
トランプ氏は、今まで以上の データを開く 問題の時代に|In the Age of Trump, Open Data Matters Now More Than Ever




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I have been struck by the national obsession — our new president’s obsession — with facts and which ones are worth proving. There has been much debate about approval ratings, how many people voted, when it rained at the inauguration, how big the crowd was. Frankly, it’s all a little trivial and far removed from actual governance and public policy — from what needs to be done to improve people’s lives. At the municipal level a whole other approach to facts has been brewing; let’s think of it as a street-level alternative to recent “alternative facts.” City generated data points tend to be transparent and explicitly tied to services that citizens care about. I was reminded of this during a recent conversation with Kate Bender, a manager in Kansas City’s performance management office.
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カナダ – 林業|Canada – forestry




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CDP’s forests program targets the largest companies globally, collecting data on their management of deforestation risk through the lens of key agricultural drivers of deforestation (timber, palm oil, soy, cattle products & biofuels). In 2015, 700 companies are requested to respond to the program. The request is issued on behalf of 298 investor signatories with $19 trillion in assets. Dataset of risk data from respondents to CDP’s forests program in 2013 and 2014. Includes data on company risk assessment processes, as well as the reputational, regulatory and operational risks they identified. This dataset excludes private responders. Please note that not all companies report on all forest risk commodities.
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何を EPA のデータを見て|What to watch with EPA data




環境保護庁の激動トランプ管理の最初の週だった。その最も最近の懸念は、新政権はその資金を大幅に削減したいレポートから来る。 オープン データの支持者は、どのような資金調達の削減可能性について EPA リリース – 民間企業、州および地方政府が、環境の支持者によって使用されるデータを心配しています。 「我々 は懸念している」ジャネット ランガナサン, 科学と世界資源研究所の研究の副社長は、新しい経営幹部のリーダーシップの下で環境のデータの将来について GCN を語った。 演技 EPA 管理者キャサリン ・ マッケイブは EPA でアドレス キャリア社員への 1 月 27 日に YouTube に取った、それらビジネスをいつものようには今を知ってみましょう。


The first week of the Trump administration was a tumultuous one for the Environmental Protection Agency. Its most recent concerns come from reports that the new administration wants to significantly cut its funding. Open data advocates are worried about what funding cuts could mean for the information the EPA releases — data that is used by not only environmental advocates but private industry and state and local governments. “We’re concerned,” Janet Ranganathan, the vice president of science and research at the World Resources Institute, told GCN regarding the future of environmental data under the new executive leadership. Acting EPA Administrator Catherine McCabe took to YouTube on Jan. 27 to address career employees at EPA and let them know it is business as usual for the moment.
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オープン データプログラム|Open Data Program




DigitalGlobe は大規模な自然災害をきっかけに災害復旧をサポートする高解像度衛星の正確な画像を提供することによって誰もが See A Better World™ を助けることにコミット。 プレイベント画像、ポスト イベント画像やクラウドソーシングの損傷評価を含む選択突然重大な危機イベントに開いている画像を解放します。 危機が発生すると、DigitalGlobe は応答の努力を支援するために重要な実用的な情報を提供することによって人道主義のコミュニティを支援しています。関連付けられている画像やクラウドソーシングのレイヤーは、迅速な使用や人道主義の応答の既存の技術と容易に統合可能にするクリエイティブ ・ コモンズ 4.0 ライセンスの下でパブリック ドメインにリリースされます。


DigitalGlobe is committed to helping everyone See A Better World™ by providing accurate high-resolution satellite imagery to support disaster recovery in the wake of large-scale natural disasters. We release open imagery for select sudden onset major crisis events, including pre-event imagery, post-event imagery and a crowdsourced damage assessment. When crises occur, DigitalGlobe is committed to supporting the humanitarian community by providing critical and actionable information to assist response efforts. Associated imagery and crowdsourcing layers are released into the public domain under a Creative Commons 4.0 license, allowing for rapid use and easy integration with existing humanitarian response technologies.
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(公式) データと統計の世界まだ死んでいません。|The World Of (Official) Data And Statistics; Not Yet Dead




