
世界初データ フォーラム議題 2030年実装部|First World Data Forum part of Agenda 2030 implementation




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The first-ever United Nations World Data Forum kicked off in Cape Town, South Africa, on 15 January 2017, with the aim of increasing political and resource support for statistical capacity building worldwide. “Talking about data, statistics – these are very important subjects for the Member States, right from the beginning – day one – of the discussions about the Sustainable Development Agenda,” said Wu Hongbo, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, in an interview with UN News, ahead of the Forum.According the UN statistics, more than 100 countries do not accurately count births and deaths, while the births of nearly one in four children under the age of five worldwide have never been recorded.
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AdStage V2 およびユニバーサル データ API を導入|Introducing AdStage V2 and the Universal Data API




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SAN FRANCISCO, Jan.19, 2017 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — AdStage — a cross-channel advertising suite for marketers and agencies, which enables users to automate and report on search and social ad campaigns from a single place — has launched version two of their platform and support for an open data API. These innovations provide marketers clarity into their cross-channel performance data that, to date, has not been available in the ad tech market.
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国民の技術情報サービス データ プロジェクトをサポートする ICF|ICF to Support National Technology Information Service’s Data Projects




タイソンズ コーナー、バージニア、2017 年 1 月 19 日-ICF は、商業 35、研究パートナー ExecutiveBiz 報じた機関の連邦全体のデータ事業に参加する資格として商務省の国民の技術情報サービスによって選ばれました。 同社は火曜日に大きなデータ、オープン データ、オープン アクセス、サイバー ・ フィジカル ・ システム、機械学習、スマートシティや物事のインターネットの NTI のプロジェクトをサポートするためうまくなります。 エグゼクティブのモザイク: については、2002 年に設立、エグゼクティブ モザイクはリーダーシップの組織とメディアの企業です。エグゼクティブのモザイクは、政府契約産業のビジネス ニュースを速報、非常に切望されたエグゼクティブ イベントを提供していて、7 の影響力のあるウェブサイトと 4 つの必然的な E newswires 堅牢で信頼性の高いコンテンツを配信します。


TYSONS CORNER, VA, Jan. 19, 2017 — ICF is among the the 35 commercial and research partners chosen by the Commerce Department‘s National Technology Information Service as eligible to participate in the agency’s federal-wide data ventures, ExecutiveBiz reported Wednesday. The company said Tuesday it will work to support NTIS’ projects on big data, open data, open access, cyber-physical systems, machine learning, smart cities and Internet of Things. About Executive Mosaic: Founded in 2002, Executive Mosaic is a leadership organization and media company. Executive Mosaic offers highly coveted executive events, breaking business news on the Government Contracting industry, and delivers robust and reliable content through seven influential websites and four consequential E-newswires.
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企業クレーム修理業界の オープン データ プラットフォームをサポート|Enterprise Supports Open Data Platform for Claims Repair Industry




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Jan. 19, 2017—Enterprise Rent-A-Car on Wednesday reaffirmed its commitment to improving access to vehicle and repair data for the collision repair and insurance industries. Enterprise said it intends to keep collaborating and partnering with businesses that believe in open technology platforms and provide services that help advance the collision repair and claims industries. Enterprise taken steps toward developing this kind of platform since 1994 when it created the Automated Rental Management System (ARMS) to help insurance companies simplify the process of managing replacement rental cars for policyholders. Insurance adjusters can monitor the repair status of a customer’s vehicle, which often leads to a shorter rental length and ultimately rental-cost containment.
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エンタープライズ レンタカーはクレーム修理業界のためのオープンでコストのかからないデータ プラットフォームをサポート|Enterprise RentCar Supports Open, No-Cost Data Platform for Claims Repair Industry




