
届出を要する感染症報告書 (NoIDs) 北アイルランド|Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports (NoIDs) Northern Ireland




OpenDataNI ウェブサイトは、全数の感染病レポート、公共の保健機関によって提供されるを保持しています。利用可能なデータを (執筆当時) 週間 50 2014 から実行週 50 2016。毎週、北アイルランドのいくつかの 35 の報告疾患の発生数を与えることを報告、比較的単純なデータセットです。個々 のレポートは、執務室と監視によって記録された数字に基づいています。レポートはまたことを示す:「食中毒通知含んで臨床医およびサルモネラ カンピロバクター クリプトスポリジウム ジアルジア、リステリア菌、E 大腸菌 O 157 非公式研究所から確認のレポートによって正式に通知される」。 いくつかの異なる方法を調べていた私がこのデータセットをやってみたかった、.さらに情報 http://demoncoredata.blogspot はこちらをご覧ください。


The OpenDataNI website holds Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reports, provided by the Public Health Agency. The available data runs from Week 50 2014 to (at the time of writing) Week 50 2016. It is a relatively simple dataset, reported weekly, giving the numbers of occurrences of some 35 Reportable Diseases in Northern Ireland. The individual reports are based on figures recorded by the Duty Room and Surveillance. The reports also indicate that: “Food poisoning notifications include those formally notified by clinicians and reports of Salmonella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Listeria and E Coli O 157 informally ascertained from laboratories.” What I wanted to do with this dataset was examine a few different ways that… Click here for further info http://demoncoredata.blogspot.
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OMB のためのトランプのピック音データ行為について熱狂的です|Trump’s pick for OMB sounds enthusiastic about the Data Act




議員ミック Mulvaney (R. s.C.) 管理のオフィスおよび予算をリードする彼の聴聞の時に彼と大統領ドナルド トランプの意思決定を通知するために正確かつ有用なデータを得ることの重要性を強調しました。 「政府は、大きなデータのこの時代、このすべてのデータが、番号自体にも語れないのでそれを使う能力がない」Mulvaney は、国土安全保障と政府問題委員会の前に彼の公聴会で述べた。


Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) stressed the importance of getting accurate and useful data in order to inform his and President Donald Trump’s decision-making during his confirmation hearings to lead the Office of Management and Budget. “In this age of big data, the government has all this data, but it isn’t capable of using it because it can’t even talk to itself about the numbers,” Mulvaney said at his hearing before the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.
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事務総長は世界税関機構からのメッセージ|Message from Secretary General World Customs Organisation




データは、商品や人の動きを含む、あらゆる経済活動によって生成され、グローバル バリュー チェーンに沿って広く循環します。国境管理の効果を高めるためのデータの収集と分析は、税関当局にとって極めて重要です。今年は、国際通関日においては、WCO 紹介しているテーマ「データ解析の効果的な国境管理」の努力とこの地域で活動追求するグローバルの税関関係者を奨励します。 昨年、テーマを採用することにより「デジタル税関: 進歩的な約束」、WCO など大きなデータ、テレマティクスおよびそのパフォーマンスを向上させるクラウド テクノロジーを悪用する税関コミュニティに熱心に説いた。


Data is generated by every economic activity, including the movement of goods and people and circulates extensively along the global value chain. Collecting and analysing data to enhance the effectiveness of border management is of paramount importance to Customs administrations. This year, in the context of the International Customs Day, the WCO is introducing the theme “Data Analysis for Effective Border Management” to encourage the global Customs community to pursue their efforts and activities in this area. Last year, by adopting the theme “Digital Customs: Progressive engagement”, the WCO exhorted the Customs community to exploit enabling technologies such as big data, telematics and the cloud to enhance their performance.
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明らかに 2017年のジョブの最高と最も有望な技術|Best & most promising tech jobs of 2017 revealed




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Data scientists continue to be in huge demand, and you won’t fare badly either if you have expertise as a technical program manager, data engineer or DevOps engineer, according to the latest rankings from a couple of big jobs-related websites. Glassdoor on Monday released its annual list of the Best Jobs in America, and I’ve zeroed in on those most techie in nature (though of course practically any job on such a list has a tech component these days). Tops for the second straight year is the job of Data Scientist, based on three key factors: earning potential, job satisfaction and job openings.
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連続分析が就任 AnancondaCO の講演者を発表します。|Continuum Analytics Announces Speakers for Inaugural AnancondaCO




