
コーダー ボランティア対策トランプ抗議のため科学者集会として NASA の気候データをキャプチャするには|Coders volunteer to capture NASA climate data as scientists rally for anti-Trump protests




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The new supercomputer named Cheyenne at the National Center for Atmospheric Research is seen at the supercomputing center in Cheyenne, Wyo. Scientists nationwide are concerned that President Trump, who has called climate change a hoax, might not take climate change research seriously. —About 200 programmers who gathered last Saturday at the University of California, Berkeley, managed to collect and archive the majority of NASA and Department of Energy earth science data, after an all-day “hackathon” that sought to locate, download, and make freely available a large and disperse body of findings. “All these systems were written piecemeal over the course of 30 years.
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