
米国農務省のデータベースを食べて健康促進します。|USDA database promotes health eating




ニューヨーク-農務長官トム ・ ヴィルサック先月開始した米国農務省ブランド食品製品データベース (ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb)、家族、食品産業やブランド以上 80,000 名の詳細については栄養を含む研究者の自由なオンライン リソースを用意、レストランや食料品店で利用可能な食品。 農業・栄養サミット グローバル オープン データを発表されました。 ヴィルサックは言った「公共および民間セクターそれがより容易に利用可能である場合、数百万人の健康と生活質を改善できるからそんなにデータがある」。


NEW YORK — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack last month launched the USDA Branded Food Products Database (ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb), a free online resource for families, the food industry and researchers containing nutrition details on more than 80,000 name brand prepared and packaged foods available at restaurants and grocery stores. The announcement was made at the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Summit. “There is so much data from the public and private sectors that can improve the health and quality of life for millions of people, if it can be made more readily available,” Vilsack said.
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2016 年 11 月 4 日のニュース: 地域 データを開く ポータルを更新|November 4, 2016 in News: Region updates open data portal




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The Region of Durham has launched an updated portal for its troves of openly accessible data. “The open data pilot initiative has created increased transparency, enhanced public engagement, and demonstrated leadership around open government—showcasing a commitment to continuous improvement,” states Matthew Gaskell, commissioner of corporate services, in a news release. “Based on the numbers, it’s clear this data is informative and helpful. However, we want to know more about people’s experiences. It is through this feedback that the region can develop a portal specific to the needs of our community.” Now with the update and new data sets being added, the region is calling for public feedback on the program. Feedback can be sent to opendata@durham.ca.
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‘物語は、スプレッドシートを終了しません-‘ データで働いているジャーナリストのためのアドバイス|’The story doesn’t end with a spreadsheet’ – Advice for journalists working with data




データは、パナマ論文、ジャーナリズムのこれまでの歴史の中で最大のリークを含む過去数年間で最大の物語のいくつかのコアにされています。 オンラインのジャーナリストに利用可能な情報の量は最近、埋もれたままになる公共の利益の話を明らかにすることができます。 大きなデータで説明したパネリストをお湯でそれらを残すことができる道に沿っていくつかの課題に直面するには、強力なデータこすると可視化スキルを持つも、記者が: 2016 クルト Schork 賞ジャーナリズムの危険の新しい前線セッションは最後の 1 週間 (10 月 27 日) ロンドンで開催。


Data has been at the core of some of the biggest stories broken in the past few years, including Panama Papers, the biggest leak in the history of journalism so far. The amount of information available to journalists online nowadays enables them to uncover stories in the public interest that would otherwise remain buried. But even reporters with strong data scraping and visualisation skills can face some challenges along the way that can leave them in hot water, panellists explained during the Big Data: Dangers of Journalism’s New Frontline session at the 2016 Kurt Schork Awards held in London last week (27 October).
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オープンな知識のプロジェクト新しいデータ プラットフォームへの移行に オープン データ|Open Data to Open Knowledge project moving to new data platform




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The City of Boston’s Open Data to Open Knowledge project, which is funded by the Knight Foundation through a partnership with the Department of Innovation and Technology and the Boston Public Library, is moving to a new open data platform in spring 2017. As part of a lengthy research effort, the City evaluated many open data platforms and picked the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN). The open source network managed by the Open Knowledge Foundation met both the current and future needs of the City’s open data efforts. User-generated visualizations or applications made on the current open data platform will not be immediately affected by the transition. The City will keep the current open data platform in place until summer 2017.
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フィラデルフィアの持続可能性に具合はどう?このデータセットを見つけるをのぞき見|How is Philly doing on sustainability? Peep this dataset to find out




まず第一に、あなたは主要なオタクです。しかし、また、それはあなたの幸運な日!データはフィラデルフィアの街から最新のデータを開くプロジェクトを通じて利用できる今: Greenworks ダッシュ ボード。 姉妹サイト Generocity は、8 つ気の利いたアクセス データ セットにポータルを通して利用される捧げたを与えた。ダッシュ ボードは、オープン データのオフィスとデジタル変換と持続可能性の都市のオフィス間のコラボレーションに建てられました。


First of all, you’re a major geek. But also, it’s your lucky day! The data is now available through the latest open data project from the City of Philadelphia: Greenworks Dashboard. Our sister site Generocity gave a shoutout to the eight nifty accessible data sets which are available through the portal. The dashboard was built in collaboration between the Office of Open Data and Digital Transformation and the city’s Office of Sustainability.
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ニューヨーク市、マップのすべての木|Every Tree in New York City, Mapped




