
11 月 25 日に有効に FOI: 何.|FOI to take effect on Nov 25: What …




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Interested citizens can request for official records by going straight to agencies or by visiting the eFOI portal at foi.gov.ph MANILA, Philippines – The public can start requesting for government documents and records in the executive branch as the Freedom of Information (FOI) Executive Order takes effect on Friday, November 25. In an open data workshop, Presidential Communications and Operations Office (PCOO) Assistant Secretary Kristian Ablan detailed what the public can expect when the service rolls out on Friday. Interested citizens can obtain official records by accomplishing forms or visiting the eFOI portal at foi.gov.ph. On July 23, President Rodrigo Duterte signed the landmark Executive Order No.
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デラウェア技術コミュニティは、何かに感謝してこの感謝祭|What the Delaware tech community is thankful for this Thanksgiving




すべての人が「政治、宗教、セックスの話に失礼だ」という言葉を聞いたこと誰が本当にことわざがどこから来た、感謝祭のディナーは上記のいずれかについて話をする最もよい場所をできない場合があります。ここでは、あなたが述べることができるが、: あなたがデラウェア州ハイテク シーンで感謝しています。共有するいくつかの技術指導者を頼んだ。 「私はデラウェア州のフィラデルフィア ネイティブへの扉を開き、多くの才能のある人々 の生活を改善するために一緒に働く人々 に感謝して、」と彼は言った。 」正直なところ、私は私の親愛なる友人をみて、最も感謝とコインのロフトの共同創設者、スティーブ Roettger の工場スペースでの解決発揮し、続けて静かにそして一貫してどのよう ‘まっすぐ killin'”と彼女は言った。


We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s rude to talk about politics, religion and sex.” While no one’s really sure where the saying came from, Thanksgiving dinner might not be the best place to talk about any of the above. But here’s what you could talk about: what you’re thankful for in the Delaware tech scene. We asked some tech leaders to share. “I am thankful for the people of Delaware opening their doors to a Philly native and working with me to improve the lives of many talented people,” he said. “Honestly, I am most thankful for seeing my dear friend and coIN Loft co-founder, Steve Roettger, settle in at The Mill Space and continue to quietly and consistently demonstrate what ‘straight killin it’ looks like,” she said.
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オープン データ の歴史|History of Open Data




このブログのために行くのコードの草の根に返しています。 オープン データの移動はどのようにして始めましたか。途中コード移動を支えたが?人は本当に政府とビジネスの架け橋を構築する. あなたが実現するかもしれないより長いの周りされているパブリック データの力を見よ。 今日: コミュニティと革新の精神は活気づいています。コロラド州コード行くオープン データ移動の大胆不敵なリーダーのまま。彼らは、イベント、教育、コラボレーションおよび潜在的な資金調達の人々 の何百もの私たちの状態の間で毎年提供しています。そして彼らはロック距離データの山とコロラド州の起業家の力との間のギャップを埋める続けます。 だから、オープン データ歴史の教訓があります。今あなたが知っています。戦いの半分を知ること。


For this blog, we’re returning to Go Code’s grass-roots. How did the open data movement start? Who has supported Go Code along the way? And who really built the bridge between government and business? Behold the power of public data, which has been around longer than you may realize. Today: The spirit of community and innovation is flourishing. Go Code Colorado remains a fearless leader in the open data movement. They offer events, education, collaboration and potential funding for hundreds of people across our state every year. And they continue to bridge the gap between mountains of locked-away data and the power of Colorado entrepreneurs. So there’s your open-data history lesson. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.
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データを開く、閉じられたアルゴリズム、および教育のブラック ボックス|Open data, closed algorithms, and the Black Box of Education




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— or so a prevailing view among many education policymakers and researchers goes.For all of the recent explosion in data related to learning — as a result of standardized tests, etc. — remarkably little is known at scale about what exactly happens in classrooms world , and outside of them, when it comes to learning, and what the impact of this has.
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ミシェル リオーダン ラブハウス オペアンプ-エド: データ ドライブのポリシー、時状態の進歩|Michelle Riordan-Nold op-ed: When data drives policy, state advances




