
解析の専門家のための最高の仕事: データの科学者がまだリストをトッピング|Best job for analytics professionals: Data scientist still topping lists




データの科学者は、解析の専門家ここ数年のトレンド タイトルをされている- そしてそれは驚きはないデータ科学フィールド提供だけではなく良いワーク ・ ライフ バランスも高額な給料と機会の多くが、Glassdoor の最近のレポートを見つけたので。これが業界内で見過ごされている行かなかった。毎年恒例のオープン データ科学会議最近起こったし、魅力的なパネル ディスカッション データ科学業界が向かっている場所の数を紹介します。 データ サイエンス データ科学、人工知能 (AI)、機械学習、深い学習の違いが不鮮明になっているすべての誇大宣伝であります。


Data scientist has been a trending title for analytics professionals the last couple of years — and it’s no surprise since a recent Glassdoor report found that the data science field offers not only a good work-life balance, but also hefty pay and lots of opportunities. This has not gone unnoticed within the industry. The annual Open Data Science Conference took place recently and featured a number of engaging panel discussions on where the data science industry is heading. Data science is all the hype The distinction between data science, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and deep learning has become blurred.
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京都大学の 日本語構文・格・照応解析ツールのKNPをUbuntuにインストールしたときのメモです。





OS Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
形態素解析器 JUMAN Ver.7.01 or JUMAN++ Ver.1.01
その他パッケージ CRF++ 0.58、zlib


JUMAN Ver.7.01 or JUMAN++ Ver.1.01のインストールについてはマニュアルやウェブを参照してください。




手順はいつもどおり、configure→make installで。

 %sudo make install


%sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

 これもいつもどおり、configure→make installで。

%sudo make install


/bin/bash ../libtool –tag=CC –mode=link g++ -g -O2 -o knp anaphora.o case_analysis.o case_data.o case_ipal.o case_match.o case_print.o corefer.o dpnd_analysis.o feature.o koou.o lib_bgh.o lib_dt.o lib_print.o lib_ps.o lib_scase.o lib_sm.o main.o para_analysis.o para_dpnd.o para_relation.o para_revision.o proper.o quote.o read_data.o read_rule.o regexp.o tools.o tree_conv.o db.o configfile.o thesaurus.o hash.o bnst_compare.o lib_event.o cky.o dic.o -lnsl /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/crf/libcrf.la /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/CRF++-0.58/.libs/libcrfpp.a -L/usr/local/lib -ljuman -lm /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/distsim/libdistsim.la -lstdc++ -L/home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/cdb -lcdb libtool: link: g++ -g -O2 -o knp anaphora.o case_analysis.o case_data.o case_ipal.o case_match.o case_print.o corefer.o dpnd_analysis.o feature.o koou.o lib_bgh.o lib_dt.o lib_print.o lib_ps.o lib_scase.o lib_sm.o main.o para_analysis.o para_dpnd.o para_relation.o para_revision.o proper.o quote.o read_data.o read_rule.o regexp.o tools.o tree_conv.o db.o configfile.o thesaurus.o hash.o bnst_compare.o lib_event.o cky.o dic.o -lnsl /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/crf/.libs/libcrf.a /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/CRF++-0.58/.libs/libcrfpp.a -L/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/libjuman.so -lm /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/distsim/.libs/libdistsim.a -lstdc++ -L/home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/cdb -lcdb

/home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/distsim/.libs/libdistsim.a(distsim.o): In function `Dbm::decompress_string[abi:cxx11](unsigned char*, int)’:
/home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/distsim/dbm.h:220: undefined reference to `inflateInit_’
/home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/distsim/dbm.h:230: undefined reference to `inflate’
/home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/distsim/dbm.h:235: undefined reference to `inflateEnd’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:433: ターゲット ‘knp’ のレシピで失敗しました

undefined referenceになっているのは、どうやらzlibの関数のようです。


KNP_LIBS = -lnsl /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/crf/libcrf.la /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/CRF++-0.58/.libs/libcrfpp.a -L/usr/local/lib -ljuman -lm /home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/distsim/libdistsim.la -lstdc++ -L/home/******/workspace/knp-4.16/cdb -lcdb -lz -lzlib


