
サンフランシスコは、居住者の指先に犯罪統計を置く|San Francisco Puts Crime Statistics at Residents’ Fingertips




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In 2016 the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) fielded 2,500 requests for crime data from local colleges and universities due to the Jeanne Clery Act. With each request taking 20-40 minutes to fulfill, Joy Bonaguro, San Francisco’s chief data officer, realized officers were spending roughly 156.25 eight-hour days annually pulling crime data statistics. The city has been publicly publishing crime data for as long as its open data portal has existed. However, there hasn’t been a way for the public to search the data geographically. The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to report statistics on specific crimes that happened within roughly 500 feet of anywhere their student population went. Because of the geographic requirement, police were having to pull custom queries.
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