
エンタープライズ レンタカーはクレーム修理業界のためのオープンでコストのかからないデータ プラットフォームをサポート|Enterprise RentCar Supports Open, No-Cost Data Platform for Claims Repair Industry




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Information contained on this page is provided by an independent third-party content provider. Frankly and this Station make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. If you are affiliated with this page and would like it removed please contact pressreleases@franklyinc.com Hawkins: “We firmly believe models that create barriers to vehicle and repair data could be detrimental to the industry” ST. LOUIS, Jan. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — For almost 60 years, has partnered with collision repair centers and insurance companies to help customers whose cars have been damaged or stolen.
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ビジネス開発マネージャー|Business Development Manager




サインインまたは保存するアカウントを作成する必要があるため、経験豊富な事業開発マネージャー組織に接続し、その機会のためのバリュー ・ プロポジションを作成販売を終了 ODI のための適切な機会を識別するために商業のチームに参加するお。 これはエキサイティングな機会多くの分野や国にまたがるお客様の製品とサービスを生成する高速な開発組織で役割を探して確立されたビジネス開発マネージャーを。 2012 年にティム ・ バーナーズ-リー、サー ナイジェルシャドによって設立され、オープン データ研究所 (ODI) は接続し、装備し、データと技術革新を世界中の人々 を鼓舞します。


You need to sign in or create an account to save We are looking for an experienced Business Development Manager to join the commercial team to identify appropriate opportunities for the ODI to connect with organisations, construct a value proposition for that opportunity and close the sale. This is an exciting opportunity for an established Business Development Manager looking for a role in a fast developing organisation that produces products and services for customers that span across many sectors and countries. Established in 2012 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt, the Open Data Institute (ODI) connects, equips and inspires people around the world to innovate with data.
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Services.Statement の書き込みサービスを作成する訓練をパーソナライズ|Personalized Training Creating Services.Statement Writing Service




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Student`s daily life occasionally appears completely excruciating since one has to do an unmanageable volume of tasks within a small amount of time. Whether or not it`s Stanford university or college or perhaps a high school graduation. The teachers, professors, lecturers, and course instructors usually analyze their students` stamina and pressure opposition with the amount of producing duties they delegate. A creating job is a time-consuming and tough move to make. One has often to spend sleep deprived night time working on various types of paperwork and aiming to satisfy the deadlines. Still, the objective is just unattainable as a consequence of student`s total exhaustion.
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国勢調査局の データを開く 地図を農村に焦点を当ててください。|Census Bureau Open Data Map Focuses on Rural Communities




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With a new story map, the U.S. Census Bureau is trying to clarify what “rural” means. The story map is based on data from Census’ latest American Community Survey (ACS), which offers small area statistics breaking down the social, economic, housing, and demographic characteristics of a region. The map contains ACS data on 40 different topics, from languages spoken at home to the number of veterans in an area. According to Suzanne McArdle, a computer mapping specialist within Census’ geography division, the chief goal of the story map is to clarify the definition of “rural.” While most people consider “rural” a place with pastures and livestock, Census’ website defines it as “any population, housing, or territory not in an urban area.
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歌と騎士の都市の他の 10 の市民技術ファイナリストを通じて市民データを分かりやすく.|Demystifying Civic Data Through Song, and 10 Other Civic Tech Finalists in the Knight Cities …




平均的な人は、API にアクセスする方法を知らない。しかし、彼らは音楽を聴きます。 提案から、オフィスの創造的な研究 (OCR) ニューヨークの背後にある運転の考え方である: より多くの人間の方法でそれを解釈することによって人々 に貴重なデータを確認します。 具体的には、彼らはブルーグラス音楽を通して物語をデータでそうしたいと思います。 「我々 データと文化間に存在する格差のこの種について長い間考えてきた」エレミヤ ソープ、OCR の共同創設者は言った。「データをチャートやグラフのような本当に滅菌により通信が通常。彼らは政策決定のようなものの本当に狭い目的のために設計されている」。 しかし、ユビキタス政府オープン データの時代に特にそれはまた、人々 のためになっています。