% echo “今日、ラーメンを食べた。”|jumanpp|knp
# S-ID:1 KNP:4.16-CF1.1 DATE:2017/01/09 SCORE:-12.36678



愛革命のしきい値を横断|Crossing the threshold of the AI revolution




この記事は新しいヨーロッパの部分: 2017年米国-サンタ クララで私たちの世界-1965 年にインテル社の共同創業者ゴードン ・ ムーアは有名な集積回路のトランジ スターの数に倍になることを指摘した集積回路の進歩の速度に予測は毎年。10 年後、彼は 2 年毎に倍増する彼の声明を修正した、概念は今ムーアの法則として知られています。 ムーアの法則は、2 年ごとに、コンピューターの計算能力の倍増に変換し、テクノロジー業界の指針として機能し続けます。ムーアの法則により、今これらの進歩は、コンピューティングから値を取得する新しいメカニズムを生成します。


This article is part of New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 USA – SANTA CLARA –In 1965, Intel Corporation’s co-founder Gordon Moore famously predicted the rate of advancement of integrated circuits, noting that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit would double every year. A decade later, he revised his statement to doubling every two years and the concept is now known as Moore’s Law.  Moore’s Law translates to a doubling of a computer’s computational capability every two years and continues to serve as a guiding principle for the technology industry. These advances enabled by Moore’s Law now produce a new mechanism to derive value from computing.
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ユーバーは、最終的に当局は、誰にとっても良く運転になるデータ宝庫を解放します。|Uber is finally releasing a data trove that officials say will make driving better for everyone




サンフランシスコ発-格闘技に乗って移住者巨大なユーバーは都市にオリーブの枝を拡張-wonks を通過するデータの形式が長年切望されました。 サンフラン シスコ ベースの会社は通勤時間に削減や交通流を改善するため使用できるローカル役人といわれて日曜日交通データの広大な宝庫を共有しました。様々 な都市での地域間の移動にかかる時間を示していますが会社の大規模なログの由来はパブリック web サイト上のデータは毎日スーパー ライダーの何百万によって撮影旅行します。 データのリリースのタイミング-する、web サイトの開始し、「ユーバー運動」と呼ばれるが-ニューヨークに行ってデータを別戦いと一致しました。


SAN FRANCISCO — The combative ride-hailing giant Uber is extending an olive branch to cities — in the form of data that transit wonks have coveted for years. The San Francisco-based company shared a vast trove of transportation data Sunday that it said local officials could use to help cut down on commute times and improve traffic flow. The data, on a public website that shows the time it takes to travel between neighborhoods in various cities, is derived from the company’s extensive logs of trips taken by millions of Uber riders each day. The timing of the data release — which will be launched on a website and called “Uber Movement” — coincided with another fight over data that the company is engaged in New York.
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データを開く とオープン ソース ソフトウェアの Megaregions に通うから|From Commutes to Megaregions, with open data and open source software




TranslateApiException: Cannot find an active Azure Market Place Translator Subscription associated with the request credentials. : ID=0151.V2_Json.Translate.2A017208


The modern world is defined by connection and disconnection. We live in a global context where connectivity is everything, or so we’re told. Not being connected – to wifi, to friends, to music – is considered cruel and unusual punishment. A recent study by Parag Khanna – Connectography – picked up on the concept of connectivity and wrote at length about its importance. Missing from this and other analyses, however, is an in-depth empirical analysis of exactly how places are connected or not, and the strength of these connections. In a recent study, Garrett Dash Nelson and I took up this theme by looking at commuting in the United States in order to explore economic connectivity at the ‘megaregion’ level.
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データを開く 実践ガイド|The Open Data Practitioner’s Guide




TranslateApiException: Cannot find an active Azure Market Place Translator Subscription associated with the request credentials. : ID=0151.V2_Json.Translate.2A016DFF


Open data is now being routinely published by a variety of governments and organisations around the world. It is transforming how we do business, collaborate within industries and is bringing clarity to social issues. This book is intended to offer support for open data practitioners who are involved in supporting the publication and use of open data. The guide will provide useful background on key topics and concepts that relate to open data, whilst providing pragmatic advice on how to develop your open data practice. The book should be useful for: While the book addresses a number of technical topics, no specific technical skills or background are required. The first section of the book will focus on introducing a number of background concepts.
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CES 2017 では市長・ フィッシャーは何をやっているのですか。|What’s Mayor Fischer Doing At CES 2017?




