今年初め、元 Eric Holder 検事総長の保守主義者および自由主義者両方インダストリーズとアメリカの市民の自由連合から代表者を含む群衆に対処します。低いペア内の刑事司法改革のユニークな魅力に超党派のサミットの象徴だった別の方法で分けられる政治の風景。過去には、双方の指導者がつまずいてお互い大量監禁の惨劇を効果的に促進政策の成果につながった「犯罪を厳しく取り締まる」ペルソナをプロジェクトに。 犯罪防止へその態度は以来劇的にシフトしています。
Earlier this year, former Attorney General Eric Holder addressed a crowd of conservatives and liberals that included both representatives from Koch Industries and the American Civil Liberties Union. The unlikely pairing was symbolic of the Bipartisan Summit on Criminal Justice Reform’s unique appeal within an otherwise divided political landscape. In the past, leaders of both parties have tripped over each other to project a “tough on crime” persona, which led to policy outcomes that effectively accelerated the scourge of mass incarceration. That attitude towards crime prevention has shifted dramatically since.
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