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Featuring the best and brightest minds in Open Data Science from Forrester Research, General Electric, Capital One and others Continuum Analytics, the creator and driving force behind Anaconda, the leading Open Data Science platform powered by Python, today announced the speaker lineup for AnacondaCON 2017, taking place February 7-9 in Austin. Attendees will learn from foundational contributors and thought leaders in the Open Data Science movement who are harnessing the power and innovation of the Open Data Science community. The agenda is packed with educational and thought-provoking sessions to provide attendees with the latest and greatest in Open Data Science, along with the knowledge and connections needed to move their initiatives forward.
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シンシナティ オープン データ ポータル カバー除雪車、ヘロイン事件|Cincinnati Open Data Portal Covers Snowplows, Heroin Incidents




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Through a new open data portal, constituents of Cincinnati can find out how many heroin incidents have occurred near their homes and how frequently local roads have been treated with salt. Cincinnati’s Office of Performance and Data Analytics (OPDA) recently launched CincyInsights, an open data portal with 15 dashboards containing city information. These dashboards include information on police response activity, snowplow movement, heroin incidents, and code enforcement. According to Brandon Crowley, Cincinnati’s chief data officer, the city based CincyInsights’ data sets on city manager Harry Black’s five strategic priority goals: safer streets, growing economy, thriving and healthy neighborhoods, innovative government, and fiscal sustainability and strategic investment.
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どのように衛星データ変更チンパンジー保全への取り組み|How satellite data changed chimpanzee conservation efforts




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Approximately 345,000 or fewer chimpanzees remain in the wild, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, a substantial decline from the more than two million that existed a hundred years ago. Humans’ closest genetic cousins, chimpanzees are an endangered species and scientists and conservationists are turning to the NASA-U.S. Geological Survey Landsat satellites to help bolster their efforts to preserve their forest homes. “Chimpanzees are in crisis,” said Lilian Pintea, a remote sensing specialist and vice president of conservation science for the Jane Goodall Institute, Vienna, Virginia, citing hunting and illegal bushmeat consumption, disease, illegal capture for the pet trade and habitat loss as the culprits. Among these, habitat loss is visible from space.
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サリナス今、”どんな作品都市:”の安全な地域で 開いているデータ の展開」|Salinas Now a "What Works City:" Deploying Open Data for Safe Neighborhoods




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City leaders today announced that Salinas has earned a place in Bloomberg Philanthropies’ What Works Cities program, which will help the City use and share data to make neighborhoods safer. Examples might include providing public safety data in more usable forms, or using data in new ways to inform decisions about allocating resources. Participation will give Salinas no-cost access to technical assistance from What Works Cities’ world-class partners in evidence-based policy — that is, policy based on “what works.” This approach to governing takes advantage of ever more powerful data tools both to guide decision-makers and improve civic engagement. It has gained growing support across the globe in recent decades, including in Salinas.
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どのように衛星データ変更チンパンジー保全への取り組み|How satellite data changed chimpanzee conservation efforts




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“Chimpanzees are in crisis,” said Lilian Pintea, a remote sensing specialist and vice president of conservation science for the Jane Goodall Institute, Vienna, Virginia, citing hunting and illegal bushmeat consumption, disease, illegal capture for the pet trade and habitat loss as the culprits. Among these, habitat loss is visible from space. In 2000, Pintea saw his first side-by-side comparison of two Landsat satellite images, one taken in 1972 and the other in 1999, of the region around Gombe National Park, Tanzania. The 1972 image showed forests that stretched across the region. The 1999 image showed vast swaths of deforestation outside of the park, with its boundary written into the landscape.
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地域への影響のデータ Collaboratives: データを使用する国レベルの容量を構築するためのモデル|Data Collaboratives for Local Impact: A Model for Building Country-Level Capacity to Use Data




今日は世界エイズデーとここで MCC、考えてデータの力を活用、HIV/エイズとの闘いを最後に重大であります。多くのデータは、これまで過去 2 年間に作成されているし、データの収集と生成を支える技術はスーツを次します。政府、ドナー、民間企業および非政府組織が徐々 に開放し、ますます高度なオープン データ ポータルやダッシュ ボードは、このデータの 1% 未満を使用してデータを共有が実際に使用されます。 -アフリカで大陸最も HIV/エイズによって影響を受けるとクライアントのパートナー国の半分に家-人口の 90% 以上が携帯電話にアクセスし、四分の一についてはスマート フォンへのアクセス。


Today is World AIDS Day, and here at MCC, we believe that harnessing the power of data is critical to end the fight against HIV/AIDS. More data has been created in the past two years than ever before, and technologies supporting data collection and generation are following suit. Although governments, donors, the private sector and non-governmental organizations are gradually opening up and sharing their data through increasingly sophisticated open data portals and dashboards, less than 1 percent of this data is actually used. In Africa — the continent most affected by HIV/AIDS and home to half of MCC’s partner countries — more than 90 percent of the population has access to cell phones and about one-quarter has access to smartphones.
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