
オープン データ – 競争が両方の方法をカットします。|Open data – competition cuts both ways




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Fintech demands for open access to bank data might just end up bolstering consumer trust in exiting banks, further entrenching their dominant market share, believes Darren Abbruzzese, general manager, Data, ANZ “Silicon Valley is coming”. That’s what JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon wrote to shareholders in 2015. Dimon had been to the Valley and seen money pouring in to innovative start-ups, targeting the lending and payments space. Many other bankers have been since and come away with similar views. Dimon et al saw by using big data to make decisions far quicker and more efficiently than existing financial institutions, these start-ups, collectively now known as fintechs, were lean, hungry and coming to eat banks’ lunch.
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シビック技術の新機能: 米国 CTO 永久的な位置、利得 BigAppsNYC 勝者になります.|What’s New in Civic Tech: US CTO Becomes Permanent Position, BigAppsNYC Winner to Gain …




シビック技術の新はハイライトとシビックのハイテクの世界での出来事で毎週見ています。 大統領として彼の最後の数週間、バラク・オバマした永久的な政権の下で中に入ってきた位置 — 米国最高技術責任者。 1 月 6 日にオバマ署名米国の技術革新と競争力の行為の一部は上院確認大統領任命として法律に CTO の地位を成文化します。現在 Google ベテラン ミーガン ・ スミス、記入位置は、ホワイトハウス科学技術政策局の内に存在します。 オバマの管理を通じて最高技術役員が病気始まった医療を救う助け、大統領イノベーション研究員プログラムを確立するため担当しています。


What’s New in Civic Tech is a weekly look back at highlights and happenings in the world of civic tech. In his final weeks as president, Barack Obama has made permanent a position that came into being under his administration — the U.S. Chief Technology Officer. On Jan. 6, Obama signed the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act, part of which codified the CTO position into law as a Senate-confirmed presidential appointment. The position, currently filled by Google veteran Megan Smith, exists within the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Through Obama’s administration, chief technology officers have been responsible for establishing the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program, helping save the ill-begun HealthCare.
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計算、データ分析、および測定を理解都市|Understanding Cities through Computation, Data Analytics, and Measurement




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In this video from SC16, Charlie Catlett presents: Understanding Cities through Computation, Data Analytics, and Measurement. “Urbanization is one of the great challenges and opportunities of this century, inextricably tied to global challenges ranging from climate change to sustainable use of energy and natural resources, and from personal health and safety to accelerating innovation and education. There is a growing science community—spanning nearly every discipline—pursuing research related to these challenges.
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対象地域|Target Areas




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この新しいツールを使用して大量の NYC のデータを解析できます。|Massive amounts of NYC data can be parsed using this new tool




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New York City is drowning in data, that, theoretically, would be very useful — if it was readily available in one easy-to-understand location. But as Fast.Co Design points out, while open data movement has made it “far easier to plunge yourself into the deep pools of data cities can collect,” it hasn’t necessarily made that data any easier to interpret. “While every agency might have its own tool to parse numbers, there wasn’t a tool to generate broad, location-based insights for people at the top,” Fast.Co Design writes. That’s the point of the Mayor’s Office’s new dashboard: not just to collate the endless stream of data pouring in from the city’s myriad agencies, but to make that data actually intelligible at a glance.
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ドバイの例: 専用の規制はより効率的な/安全な開発を育てることができる.|The Dubai Example: Can Dedicated Regulation Foster the Development of More Efficient/Safer …




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Although the concept of what a “smart city” is varies across countries and regions, traditionally it is construed as a place where the population gains from infrastructure and services increasing in efficiency, particularly through the use of telecommunication and technology. Recent investments in smart cities in the Middle East demonstrate how ubiquitous the issue of connectivity (and backbone networks) is, but also provide an interesting example of a regulatory attempt at addressing societal changes. Among the myriad of smart city projects across the globe, the Dubai initiative, simply labelled “Smart Dubai” constitutes a unique example of how the reflection about dedicated regulation of smart services may set a benchmark for future similar projects across the globe.
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データの古い習慣、メドトロニックをダイハードします。|For Medtronic, old data habits die hard




今日の医療の会話-j. p. モルガン医療会議今週サンフランシスコでかどうか- または他の場所は必ずしもデータの力を含む傾向にあります。 サイロを破壊、終了データ砂漠と共有、共有を共有します。 メドトロニックは、メッセージを聞いたことがあるとは思えないまたは選択的にそれを聞くことが表示されます。 デボラ ・ DiSanzo、IBM ワトソン健康、彼女立ち見席のみのプレゼン会議で水曜日のゼネラル マネージャーとの質疑で明らかになった。 ないミスを犯します。メドトロニックはスマートで大胆な賭けとデータの変革パワーを理解しています。昨年の CES で会長兼最高経営責任者オマル イシュラーク IBM の Ginni Rometty 医療機器会社の建設大手ハイテク企業の健康ユニット糖尿病アプリについて話をするとステージに登場。


Conversations in healthcare today — whether at J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference this week in San Francisco — or elsewhere tend to necessarily include the power of data. Break down the silos, end the data desert, and share, share, share. Medtronic does not seem to have heard the message, or appears to hear it selectively. That became clear in a Q&A session with Deborah DiSanzo, general manager of IBM Watson Health, following her standing-room only presentation at the conference Wednesday. Make no mistake. Medtronic has made smart and bold bets and understands the transformative power of data. Last year at CES, Chairman and CEO Omar Ishrak appeared onstage with IBM’s Ginni Rometty to talk about the diabetes app that the tech giant’s health unit would build for the medtech company.
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尊敬されるデータの死専門家ジュリアン カーバー調査|Death of respected data expert Julian Carver investigated




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Two investigations are underway into the death of a highly respected data expert with Christchurch’s earthquake recovery authority. Father of two Julian Carver, the former chief information officer at CERA, died unexpectedly at a psychiatric hospital in Christchurch on January 2 aged just 44. The matter is now under investigation by both the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) and the Coroner. CDHB chief medical officer Dr Sue Nightingale said it was carrying out a Serious Incident Review to ascertain the facts. “The review will identify whether there are changes we need to make to our systems and processes that could have prevented this sad outcome,” she said. “Our sympathies go to the family and friends.
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ユーバーが大きなデータ旅行パターン ツール ‘動き’ をリリースします。|Uber releases big data travel pattern tool ‘Movement’




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Uber is to start offering anonymised data sharing to city officials from trips on its ride-hailing platform. The idea is to help city officials, planners, and policy makers to use the data and better understand traffic patterns, which could then be used to improve investments in infrastructure. The company is launching a new public website called “Movement”, which will show trip data such as the average travel time between different city zones in addition to historical travel data for planning authorities. Uber has been reluctant in the past to share data, citing concerns for passenger privacy as a core reason for denying data requests. However, now the company will be sharing at least some of its data and all of this is said to be anonymised and aggregated on the Movement site.
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TCdata360: 開かれた貿易および競争力データのギャップを埋める|TCdata360: Filling Gaps in Open Trade and Competitiveness Data




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The World Bank Group just launched a new open data platform for trade and competitiveness – TCdata360. Try it today and share your visuals on Twitter with the hashtag #TCdata360.Open data – statistics that are accessible to all at little or no cost – is a critical component of global development and the World Bank Group’s twin goals of ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity. How can we measure progress towards our objectives without a method of tracking how far we’ve come?High quality and freely available data serves different stakeholders in different ways. For those of us working in global development, data helps us set baselines, identify what types of policies are effective, track progress and evaluate impact.
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