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It was once said that “Numbers have life; they’re not just symbols on paper.” The Connecticut Data Collaborative is working diligently to breathe life into the state’s data — to advance effective planning and decision-making through the use of open and accessible data. The results thus far have been encouraging, showcasing the many ways that data can (and should) inform state policy-making and decision-making in the public and private sector. Now, the efforts are intensifying, changing the public data landscape in Connecticut. The CT Data Collaborative (CTData) is a public-private partnership, established to serve residents, nonprofits, policymakers, and funders in using and sharing data to drive policy, program, and service improvements.
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デジタル混乱に適応でアジアのシンガポール トップ|S’pore top in Asia at adapting to digital disruption




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Singapore has come out tops among Asian countries for its ability to transform itself amid digital disruptions brought about by the likes of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and ride-hailing firm Uber. The inaugural Asian Digital Transformation Index, launched yesterday, ranks Singapore ahead of economies such as South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The study by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) is based on 20 wide-ranging indicators, including 4G network coverage, broadband affordability, the quality of maths and science education and the ease of accessing government data online. The study was commissioned by Australian telco Telstra.
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地方機関は世論調査で急に来る|Provincial agencies come up short in poll




ほとんどの地方行政機関は、彼らのウェブサイトで使いやすいアクセシビリティと古い情報の不足のため電子政府の公共サービスを提供する標準設定の評価を渡す僅差でした。 調査によって、電子政府機関 (EGA)、466 76 地方で合計 532 地方国家機関の間で 7 月 9 月中に実施は 88% が 53.3 100 点満点のテストの平均スコアを持っていたことを発見しました。 「これらの数字は、デジタル変換に着手する状態管理代理店のための緊急の必要性を反映する」と EGA 社長兼最高経営責任者 Sak Segkhoonthod。 デジタル ・ インフラ ・ デジタル経済政策に奉仕する機関を地方の状態の間でデジタル サービスの開発を監視する調査を行った。


Most provincial administration agencies have narrowly failed to pass the standard-setting evaluation to provide e-government public services due to the lack of user-friendly accessibility and outdated information on their websites. A survey by the Electronic Government Agency (EGA), conducted during July-September among 466 of the total 532 provincial state agencies in 76 provinces, found that 88% had an average test score of 53.3 out of 100. “These figures reflect the urgent need for state administration agencies to embark on digital transformation,” said EGA president and chief executive Sak Segkhoonthod. The survey was carried out to monitor the development of digital infrastructure and digital services among provincial state agencies to serve the government’s digital economy policy.
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デジタル都市調査で米国トップ デジタル都市としてロサンゼルス勝|Los Angeles wins as USA top digital city by the Digital Cities Survey




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(SFC) The city of Los Angeles ranked at the top of the chart for the Center for Digital Government as the most strategic, efficient and innovative guardians of public-sector tech in the nation. Los Angeles is currently bidding to host the summer Olympics of 2024 against Paris and Budapest. This gives a boost to the LA 2024 Olympic bid as the city opens the door to better connectivity and facilitates citizen and community engagement. For a city with 4 million residents and 48,000 employees across 42 different departments, LA needs technology to carry this out. Ted Ross, general manager and CIO of the city’s Information Technology Agency, said, “For most residents, city government is not foremost on their mind. “However, city services are often very important to them.
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TM のフォーラム、スマートシティ Api での共同作業に FIWARE 財団|TM Forum, FIWARE Foundation to collaborate on smart city APIs




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A newly announced collaboration between the TM Forum and the FIWARE Foundation might help speed up development of smart cities. As part of their collaboration, TM Forum, a global industry association for digital business, and FIWARE Foundation, an independent open community working to build an open ecosystem around public, royalty-free software platform standards to ease the development of smart applications, are focusing on application programming interfaces (APIs) to help build smart cities worldwide.
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ウォータールー大学のガチョウの追跡マップを作成は、ガチョウがいじめ|The University of Waterloo created a goose-tracking map, because geese are bullies




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It’s a well-documented fact that geese are surprisingly unstable jerks who will not hesitate to hurt you physically, possibly with the help of their monstrous serrated tongues. A goose is the kind of animal you’d want to avoid in a dark alley, at a house party, or say, on a college campus. An easy way to do this: don’t go where the geese go. Canada’s University of Waterloo, which is home to a fairly large goose population, uses a digital tracker called Goose Watch to help students avoid their aggressive waddling neighbors. Launched in the spring of 2013, Goose Watch lets students submit the locations of various nests around campus and find travel routes least likely to result in an altercation with a ruffled waterfowl.
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