その最新のツリーの国勢調査を超詳細なガイド、公園部より多くの市民に緑の親指を与えるたいです。 ニューヨーク市の都市キャノピーはその葉を失う可能性がありますが、それはいくつかの新しい友達を作る機会を得ている: ニューヨーク公園部があり、その最新のツリー国勢調査データの森林を通して彼らの方法を見つける市民を助けるための百科事典的なインタラクティブなガイドが含まれています。 1 年以上いくつか 2,300 ボランティア助けた公園職員調査以上 685,000 街路樹すべての 5 つの地区の間で種、樹皮健康、トランク幅、緯度と経度の統計情報の収集と -これは新しい-ごとに 1 つの GPS 座標。


With a super-detailed guide to its latest tree census, the Parks Department wants to give more citizens green thumbs. New York City’s urban canopy may be losing its leaves, but it’s gaining an opportunity to make some new friends: The NYC Parks Department has its latest tree census out, and includes an encyclopedic interactive guide to help citizens find their way through its forest of data. For more than a year, some 2,300 volunteers helped park officials survey more than 685,000 street trees across all five boroughs, gathering stats on species, bark health, trunk width, latitude and longitude, and—this was new—GPS coordinates for every one.
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検事総長カマラ d. ハリスで人種的格差を示す新しい OpenJustice データを解放.|Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Releases New OpenJustice Data Showing Racial Disparities in …




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Today’s rollout includes a detailed breakdown of arrests since 2005, with a demographic focus, painting a more complete picture of who is arrested for specific crimes. The new data and analysis reveals substantial shifts in overall adult arrest patterns since 2005: In 2015, felony arrests dropped by 29% (~120,000 arrests) while misdemeanor arrests went up by 11% (~80,000 arrests), as Proposition 47 re-classed many drug possession and theft offenses under $950 from felonies or wobblers to misdemeanors. Felony arrests rates for theft steadily dropped almost 50% over the past 10 years. Felony arrests rates for narcotics dropped 80%, with half of the drop occurring through 2014 and the remaining half occurring in 2015.
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不在者投票データ: どのくらい多すぎます? か|Absentee Voting Data: How Much Is Too Much?




早期投票データにいくつかの最近のレポートは、無数の方法で解釈されています: 専門家ポイント黒人票がダウンしています。その他の収益が示唆されたラテン系アメリカ人と女性早期投票の両方より高い 2012;いくつかは早く見ないとどのように国が傾くだろうの予測に役立ちますとして投票を返します来る 11 月 8 日。 各状態を選挙結果にかかわらずは郵送または直々 に投票するかどうかに、早く投票の規則が異なるを提供しています- またはすべてではないです。34 の州とコロンビア特別区は、2016 年 11 月末現在 – 言い訳早く投票、修飾された投票者は必要な正当化で彼または彼女の投票を早く鋳造ができることを意味するを許可しています。別の 3 つの状態を利用期日前投票の必要性を排除するすべてのメール投票システム。


Several recent reports on early voting data has been interpreted in myriad ways: Pundits point to the black vote being down; other returns suggest that both Latino and female early voting is higher than in 2012; and some don’t see early vote returns as useful in predicting how the states will lean come Nov. 8. Regardless of the election outcome, each state offers different rules for early voting, whether it’s voting by mail or in person — or not at all. As of November 2016, 34 states and the District of Columbia have permitted no-excuse early voting, which means that a qualified voter can cast his or her ballot early with no justification required. Another three states utilize all-mail voting systems, eliminating the need for early voting.
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人工知能は保険をどのように変わりますか。|How will artificial intelligence change insurance?




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As technology becomes more and more advanced, industries across the spectrum are feeling the disruption from digitisation and automation – and insurance is no different.But while the industry is becoming better educated on insurtech and its potential benefits generally, artificial intelligence – or AI – specifically, seems relatively unexplored.Just a day after Facebook put the brakes on Admiral ’s new app concept, through which the insurer planned to analyse users’ posts and likes to determine how safe a driver they are, it seems as though the industry doesn’t yet know it all.
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リーダーシップ、戦略、ハート – 将来進む銀行|Leadership, Strategy and the Heart – Future Forward Banking




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Sibos is an annual event that connects over 8,000 people from 212 countries from the entire financial ecosystem. Having gone for three years myself, this year marked a visceral tipping point between the traditional compliance oriented banking community and the innovative emergence of blockchain technology. Globalization and open data have made an undeniable imprint that will continue to force new mindsets across the industry. There are several experts in this space and I invite you to take a deep dive into blockchain technology and the implications with Don Tapscott. Beyond how this technology enables global business functionality, I want to highlight another technology- namely, leadership.
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