
データを開く #DSwebinar の状態|The State of Open Data #DSwebinar




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Tune into our final webinar of the year, “The State of Open Data”, which will be hosted by our Community Manager, Laura Wheeler. The webinar will take place on Thursday 15th December at 4pm BST / 11am ET. If you are unable to tune in live, please still register and you’ll be sent the recording. During Open Access week in October, Figshare released the results of its global survey of 2,000 researchers in a report that assesses the global landscape around open data and sharing practices. Now viewed by over 14,000 people, “The State of Open Data” – report and survey finds 80% of researchers value data citation as much as, or more than article citation.
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オープン データアーキテクチャと弾性スケーラブルなクエリ サービス|Open Data Architecture and Elastically Scalable Query Service




ボリュームと IoT Analytics のデータの速度レベルのスケーラビリティと従来のエンタープライズ データ システムをはるかに越えて行く弾力性が必要です。VIA のオープン IoT データ湖は、完全な分析のライフ サイクルのサポートに必要なオープンでスケーラブルなデータ サービスを提供しています: 生データの取得、データ濃縮、データ探索、モデル構築、分析処理。すべての段階でデータのキャプチャ、保存、セキュリティ、やキュレーション、その適切なメタデータと一緒にそれにより歴史と機械学習の分析データの広大な貯水池。タブローなどのサード パーティ製ツールの SQL、JDBC、および JSON Api を介して簡単にアクセスをサポートするオープン アーキテクチャ。このような柔軟性は開発を加速し、既存の IT 投資、データ、およびインフラストラクチャを活用します。


The volume and speed of data in IoT Analytics requires a level of scalability and elasticity that goes well beyond traditional enterprise data systems. VIA’s Open IoT Data Lake provides the open, scalable data services required to support the complete analytics lifecycle: raw data ingestion, data enrichment, data exploration, model building, and analytics processing. Data at all stages are captured, stored, secured, and curated, along with its appropriate metadata thereby a vast reservoir for historical and Machine Learning analytical data. The open architecture supporting easy access via SQL, JDBC, and JSON APIs for third party tools such as Tableau. This flexibility accelerates development and leverages your existing IT investments, data, and infrastructure.
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オープン データ: 企業の社会的責任、透明性を促進するための勝利モデルと.|Open Data: A Win-Win Model for Facilitating Transparency, Corporate Social Responsibility, and …




“カンボジアの世界のみ覚えているクメール ・ ルージュについて。みんな本当に注意する必要があります今のところはクメール豊富な」。 とてもしんみりとプノンペンの急成長している金融セクターでの作業私のカンボジアの友人を示した。Vattanac キャピタル タワーの首都で最も高いビルの屋上からを見つめた時に我々 と我々 は無限 shantytowns とそれらの非常に高層ビルの端を抱きしめているスラム街 ― 都市の建設の必死のペースを見ることが。


“Of Cambodia, the world only remembers about the Khmer Rouge. What everyone really needs to watch out for now is the Khmer rich.” So pensively stated my Cambodian friend working in Phnom Penh’s burgeoning financial sector. As we gazed out from the rooftop of Vattanac Capital Tower, the tallest building in the capital, we could see the frantic pace of construction throughout much of the city–along with the endless shantytowns and slums which hugged the edges of those very high-rises.
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レビューで IODC16: 北アメリカの地域の話での議論を反映して|IODC16 in Review: Reflecting on Discussions at the North America Regional Talk




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For more than two decades North American countries, Canada, Mexico, and the United States, have acknowledged that it is only together that we will be able to meet the challenges of our future. With a combined population of close to half a billion people, a combined GDP of 20 trillion dollars, and one of the most transcendental regional integration processes in history, NAFTA, North America is today one of the most dynamic and competitive regions of the world focusing on classic issues such as  trade, investment, migration, security, and energy. In addition to these traditional sectors, there are increasingly more opportunities for our countries to partner on innovative projects and programs including the advancement of open data.
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このコミュニティはインドネシアのデータのスキルを構築します。|This community is building Indonesia’s data skills




データ科学インドネシアは、全国データ革新を進めるために働くコミュニティです。パルス ラボ ジャカルタはドーン Jaman ネットワークとその計画の詳細については今後数年間のために、創設者の 1 つに追いついた。 データ科学インドネシアを確立するために影響を与えたものですか。 Teradata で働いていたとき、データを開く機会を模索し、インドネシア市場をマップします。私は私の情熱一直線に完全に仕事を持っているラッキーだった。データ専門家にとっては社会的なプロジェクトに貢献したい人のためのコミュニティを開始する夢を見た。 2015 年 5 月にこの夢を実現します。技術組織から主に 30 の会員を開始しましたが、現在私たちの社会科学者、アーティスト、公務員、学者および学生を含む 600 人立っています。


