
ハミルトン郡 ODs を追跡する方法を微調整|Hamilton County fine-tuning how it tracks ODs




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The storm of overdoses that battered Greater Cincinnati late in the summer has settled for now, but officials are watching the cases more closely than before to ensure they’re prepared for what’s next. An unprecedented number of overdoses beginning Aug. 19 and rolling through early September prompted the Hamilton County Heroin Coalition to refine its methods of tracking the cases, said Tom Synan, Newtown police chief and head of the coalition’s law enforcement task force. “After the spike, a priority was to shift from a focus on weekly numbers to daily numbers,” Synan said this week. The point is to identify trends more rapidly, gain more “real time” information, better allocate resources and provide information to the public and coalition members more efficiently and quickly, he said.
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データ ポータルのテキサス州デントン タップ OpenGov|Denton, Texas Taps OpenGov For Data Portal




デントン、テキサス州は、OpenGov 技術によって供給される新しいデータを開くポータルを開設しました。デントン、以上 100,000 の都市含む報告、予算、統合されたクラウド プラットフォームを提供する新しいオープン データを実装し、データを開く最初のです。パートナーシップは、アメリカの首脳会談のためコードを今日発表されました。 デントンは、何作品都市のイニシアティブ、データ駆動型の管理モデルを開発する都市をプッシュするブルームバーグ慈善によってサポートされているプロジェクトに参加する最近選ばれました。CivSource が報告される以前、プロジェクトに含まれている都市は、オープン データ サービスの提供を改善し、地域住民に政府についての詳細を提供するためにロードマップの範囲を開発しています。


Denton, Texas has launched a new open data portal that will be powered by OpenGov technology. Denton, a city of just over 100,000,  is the first to implement the new open data offering which includes an integrated cloud platform for budgeting, reporting, and open data. The partnership was announced today at the Code for America Summit. Denton was recently chosen to join the What Works Cities Initiative, a project supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies, that pushes cities to develop data-driven governing models. As CivSource has previously reported, cities that are included in the project are developing a range of open data roadmaps in order to improve service delivery and provide more information about government to local residents.
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簡單に看板スペースの予約|Booking of billboard space made easier




ローカル メディア会社移動壁は、広告上のアジア 5 カ国、シンガポールなどの以上 2,000 のデジタル看板スペースを予約することができるオンライン サービスを開始しました。 900 以上のデジタル看板 – 彼らは 150 カ所に、コンピューターによって制御されるイメージを表示し、ここで予約することができますシンガポール ・ プレス ・ ホールディングス、Mediacorp などの企業が所有します。 観客アジアの移動プラットフォーム サービスが呼ばれるは、時間スロットの画面の可用性を判断する高度なアルゴリズムを使用し、価格します。これは会議や異なる看板の所有者との交渉の必要性をバイパスします。 屋外広告看板事業ハード ハイテク タイタン Facebook や Google に見舞われている従来のメディア部門の唯一の成長の一部となっています。


Local media company Moving Walls has started an online service that allows advertisers to book space on more than 2,000 digital billboards in five Asian countries, including Singapore. More than 900 digital billboards – they display images controlled by a computer – across 150 locations, and owned by companies such as Singapore Press Holdings and Mediacorp, can be booked here. The Moving Audiences Asia platform, as the service is called, uses an advanced algorithm to determine a screen’s availability, the time slots and pricing. This bypasses the need to have meetings and negotiations with different billboard owners. The outdoor advertising billboard segment has been the only growing part of the traditional media sector, which has been hit hard by tech titans Facebook and Google.
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データとツールを利用して、世界の: なぜアトラスが使用する CERN のアルトゥーロ ・ サンチェス.|Making data and tools available for the world to see: Arturo Sanchez of CERN on why ATLAS uses …




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At ATLAS, data sharing and an open, innovative approach to information collaboration has become a fundamental part of this important scientific community. According to Arturo Rodolfo Sanchez, a member of the ATLAS community and outreach team, “The large hadron collider is running now at 13 TeV. This is an energy level never seen before in a collider.” This exciting development is built on the power of open science – at ATLAS, data sharing and an open, innovative approach to information collaboration has become a fundamental part of this important scientific community. This year, ATLAS decided to release the data from 100 trillion proton-proton particles to the public under CC0, the first release of 8 TeV data.
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環境データ クラウド ウォン クラウドコンピューティング & IoT イノベーション賞 2016|Environmental Data Cloud Won Cloud Computing & IoT Innovation Award 2016