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Recently, it has become popular to question the relevance of “statistics” to make sense of the evolving nature of today’s world. A recent article in the Guardian started off with the claim that “rather than diffusing controversy and polarisation, it seems as if statistics are actually stoking them”. The credibility of “official statistics” on GDP, poverty or migration flows gets questioned as they seem to not always be in line with what citizens experience in their daily lives nor do they seem able to capture how a large part of the population “feels” about societal developments. Policy makers start to complain that official numbers come in too late and are not granular enough – making it difficult to use them for decision making.
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オープン データスポット ライト: グローバル ・ テロリズムのデータベース|Open Data Spotlight: The Global Terrorism Database




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Publishing data on Kaggle is a way organizations can reach a diverse audience of data scientists with an enthusiasm for learning, knowledge, and collaboration. For Dr. Erin Miller of START, the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, making her organization’s Global Terrorism Database available for analysis by Kaggle users has brought new awareness to their cause. In this Open Data Spotlight, Erin discusses how setting aside agendas and focusing on understanding this unparalleled dataset of over 150,000 attack events allows users to undertake constructive analyses that may defy common conceptions about terrorism.
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収益漏出-Adeosun を抑制するためにデータを調和するナイジェリアの政府|Nigerian govt to harmonise data to curb revenue leakages – Adeosun




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The Federal Government says it will introduce a single window for data across various sectors and agencies to curb revenue leakages in the country. The Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun, announced the plan on Thursday in Abuja, while making presentation at the 2017 International Customs Day celebration. The theme of the celebration is “Data analysis for effective border management’’. The minister, who was represented by the Director of Technical Services in the ministry, Lare Shahebu, stressed the importance of data for effective border management. “The effective use of data in the daily operations of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) will help facilitate trade with other partner countries and boost the GDP of Nigeria.
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フロー図は、本発明の一実施形態のデータ市場を介してデータの購入に関連付けられているデータ市場の方法を説明します。通信を受信して、潜在的な買い手またはアプリケーションにアクセスする 1 つまたは複数のデータの識別から 402、時。404、潜在的な買い手またはアプリケーションを 1 つまたは複数のデータ オークションで入札をする有効にします。それらの 1 つ以上の潜在的な買い手の wins。1 つまたは複数のアプリケーションを持っているデータ買い手は、データ市場における貿易を行います。市場、様々 なオークション サービスを含む上記 (118) でデータ貿易サービスを使用して貿易を行うことが。


is a flow diagram illustrating a method of data marketplace associated with buying data through the data marketplace in one embodiment of the present disclosure. At 402, communication is received from a potential buyer or an application identifying one or more data to access. At 404, the potential buyer or the application is enabled to make a bid in one or more data auctions. The potential buyer wins in one or more of them. A data buyer who has one or more applications make a trade in the data marketplace system. The trade can be made in the marketplace by using the data trade service ( at 118) described above including various auction services.
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モントゴメリーは新しいオンライン ツールを使って市民データをリリースします。|Montgomery releases civic data with new online tool




モントゴメリーの市は、市民のデータの範囲を探索する住民を可能にするオンライン リソースを開始しました。 オープン データ モンゴメリーは、一般に無料公開される新しい web プラットフォームです。 住民情報や撤去、許可、検査、上のデータをアクセスできますすでに 3-1-1 サービスの要求と街路の舗装。 市によるとさまざまな部門からの新しいデータが利用可能になる、それが追加されます。 Data.montgomeryal.gov で、新しいリソースを探索できます。


The City of Montgomery has launched an online resource that will allow residents to explore a range of civic data. Open Data Montgomery is a new web platform that is available for free to the public. Residents can already access information and data on demolitions, permits, inspections, 3-1-1 service requests and street paving. According to the city, new data from different departments will be added as it becomes available. You can explore the new resource, at data.montgomeryal.gov.
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2017 国際 オープン データ 日ミニの補助金スキームを発表|Announcing the 2017 International Open Data Day Mini Grants Scheme




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The year is 2017! Some of you (like my fellow Ghanaian citizens) may have just voted in an election that you hope will bring with it the promise of socio-economic growth. You believe that having a better understanding of how government works will foster better engagement and efficiency. Others are exploring new ideas in research that could change the lives of millions if not billions. A new business idea is in the making and you will like to explore a little more about your target demographics. Others may just have realiised the magnitude of the refugee crisis across the world and want to do something practical to help. You can see where I am going with this.
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