
CES 2017: 大きなデータと人的要因の役割を果す IoT|CES 2017: As with Big Data, Human Factor Plays a Part in IoT




ラスベガス-物事のインターネットを悪用したい機関オープン データ ポータル、ダッシュ ボードおよびビジュアライゼーションの作成に直面する同じ問題の多くに直面、業界のメンバーは、2017年消費者電子ショー (CES) パネル ディスカッション (木曜日)”配信すべてのインターネット」。 問題はビジネス、IoT プロジェクトでさえ、ジェイソン ・ コリンズ、IoT、ノキア、マーケティング担当副社長を言った-データ ストリームのような-は、未接続または孤立しました。 「標準のデータを共有して周りをする必要があります。私たちは種の 1995 年にインターネットの同等を構築しているし、我々 が必要なものは、Web「オープン データを利用するオースティンを含む都市で働いているコリンズは言った。


LAS VEGAS — Agencies wanting to exploit the Internet of Things face many of the same issues they confront in creating open data portals, dashboards and visualizations, industry members said Thursday during a 2017 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) panel discussion on “Delivering the Internet of Everything.” The problem, said Jason Collins, vice president of IoT marketing at Nokia, is that even in business, IoT projects — like data streams — can be unconnected or siloed. “There needs to be a standard around data sharing. We’re sort of building the equivalent of the Internet in 1995 and what we need is the Web,” said Collins, who has worked with cities including Austin on making open data available.
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ユーバーは、ニューヨーク (または誰か) より多くのデータを与えること望んでいません。|Uber Doesn’t Want to Give NYC (or Anyone) More Data




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Ride-hailing companies aspire to be something akin to public transportation, but that doesn’t extend to sharing data with governments. Uber Technologies Inc. is starting off the year preparing for a new political fight. As New York City seeks more information about ride-hailing drivers’ activities, it’s shaping up to be Uber’s second major conflict with the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio. The impending battle, which will play out in the open Thursday at the first public hearing on the issue, points to a broader struggle pitting Uber and Lyft Inc. against local governments hungry for more data about the movement of their citizens. The companies have had similar fights across the U.S.
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アナリティクスでキャリアを作る|Make a career in Analytics




彼らはアナリティクスで造った市場クレーム、すべてのソフトウェア製品。分析はここに滞在します。特定のフィールドが組織、製品およびプロセスの機能を拡張する機能です。 しかし、エンジニア リングなど技術の教育学生の目から見ると、アナリティクス キャリアの領域です、ホット キャリアの機会と活気づいています。 どのように 1 つは完全に風景を理解し、彼らの大学卒業後このエリアに入るにキャリアの選択を行うことができます見てみましょう。 データ、として定義されますが「事実と一緒に参照または分析のために収集された統計「分析はデータや統計情報の体系的な分析で得られた情報。


Every software product that is out in the market claims they have built in analytics. Analytics is here to stay. It is not a specific field but a capability that extends the function of any organization, product and process. But when viewed from the eyes of students of technical education such as engineering, Analytics is an area of career and is booming hot with career opportunities. Let’s explore how one can fully understand the landscape and make a career choice to enter this area after their college. While data is defined as the “facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis”, Analytics is information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics.
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2017 – 火災インシデント ポイント マップの年|Year of 2017 – Fire Incident Point Map




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火上の事実: 連邦政府の データを開く プログラムは、トランプの時代を生き残ることができる方法|Facts on Fire: How Federal Open Data Programs Can Survive The Trump Age




政府のオープン データの取り組みは、トランプ時代に議員精査を生き残ることができるか。ステーク ホルダーが必要になります以上「ちょうど事実、奥様「生き残るためにアプローチ. 私たちを捧げた過去 8 年にわたって膨大な時間政府の透明性、いわゆるオープン データ プログラムのために、これまでよりも真実であります。 確かに、議員は、今後 4 年間で連邦政府のプログラムのすべての種類が吟味されるが。そして、それは良いベットその連邦政府主催、データ アクセス、データ解析プログラムはそれらの間で初めてとなります。それらのほとんどは、法律や官僚のミッション ステートメントへの明白な関係を持っていないためにです。