The average person doesn’t know how to access an API. But they do listen to music. That’s the driving idea behind a proposal from the Office of Creative Research (OCR) in New York: to make data valuable to people by interpreting it in more human ways. Specifically, they want to do that by telling data stories through bluegrass music. “We’ve been thinking for a long time about this sort of divide that exists between data and culture,” said Jer Thorp, OCR’s co-founder. “Data is usually communicated through these really sterile means like charts and graphs. And they’re designed for a really narrow purpose … like policy decisions.” But especially in the age of ubiquitous government open data, it’s also supposed to be for the people.
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国連世界データ フォーラム開始|UN World Data Forum Started




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The inaugural United Nations World Data Forum has kicked off on 15 January in Cape Town, South Africa, with an ambitious agenda aiming to build broad consensus on how to harness the power of data for sustainable development, and boost the collaboration and resources needed to carry the work forward. It will also serve as a launching pad where diverse data producers and users can get behind a new Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data. Over 1,500 data experts from more than 100 countries are gathering at the Forum from 15-18 January, including from national statistical offices, the private sector and academia, international organisations, and civil society groups, as well as political leaders and sustainable development advocates.
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ハイテク ビジョンは、宇宙の中心アデレードを行うことができますか。|Can tech vision make Adelaide the centre of the universe?




チャタヌーガ、テネシー州では、世界で最もスマートな都市になることのほとんど福音ドライブで生まれ変わっています。 都市として一部記述されている保存されている「インターネット」それは誇らしげに「開拓遊び場」自体を宣言します。 ほぼ死亡後 1970 年代に、驚くべき速さでその接続された未来に向かっている今。 チャタヌーガの経済復興は、世界中の都市からの関心を集めています。 9 月にアデレードからの代表団は実情調査団にテネシー州に到着しました。 南オーストラリアの沿岸首都は、その民族のギグ市と企業との仕事を誘致するための入札で南半球で最もつながっている市としての地位を技術主導の繁栄に似たような旅に乗り出した。


Chattanooga, in Tennessee, has been reborn by an almost evangelical drive to become the world’s smartest city. Described by some as the city that was “saved by the internet”, it proudly proclaims itself a ‘playground for pioneers’. After almost dying in the 1970s, it is now heading towards its connected future at amazing speed. Chattanooga’s economic revival has attracted interest from cities around the globe. In September a delegation from Adelaide arrived in Tennessee on a fact-finding mission. South Australia’s coastal capital has embarked on a similar journey to tech-driven prosperity, looking to position itself as its nation’s Gig City and the most connected city in the southern hemisphere in its bid to attract businesses and jobs.
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南アフリカで開幕する国連データ フォーラム|United Nations Data Forum kicks off in South Africa




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The first United Nations World Data Forum started yesterday in Cape Town, South Africa. The forum sees more than 1,500 data experts from more than 100 countries, with the goal of forming a broad consensus on how to harness the power of data for sustainable development. The UN along with the South African government came together to arrange the four-day gathering which hopes to gather support for a new global action plan according to the UN. In a historic UN summit in 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda.
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オーストラリアの AU$ 12 m 位置決め技術向上から利益を得る車を接続|​Connected cars to benefit from Australia’s AU$12m positioning technology boost




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The federal government has announced a AU$12 million investment to boost Australia’s positioning technologies, which it expects to be leveraged by automated trains, as well as driverless and connected cars. In a joint statement, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester and Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Matthew Canavan said the funding will be used to test instant, accurate, and reliable positioning technology. The pair expects this tech will provide future safety, productivity, efficiency, and environmental benefits across many industries in addition to transport, including agriculture, construction, and resources.
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ユーバーのデータ宝庫は旅行の変更を運転できます。|Uber’s data trove could drive changes in travel




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SAN FRANCISCO • The combative ride-hailing giant Uber is extending an olive branch to cities – in the form of data that transit wonks have coveted for years. The San Francisco-based company recently shared a vast trove of transport data that it said local officials could use to help cut down on commute times and improve traffic flow. The data, on a public website that shows the time it takes to travel between neighbourhoods in various cities, is derived from Uber’s extensive logs of trips taken by millions of its riders each day. The timing of the data release – which will be launched on a website and called Uber Movement – coincided with another fight over data that Uber is engaged in, in New York.
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