ラスベガス ルイビル市長グレッグ ・ フィッシャーの好きな場所ではありません。しかし、世界最大のハイテク貿易が砂漠のオアシス、シンシティに思いやりヘッド西のチャンピオンにプラグを表示するとき。 消費者技術協会は、世界で最も革新的な企業と起業家の最新かつ最高のガジェットや防犯機器を展示する年次収集をホストします。 今年は、いくつかの 3,800 のベンダー ラスベガス、世界中どこからの以上 200,000 人に自分の発明が表示されます彼らのブースを設定します。Selfies、超高精細の透明なテレビとロボットと仮想現実デバイスのヒープをスナップの負担を軽減することができますポケット サイズ ドローンの見どころです。 何がショーにフィッシャーを集めて、これらの事が必ずしもないしかし。


Las Vegas isn’t Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer’s favorite place. But when the world’s largest tech trade show plugs into the desert oasis, the champion of compassion heads west to Sin City. The Consumer Technology Association hosts an annual gathering of the world’s most innovative companies and entrepreneurs to showcase the latest and greatest gadgets and gizmos. This year, some 3,800 vendors are setting up booths in Las Vegas, where they’ll display their inventions to more than 200,000 people from across the world. Highlights include a pocket-sized drone that can ease the burden of snapping selfies, a super high definition transparent television and a heap of robotics and virtual reality devices. These things, though, aren’t necessarily what attracted Fischer to the show.
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カバーレター作成サービス: は、カバー レターにある、熟練を要する仕事のライターを雇います。個別のステートメント.|Cover Letter Producing Services: Hire Your Skilled job cover letter writer. Individual Statement …




TranslateApiException: Cannot find an active Azure Market Place Translator Subscription associated with the request credentials. : ID=0151.V2_Json.Translate.299CBA0E


Cover Letter Producing Services: Hire Your Skilled job cover letter writer. Individual Statement Producing Solutions: Buy Your personalized assertion aid On the web In relation to looking for operate, the most significant aspect is obviously the job cover letter. You really certain it will make you be noticeable because the greatest in all the using the services of method. The organisations right now can easily place a universal bit from an applicant. You need to end making use of these kinds of deal with words. You will probably find the written text showing applications for one more submit instead of the one you happen to be trying to get. You should start using our very best resume cover letter writing assistance if you happen to dream about possessing it done right.
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オープン登録の特許所有権 (ORoPO) IP の将来を牽引する力を公認会計士グローバル結合|CPA Global joins forces with the Open Register of Patent Ownership (ORoPO) to drive the future of IP




TranslateApiException: Cannot find an active Azure Market Place Translator Subscription associated with the request credentials. : ID=1446.V2_Json.Translate.2ABEA3E6


Increased transparency into the ownership of patents will fuel future innovation CPA Global®, a leading IP management and technology company, is actively supporting the Open Register of Patent Ownership (ORoPO) – a non-profit organisation that aims to improve transparency and openness around patent ownership data. Supported by companies including IBM, Microsoft, ARM and BAE Systems, ORoPO aims to encourage companies to publish IP ownership details directly to ORoPO’s global register. The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) estimates that 25% of patent data available on public registers is inaccurate. This can be caused by something as simple as a misspelling on a patent application or uncertainty around ownership.
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トランプと技術-政府の政策「コンピューターの安全がない」と思われるとき|Trump and tech – government policy when you believe “No computer is safe”




TranslateApiException: Cannot find an active Azure Market Place Translator Subscription associated with the request credentials. : ID=1250.V2_Json.Translate.28C56B52


It’s only weeks until Donald Trump becomes President of the United States and his technology thinking remains blurred at best and bizaare at worst. No computers are safe? The implications of this need thinking about. With a few weeks to go until Donald Trump becomes President of the United States, the businessman’s position on tech remains, at best, opaque, at worst, downright baffling. Silicon Valley was, with a few notable exceptions, lined up against the Trump ascendency, with support for the Clinton campaign more obvious.
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