
米国農務省の FoodKeeper アプリケーションを使用して データを開く 消費者を安全に保つために、新鮮な食品|USDA’s FoodKeeper App Uses Open Data to Keep Consumers Safe and Food Fresh




FSIS FoodKeeper アプリは、消費者が食品や新鮮さを最大化し、食品廃棄物を最小限に抑えるために飲料を保存する際の貴重なアドバイスを提供することによって彼らの食糧を安全に保つための簡単な方法です。食糧貯蔵を理解するユーザーを支援することで、アプリは棚寿命を延ばし、項目を場合適切に格納されないがより長く新鮮に保つ方法を選択する消費者を支援します。 アプリは、Android とアップルのデバイスで利用可能です。 オンライン データで使用可能な 400 以上の食品および飲料項目を含める方法 FoodKeeper の場合、2016 年にアプリケーションにデータを取得しますが更新されたフィード。ユーザーは、FoodKeeper アプリを起動するたびにフィードの更新データがチェックされます。 このデータだけが使用できない FoodKeeper アプリの FSIS.gov と data.gov による公衆に開いています。


The FSIS FoodKeeper app is an easy way for consumers to keep their food safe by providing valuable advice on storing foods and beverages to maximize freshness and minimize food waste. By helping users understand food storage, the app empowers consumers to select methods that extend shelf life and keep items fresh longer than if they were not properly stored.  The app is available for Android and Apple devices. How FoodKeeper’s Data Gets to You In 2016, the application was updated to include more than 400 food and beverage items that are available in an online data feed. Each time a user opens the FoodKeeper app, it will check the data feed for updates. This data is not only available for the FoodKeeper app, but it is open to the public on FSIS.gov and Data.gov.
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私は共同、トロントの予算を理解するためのアプリを作成した理由|Why I Co-Created an App to Better Understand Toronto’s Budget




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Budgetpedia helps Torontonians make sense of the city’s often confusing budget and finances. Budgetpedia.ca is a place for people to learn about Toronto’s budget and meet like-minded people. It launched this week. I’m the project lead, and the lead software developer; more than 60 people have helped along the way over almost one and a half years. But why bother? Since I arrived in Toronto in 1971, Toronto has amalgamated and evolved toward an in-fighting City Council. Just look at the transit gridlock. In fact the University of Toronto’s School of Public Policy & Governance is worried enough that it’s recently convened a task force to help Council back away from it’s dysfunction. It claims that Toronto’s Council is “unusual.” We can do better.
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オークランド郡、ミシガン州の オープン データ ポータルは、市民サービスとしてデータを表示します。|Oakland County, Mich.’s Open Data Portal Renders Data as a Citizen Service




ハイテクに精通したオークランド郡、ミシガン州を得たデータ ゲームの早期ジャンプ。それは 1998 年にオンラインで地理空間情報を入れ始めてし、年以降データの販売は活発なビジネスをしました。 他の人はこの戦略を複製しようとしている、しかし最終的に成功したものはなかった。郡拾い集めた $4,000 年データ販売、しかし、「我々 は多くのお金よりも我々 は今まで、取っていたデータの収集を過ごしていた」言った副郡エグゼクティブと CIO フィル星。「これらは個々 の要求したので何もなかったこれまで現在。毎回データを望んでいた、我々 だろう最新のデータ セットを収集するために」 この一回限りの方法は時間がかかりすぎます。悪いことに、それはそれをより広くアクセスできるようにするのではなく、支払う、いくつかの手に郡データを保持しました。


Tech-savvy Oakland County, Mich., got an early jump on the data game. It started putting geospatial information online in 1998 and in subsequent years did a brisk business selling the data. Though others have sought to replicate this strategy, it ultimately wasn’t a successful one. The county gleaned $4,000 a year in data sales, but “we were spending more money gathering the data than we were ever taking in,” said Deputy County Executive and CIO Phil Bertolini. “Because these were individual requests, nothing was ever current. Every time someone wanted data, we would have to gather the most recent data sets.” This one-off approach was too time-consuming. Worse, it kept county data in the hands of a paying few, rather than making it more widely accessible.
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AI はフィリピン災害救援を支援する方法|How AI is supporting Philippines disaster relief




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A new initiative in the Philippines is using artificial intelligence to support disaster relief, and better allocate aid after natural disasters. 510 global, an initiative of the Netherlands Red Cross, uses open data such as wind speeds, rainfall in affected areas, and datasets from past disasters to build a “Priority Index” for typhoons in the Philippines. The team was able to release their first “Priority Index” 24 hours after Typhoon Haima in October this year. This enabled faster distribution of supplies due to predictions of the worst-hit areas. The typhoon killed at least eight people, and destroyed tens of thousands of homes, according to AFP.
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3 D hexbins とニューヨーク オープン データ の探索|Exploring NYC Open Data with 3D hexbins