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After almost 60 years of partnering with collision repair centers and insurance companies to help customers whose cars have been damaged or stolen, Enterprise Rent-A-Car announced that it is reaffirming its commitment to not only safeguarding the privacy of collision repair data but also to supporting an open data platform in today’s highly competitive marketplace. “We firmly believe models that create barriers to vehicle and repair data could be detrimental to the industry,” said Mike Hawkins, vice president of business development for Enterprise Holdings Inc., which owns the Enterprise Rent-A-Car brand. “That’s because everyone benefits from an open and level playing field when industry service providers and product suppliers are able to innovate by using industry-generated data.
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データを開く、開く可能性|Open Data, Open Potential




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I was approached by Open Data New Zealand to help create a video explaining the concept of ‘open data’. Set in a three dimensional world, the video was based on the central idea, ‘Open Data, Open Potential’, brought to life through a single point of data, that opened to reveal an assortment of information and insights into our world.
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グラフ: どの発展途上国は、ハイテク輸出で知られていますか。|Chart: Which developing economies are known for high-tech exports?




2015 年には、ドイツ、米国、日本などの先進国は、航空宇宙、コンピューター、医薬品業界など、ハイテク商品の輸出の世界を導いた。しかし、発展途上国これらのタイプの同様の商品をエクスポートします。発展途上国の間でメキシコ、マレーシア、フィリピンだったハイテク輸出の世界的リーダーです。 世界銀行グループの最近発売されたオープン データ ポータル、TCdata360 は、今貿易と競争力に関するデータのこのタイプのソースです。試してみると、ハッシュタグ #TCdata360 と Twitter のあなたの視覚エフェクトを共有します。


In 2015, developed economies including Germany, the United States, and Japan led the world in exporting of high-tech goods, including those in the aerospace, computer, and pharmaceutical industries. But developing economies are exporting these types of goods as well. Among developing economies, Mexico, Malaysia and the Philippines were world leaders in high-tech exports. The World Bank Group’s recently launched open data portal, TCdata360, is now the go-to source for this type of data on trade and competitiveness. Try it out and share your visualizations on Twitter with hashtag #TCdata360.
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オープン データ 企業向け中心のおかげで世界中からオープン GIS データを検索します。|Find Open GIS Data from Around the World Thanks to the Center for Open Data Enterprise




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The Center for Open Data Enterprise (CODE) has a mission to maximize the value of open government data as a public resource.  As the developer of a public database of open data sources, the CODE connects users with government agencies and organizations based around the world that use open data. The center believes that open data can support economic growth and social good around the world, and that this valuable resource needs to be managed and developed to reach its maximum potential. They aim to achieve this by working with data users alongside government, private, and non-profit organizations, enabling input and feedback to be used to develop smarter open data strategies.
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個人データ燃料スマート都市プログラム|Personal data fuels smart city programs




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If you live in a big city, chances are pretty good that you’ll be sharing a lot more of your personal information with government entities within a few years. Research firm Gartner predicts that by 2019, half of citizens in million-people cities will benefit from smart city programs by voluntarily sharing their personal data. The volume and diversity of the information generated by citizens will continue to rise in line with the proliferation of consumer devices and the Internet of Things (IoT), the firm says. Citizens of smart cities will experience some of the benefits of sharing data passively, through government and commercial collaboration.
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エンタープライズ レンタカーはクレーム修理業界のためのオープンでコストのかからないデータ プラットフォームをサポート|Enterprise RentCar Supports Open, No-Cost Data Platform for Claims Repair Industry




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ST. LOUIS, Jan. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — For almost 60 years, Enterprise Rent-A-Car has partnered with collision repair centers and insurance companies to help customers whose cars have been damaged or stolen. In fact, Enterprise has a history of providing innovative solutions and streamlining the rental process among insurance companies, auto repair centers and neighborhood branch offices to increase efficiencies as well as enhance data security and transparency overall. As a result, Enterprise not only is committed to safeguarding the privacy of collision repair data, but also to supporting an open data platform in today’s highly competitive marketplace.
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