks. It went beyond the recommendations of a recent Productivity Commission report, suggesting that banks should be forced to use application programming interfaces (APIs) to facilitate the sharing of customer and small business data.
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オープン データ の EU 米国大西洋横断のパートナーシップ公開データ アクセス ライブラリ|EU-US Transatlantic Open Data Partnership publishes data access library




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This month, the eu.us.opendata library was published on GitHub. The software provides developers in the statistical programming language R with a universal way to access economic data from the EU and the USA. The library was developed as part of the EU-US Transatlantic Open Data Partnership, a collaboration between the US Department of Commerce and its Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) on the one hand, and the EC’s DG Connect and Eurostat on the other. The eu.us.opendata library allows application developers to extract, analyse and visualise economic data through the APIs of Eurostat and the BEA in a harmonised way.
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