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Implemented by the team formed by Environment Protection Administration Taiwan and Supergeo Project Team, the long-term government project “Environmental and Natural Resources Data Cloud integrated platform (shorten as “Environment Data Cloud”)” won Cloud Computing & IoT Innovation Award 2016. This award is given by Cloud Computing Association in Taiwan and it aims to recognize companies and government units that have excellent result in developing or applying innovative cloud computing technology. The competition of 2016 was separated into two categories: one was for technology innovation from private companies; another was for applications of government units.
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研究: インター ネット ゲームの特徴」としてより多くの研究が必要なギャンブルとして中毒’|Study: Internet gaming’s ‘not as addictive as gambling but more research is needed’




‘インターネット ゲーム障害’ の徴候を使用して一般的な人口のゲーム中毒の規模を測定しようとしている最初の研究新しいオックスフォード大学の研究アメリカの精神医学会で定義されている提案するインターネット ゲームをギャンブルとしては習慣性ではないことです。アメリカ精神医学会 (APA) によって定義されている ‘インターネット ゲーム障害’ の徴候を使用して一般的な人口のゲーム中毒の規模を測定しようとしている最初の研究であります。大学のオックスフォード大学インターネット研究所からの研究者は、どのように感じて健康症状のアパホテルのチェックリストを使用してゲームの後の 4 カ国で男性と女性の全国的に代表的なサンプルを尋ねた。


It is the first research that has tried to measure the scale of gaming addiction in the general population using symptoms of ‘internet gaming disorder’ as defined by the American Psychiatric Association A new Oxford University study suggests that playing internet games is not as addictive as gambling. It is the first research that has tried to measure the scale of gaming addiction in the general population using symptoms of ‘internet gaming disorder’ as defined by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Researchers from the University’s Oxford Internet Institute asked nationally representative samples of men and women in four countries how they felt after gaming using the APA checklist of health symptoms.
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John Deere が開き他のソフトウェア サプライヤー データ プラットフォーム|John Deere opens data platform to other software suppliers




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Editor’s Note: Briefing Room is where we run press releases from companies unedited, for your use. The John Deere Operations Center delivers value to farmers with tools and features that enable them to easily access farm information to better manage their operations. They are able to see what is happening, analyze performance and collaborate with partners to gain insights, increase profits, and direct their plans with more precision in the field. A new page, “More Tools”, recently released within the Operations Center, provides information and links to solutions from other companies that are utilizing the John Deere open data platform.
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禁止されている記号 ECB 引用 2016|Prohibited Sign ECB Citations 2016




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政府による オープン データ についてはローテクな理由|Why government open-data practices are low-tech




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The open-data movement is well-intentioned but hampered by the government’s reliance on antiquated platforms and the lack of accepted standards, according to a new report from the Data Foundation. Given the coming presidential transition, it is a critical time to weigh in on data policy. Although the Obama administration roared in with a focus on data — launching Data.gov and tasking agencies with developing open-data plans and releasing datasets — many experts question whether those efforts can be sustained into the next administration. The Data Foundation and Grant Thornton interviewed 46 agency officials, lawmakers and other experts on the benefits and progress of the government’s open-data efforts.
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レポート: データを開く の陽性がまだ初期の段階|Report: Open Data’s positives are still in their infancy




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The promise of open data holds a lot of positives for agency leaders, but a new report finds that the road to that promise is still a long one.In “The State of the Union of Open Data, 2016,” a paper co-authored by Grant Thornton and The Data Foundation — a trade association that supports data standardization efforts throughout the federal government — multiple agency leaders acknowledge the value of open data, but note that the federal government is still in the early stages of capitalizing on it.The report’s authors interviewed more than 40 government and private sector stakeholders who appeared at the Data Foundation’s annual policy conference, Data Transparency 2016, on Sept. 28 to ask what the outcome of opening and standardizing agency data would be.
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