Data Science Indonesia is a community working to advance data innovation across the nation. Pulse Lab Jakarta caught up with Fajar Jaman, one of the founders, to learn more about the network and its plans for the coming years. What inspired you to establish Data Science Indonesia? When I was working in Teradata, I was tasked to explore open data opportunities and to map the market in Indonesia. I was lucky to have my work align perfectly with my passion. I had a dream to initiate a community for data professionals who want to contribute to social projects. I realised this dream in May 2015. We started with 30 members predominantly drawn from tech organisations, but now our community stands at 600 people including scientists, artists, civil servants, academics and students.
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どのように学生が EU 政策 データを開く と治政テクノロジーのおかげで良い仕事を助けることができます。|How students can help EU policies work better thanks to open data and civic technology




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Three small but important steps toward a more participatory EU policy were made in the last few weeks between Brussels and Rome, Italy. They are three episodes of a series of productive encounters between students equipped with open data and civic technology and policy makers managing EU funding. The first episode happened  in Brussels. On November 22, a group of Italian higher education students engaged in a productive discussion with the European Commission – DG Regional and Urban Policy and the EU Committee of the Regions. The debate was focused on the role of open data and public participation to assess the results of the European Cohesion Policy from the point of view of the final beneficiaries.
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JSON の代わりに YAML で CloudFormation テンプレートを簡素化します。|Simplify CloudFormation templates with YAML instead of JSON




AWS のようなパブリック クラウドの利点の 1 つは、開発者のタスクを自動化するための機能です。AWS CloudFormation 宣言テンプレートのアプリケーション スタックのリソースを定義し、開発者を定義およびコードとインフラストラクチャを展開することができます。最初に、開発者 JSON – 混乱–CloudFormation テンプレートを書式設定するいくつか見つけること表現、わかりやすいデータ形式を使用する必要があります。JSON の使用に起因する難しさは、自動化プロセスの欠点だった。 JavaScript オブジェクト表記法 (JSON) テンプレートには、コンマと引用符は、別の場所で正方形および巻き毛ブラケットとともに句読点の多くが必要です。お客様のご要望に応えて、AWS は YAML の AWS CloudFormation テンプレートの使用をサポートします。


One benefit of a public cloud like AWS is the ability for developers to automate tasks. AWS CloudFormation, which… defines an application stack’s resources in a declarative template, lets developers define and deploy infrastructure as code. Initially, developers needed to use JSON — an expressive, human-readable data format that some find confusing — to format CloudFormation templates. The difficulty attributed to using JSON was a drawback to the automation process. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) templates require a lot of punctuation with commas and quotation marks, along with square and curly brackets in different places. In response to customer requests, AWS now supports the use of YAML in an AWS CloudFormation template.
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ワーナー、ランクフォード、ブッカーは大統領イノベーション研究員プログラムを体系化するための法案を導入します。|Warner, Lankford, Booker introduce bill to codify Presidential Innovation Fellows Program




米国上院マーク r. ワーナー (D-VA)、ジェームズ ・ ランクフォード (R [ok])、および大統領革新の仲間 (PIF) プログラムを成文化はコーリーブッカー (D-ニュージャージー州) 導入された超党派法案は、経験豊富な技術を起業家や公共サービスに革新を誘致する政府のための経路法律に安置。 2012 年にホワイトハウスによって確立され、超党派の支持を楽しんで、プログラムは、いくつか私たちの国の最大の課題に取り組むために才能のある、多様な技術者、起業家、そして公務員のトップ連邦政府内のチェンジ メーカーと革新を組み合わせることで、政府にイノベーションの経済をもたらします。同様の法案は、米国で導入されました。


U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), James Lankford (R-OK), and Cory Booker (D-NJ) introduced bipartisan legislation that would codify the Presidential Innovations Fellows (PIF) program, enshrining in law a pathway for government to attract experienced technology entrepreneurs and innovators to public service. The program, which was established by the White House in 2012 and enjoys bipartisan support, brings the innovation economy into government by pairing talented, diverse technologists, entrepreneurs, and innovators with top civil-servants and change-makers within the federal government to tackle some our nation’s biggest challenges. A similar bill was introduced in the U.S.
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Training is really a element in the every week school program mainly because it encourages independent review and gives a emphasis for your personal reading through and contemplating. Doing a training will boost your private passions in the subject matter your learning and to measure your successes and progress within your program. A greatest and productive coursework allows you to obtain your graduating quickly. It is essential your coursework is specifically connected to your study course and its particular reported understanding outcomes. But the range of available routines differs from study course to study course. Since it will be easier to make a great component of job should you appreciated what you will be carrying out.
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ドバイの例: 専用の規制はより効率的な/安全な開発を育てることができる.|The Dubai Example: Can Dedicated Regulation Foster the Development of More Efficient/Safer …




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Among the myriad of smart city projects across the globe, the Dubai initiative, simply labelled “Smart Dubai” constitutes a unique example of how the reflection about dedicated regulation of smart services may set a benchmark for future similar projects across the globe. Whereas many projects around the globe (Peterborough, Amsterdam, etc) have been focused on certain aspects of what a smart city can be (and mostly on smart grid and energy efficiency), the Dubai smart city project is particularly interesting in the way that it took a very global approach to the objectives to be met and the type of services which may form part of the new city.
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