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We’re always looking for interesting data to explore with Mapbox tools, so when we found this cool dataset of 311 incident reports from NYC Open Data we had to check it out. In the map below, built with Mapbox GL JS and Turf.js, you can explore restaurant disturbance complaints in New York City from 2015. We visualized all 38,400 restaurant-related incidents using 3D hexbins. Click on a hexbin to drill down to details for each complaint. In Manhattan, the highest density of complaints are in Uptown, the Lower East Side, and Midtown. Using the filters and drill-downs on the dashboard, you can tell that noise from bars and restaurants makes up more than half of all complaints.
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計算金属に OpenHPC ペダルを置く|OpenHPC Pedal Put To The Compute Metal




任意のプラットフォームの究極の成功によって異なります相乗全体の多様なコンポーネントのシームレスな統合も、同じくらいコンポーネントをスワップ アウトし、個人の好みに合わせて他に置き換えを許可するように十分に柔軟であること同時に、現実の世界で可能な。


The ultimate success of any platform depends on the seamless integration of diverse components into a synergistic whole – well, as much as is possible in the real world – while at the same time being flexible enough to allow for components to be swapped out and replaced by others to suit personal preferences.
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LGA は、ローカル サービス データ標準のパイロット|LGA looks to pilot of local service data standard




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The Local Government Association (LGA) and Lancashire County Council are planning the first use of a new data standard for local service descriptions with a pilot to test an app aimed at supporting health and wellbeing. It will be run around Chorley early next year, as a step towards building a solution with wider applications to help users identify local services. The programme is aimed at developing a consistent way of describing local services for different contexts, so it can be used by public authorities and software developers to help people find appropriate services from different organisations and across local borders.
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データを提唱することを学ぶ: 当社地図準備ウェビナー シリーズに参加|Learn to Advocate with Data: Join our Map Readiness Webinar Series




非営利としてその頻繁に群衆の中から目立たせる方法を見つけるは難しいが、偉大な擁護とコミュニティ作業で行います。資金提供者、委員会のメンバーと選ばれた高官は、作業した時間とそれをバックアップするデータを見たいです。データの可視化とマッピングと助けることができる! デラウェア バレー協会若い子供教育 (DVAEYC) のためのモデル化し、高のマップされたエリアは、我々 のチームと育児の必要な。地方選出役員でこれらのマップを共有することによって、DVAEYC 資金提供者と擁護仕事のため地方自治体から $ 100 万を獲得することができた。 については、組織のデータを使用する方法と DVAEYC を取得し、$ 100 万の資金-を勝つために使用されるデータ マップ準備ウェビナー シリーズの最初の割賦のご参加します。


As a nonprofit, you do great advocacy and community work, but its often hard to find a way to stand out from the crowd. Funders, board members, and elected officials want to see the work you’ve done and the data to back it up. Data visualization and mapping can help with that! The Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC) modeled and mapped areas of high need for childcare with our team. By sharing these maps with local elected officials, DVAEYC was able to win $1 million from funders and local government for their advocacy work. Join us for the first installment of our Map Readiness Webinar Series to learn how DVAEYC acquired and used data to win $1 million in funding – and how you can use data in your organization.
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情報の自由|Freedom of Information




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Corruption would have been curbed in the tenure of the past Philippine presidents, beginning with Corazon C. Aquino up to her son, Benigno S. Aquino III, if a Freedom of Information Law were passed. An FOI law would have prevented large-scale theft of public funds that were funnelled out though various means such as the Priority Development Assistance Fund and the Disbursement Acceleration Program under President Aquino. Although both the PDAF—derisively called pork barrel—and the DAP were eventually declared void by the Supreme Court for being unconstitutional, large amounts of taxpayers’ money were lost to corruption before the PDAF and DAP  were discovered and exposed.
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排他的 – 国連の電子政府調査 – 過去と未来のテーマ、2016 年から選択したトレンド|EXCLUSIVE – The UN E-government survey – Past and future themes, selected trends from 2016




以来、公共サービスと市民参加へ加盟国のパフォーマンスを追跡し、変換とによる効率化、有効性、透明性、説明責任、公共セクターの改革のための ICT の活用に関して、自分の弱点を識別するための重要なベンチマークとなっている調査年 2 回国連電子政府のアクセス、2001 年に発売されています。106 のうち 193 加盟国 2016年調査の一部と 6 の主要官庁が見ていた。 オリジナル アンケートは、サービスに対応する改善せず、得点するための設計を変更可能性があります、参加国と共有されません。これは調査の制限のため発生します。


Since, being launched in 2001, the biannual UN E-government survey has become an important benchmark for member states to track their performance and identify their weaknesses, with regards to the use of ICT for transforming and reforming the public sector by enhancing efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, accountability, access to public services and citizen participating. 106 out of 193 member countries were part of the 2016 survey and 6 key ministries were looked at. The original questionnaire is not shared with the participating countries, as work design could be modified with a view to scoring higher, without corresponding improvement in services. This occurs because of an inherent limitation of the survey.
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