Can government-backed open data initiatives survive lawmaker scrutiny in the Trump era? Stakeholders will need more than a “just the facts, Ma’am” approach to survive … And for those of us who have over the past eight years devoted untold hours to government transparency and so-called open data programs, that’s truer than ever. Certainly, lawmakers will be scrutinizing all kinds of federal programs over the next four years. And it’s a good bet that federally-sponsored statistical, data access and data analysis programs will be first among them. That’s because most of those don’t have obvious ties to legislation or bureaucratic mission statements.
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複数の臨床試験検索の改善|Improving search across clinical trials




臨床試験データを検索と、おかげでオープン データ技術 OpenTrialsFDA と呼ばれる、簡単すぐに得る可能性があります。 プロジェクトが開く科学賞、生物医学研究を進めるオープン データ技術を作成するための競争の六つのファイナリストの一つです。 オープンの科学賞は、Wellcome の信頼、健康の国民の協会およびハワード ・ ヒューズ医学研究所の間の共同の努力です。 OpenTrialsFDA、研究者は、うちのいくつかは公開されていない方法と臨床試験の結果について詳細な情報を含む連邦麻薬局の薬承認パッケージ (Dap) より簡単にデータ情報を検索できます。 今日では、Dap の臨床情報は研究者に役に立つが、じゃない簡単にアクセス可能、検索可能なまたは使用可能。


Searching clinical trial data may soon get easier thanks to open data technology dubbed OpenTrialsFDA. The project is one of six finalists for the Open Science Prize, a competition to create open data technology that will advance biomedical research.  The Open Science Prize is a collaborative effort between the Wellcome Trust, the National Institutes of Health and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. With OpenTrialsFDA, researchers can more easily search data in the Federal Drug Administration’s drug approval packages (DAPs), which contain detailed information about the methods and results of clinical trials, some of which has never been published. Today, while the clinical information provided in DAPs is useful to researchers, it is not easily accessible, searchable or usable.
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ENTREVESTOR: セントジョンのデジタル データの使用をリード|ENTREVESTOR: Saint John leading the way in digital data use




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A recurring them at the Big Data Congress in Saint John last October was the global movement toward a data-driven society. Most of the 600 delegates were probably unaware that one Atlantic Canadian city is already moving toward becoming such a community. It is, in fact, Saint John itself. The New Brunswick city has completed a pilot project called the Pattern of Life program, which is now graduating to its next phase. The goal is to collect and analyze digital data to enhance efficiency and improve people’s lives. “What’s next is the call to action to the community,” said Erin Flood, chief operating officer of Hotspot Merchant Solutions, one company involved in the project. “We are looking to work across the business community, citizens and the municipal government.
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誤報を検出後にメモリを向上させることができます。|Detecting misinformation can improve memory later on




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Exposure to false information about an event usually makes it more difficult for people to recall the original details, but new research suggests that there may be times when misinformation actually boosts memory. Research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, shows that people who actually notice that the misinformation is inconsistent with the original event have better memory for the event compared with people who never saw the misinformation in the first place. “Our experiments show that misinformation can sometimes enhance memory rather than harm it,” says psychological scientist Adam Putnam of Carleton College, lead author of the research.
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公共部門がデータ チャンピオンをなぜ必要とするか|Why the public sector needs data champions




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The rise of public services being commissioned out to the third sector means that many commissioners are finding themselves wondering what they are buying. How can they know that the outcomes or outputs promised by the providers are deliverable? How can they tell if an intervention, for example in a complex area like preventing re-offending, is successful? How best to compare different suppliers? Initiatives like the Justice Data Lab, created by New Philanthropy Capital in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, can help to answer some of these questions.
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アッシュビルのコードはデータのグループに権限を与えるに努めています|Code for Asheville strives to empower groups with data




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ASHEVILLE – Everything changed when the members of Code for Asheville started going to the public instead of inviting the public to them. Suddenly, the group of volunteer computer programmers, “civic hackers” as they call themselves, were fulfilling community needs in a way they had not imagined. One minute they were sitting in the back of a meeting of the Asheville-Buncombe Homeless Coalition, the next they were partnering with the city to help formerly incarcerated people find jobs and housing so that upon re-entry to society inmates could avoid life on the streets.
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